AVZ Discussion 2022


Have a Cigar 1975
Exactly 👍
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Pay the fees. Both sides if necessary.
Don't need any reasons or excuses for delays.
We are now finally on a roll.
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Pay the fees. Both sides if necessary.
Don't need any reasons or excuses for delays.
We are now finally on a roll.
Unfortunately it seems to be a spring roll🤣
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Like most posters, I welcome the potential for a deal being done and this has the potential for AVZ to get off the canvas. AVZ has continued to find that rarely will any non Chinese entity invest in the DRC. This deal ( in whatever guise it is finalised ) will cement Chinese control of Manono and also strongly influence the world Lithium market. I suspect that when the project is operational, and with the probable large output, this will keep the price of Lithium under constant pressure. The Chinese Company's needs for Lithium material will be met by the availability of this major resource, and this will help to restrict the buying price of Lithium. You only need to see what has happened in Indonesia with Chinese control of Nickel. Was Zijin's action of being the Bad Cop used to allow Cath to be the Good Cop to ensure control of Manono?

It is now a bit clearer why the Locke deal took so long. The Cath deal was also running in parallel for some of the time.

I suspect that Cath has nearly all the ducks lined up with all groups involved, and we are only waiting on the finer details to be signed off by each party before the Chinese Govt. gives the seal of approval. This must have been a massive effort, as the groups involved include DRC Govt, Cominiere, Dathomir, Zijin, AVZ, Cath and the Chinese Govt. Cath's size, reputation, and ability to conclude deals were some of the ingredients that AVZ lacked.

I have a few concerns, and we can only hope that our Board can get some success in protecting the Company and Shareholders. AVZ does not have a lot of clout or big brother support. Shareholders must recognise that Cath will not be a benevolent supporter of shareholders.

The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action. Don't forget we were told that the deal with Locke was finalised but we had no confirmation of any signing. Cath proposes to provide funds at the end of January. Is this too late? Is termination of legal action part of the Cath deal? What happens if the deal falls over? I doubt that AVZ will get any substantial funds from the judgements made to date, but AVZ may be able to use these legal awards as bargaining chips.

The price Cath pays for their 30.5% of the total project is just under $300 million. How were these figures worked out? Is it as a result of other deals? With AVZ being left with 29.5% ( based on the initial 60% holding ) this should highlight to shareholders that AVZ's value is nowhere near some of the dreams postulated by a few.

Yes, if the Dathomir deal is sorted, AVZ can go to 44.5% of the project. I believe Cath is the only group that can get this finalised. AVZ requires this to be fixed to cancel the DRC Court's rulings of penalties against AVZ, and to eliminate the action against Graeme Johnston. Funds held in escrow how will this be fixed? Will Dathomir be paid any extra?

Regarding Cominiere, is it possible to cancel previous deals regarding AVZ's ROFR. If AVZ can gain a minimum of 6% of Cominiere's original 25%, and agreement is made that payment is offset by the approx $60 million legal costs awarded against Cominiere, this could lift AVZ's share to 51%. Zijin to retain the other 9% (?) and Cominiere pass on the 10% to DRC Govt.
Shareholding then Cath 30.5%, AVZ 50.5%, Zijin 9 % and DRC Govt 10%. Cath may dangle the Lithium Hydroxide or other material upgrading to smooth the path with DRC Govt.
I believe that this is highly improbable. Zijin will counter any proposals with details of what they have spent on payments to Cominiere and others, plus drilling costs etc on Manono and Hydro Power upgrade costs.

A further concern is what amount of PR13359 will AVZ/Cath gain. I doubt it will be the total amount, but hope that AVZ's original boundaries which include the camp and water access are gained as a minimum. If Zijin/Cominiere retain any amount of 13359 they could build an extremely large plant and the output could provide similar results to what has occurred in the Nickel market.

The other issue is ownership/access/operational items for any Manono Lithium output.

Who owns/controls/builds/operates/markets output. Will any of these be used as bargaining chips?
1. Hydro Power, 2.Water, 3. Transport 4. Tin etc

Like the majority of shareholders, I have NFI about what is happening with these negotiations. The above only covers part of the possible options, but it is an attempt to alert shareholders of the complexity as I see it that the Board is facing.

