production of RD was always going to apply the blow torch to the wannabes, due to its grade, size and strip ratio superiority, so the question that is more appropriate is .......
Why would Australia Govt allow that superior beast get in the hands of China so they can control the price for decades to come, put the other australian companies in C & M for decades to come and not reap the tax bonanzas ?
Has the Australian govt not noticed how China is fucking over Australian coys now ?
If my memory serves me well, Australian lithium coys are getting financial assistance FFS !
With Manono in Australian / west hands, that scenario doesnt eventuate, supply is in control of the west as cheap lepodolite in China dissipates
There is a reason China cant dictate price of iron ore, thats because Australia / West dominates supply.
Regards to the lithium chemical processing pie chart equation, that situation needs to reverse rapidly !