I have made these comments as I felt they needed to be aired, as it may come to pass that as shareholders we have to vote on an agreement.

These comments are not financial advice but a general opinion of the current situation as I see it.
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Like most posters, I welcome the potential for a deal being done and this has the potential for AVZ to get off the canvas. AVZ has continued to find that rarely will any non Chinese entity invest in the DRC. This deal ( in whatever guise it is finalised ) will cement Chinese control of Manono and also strongly influence the world Lithium market. I suspect that when the project is operational, and with the probable large output, this will keep the price of Lithium under constant pressure. The Chinese Company's needs for Lithium material will be met by the availability of this major resource, and this will help to restrict the buying price of Lithium. You only need to see what has happened in Indonesia with Chinese control of Nickel. Was Zijin's action of being the Bad Cop used to allow Cath to be the Good Cop to ensure control of Manono?

It is now a bit clearer why the Locke deal took so long. The Cath deal was also running in parallel for some of the time.

I suspect that Cath has nearly all the ducks lined up with all groups involved, and we are only waiting on the finer details to be signed off by each party before the Chinese Govt. gives the seal of approval. This must have been a massive effort, as the groups involved include DRC Govt, Cominiere, Dathomir, Zijin, AVZ, Cath and the Chinese Govt. Cath's size, reputation, and ability to conclude deals were some of the ingredients that AVZ lacked.

I have a few concerns, and we can only hope that our Board can get some success in protecting the Company and Shareholders. AVZ does not have a lot of clout or big brother support. Shareholders must recognise that Cath will not be a benevolent supporter of shareholders.

The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action. Don't forget we were told that the deal with Locke was finalised but we had no confirmation of any signing. Cath proposes to provide funds at the end of January. Is this too late? Is termination of legal action part of the Cath deal? What happens if the deal falls over? I doubt that AVZ will get any substantial funds from the judgements made to date, but AVZ may be able to use these legal awards as bargaining chips.

The price Cath pays for their 30.5% of the total project is just under $300 million. How were these figures worked out? Is it as a result of other deals? With AVZ being left with 29.5% ( based on the initial 60% holding ) this should highlight to shareholders that AVZ's value is nowhere near some of the dreams postulated by a few.

Yes, if the Dathomir deal is sorted, AVZ can go to 44.5% of the project. I believe Cath is the only group that can get this finalised. AVZ requires this to be fixed to cancel the DRC Court's rulings of penalties against AVZ, and to eliminate the action against Graeme Johnston. Funds held in escrow how will this be fixed? Will Dathomir be paid any extra?

Regarding Cominiere, is it possible to cancel previous deals regarding AVZ's ROFR. If AVZ can gain a minimum of 6% of Cominiere's original 25%, and agreement is made that payment is offset by the approx $60 million legal costs awarded against Cominiere, this could lift AVZ's share to 51%. Zijin to retain the other 9% (?) and Cominiere pass on the 10% to DRC Govt.
Shareholding then Cath 30.5%, AVZ 50.5%, Zijin 9 % and DRC Govt 10%. Cath may dangle the Lithium Hydroxide or other material upgrading to smooth the path with DRC Govt.
I believe that this is highly improbable. Zijin will counter any proposals with details of what they have spent on payments to Cominiere and others, plus drilling costs etc on Manono and Hydro Power upgrade costs.

A further concern is what amount of PR13359 will AVZ/Cath gain. I doubt it will be the total amount, but hope that AVZ's original boundaries which include the camp and water access are gained as a minimum. If Zijin/Cominiere retain any amount of 13359 they could build an extremely large plant and the output could provide similar results to what has occurred in the Nickel market.

The other issue is ownership/access/operational items for any Manono Lithium output.

Who owns/controls/builds/operates/markets output. Will any of these be used as bargaining chips?
1. Hydro Power, 2.Water, 3. Transport 4. Tin etc

Like the majority of shareholders, I have NFI about what is happening with these negotiations. The above only covers part of the possible options, but it is an attempt to alert shareholders of the complexity as I see it that the Board is facing.

I have made these comments as I felt they needed to be aired, as it may come to pass that as shareholders we have to vote on an agreement.

These comments are not financial advice but a general opinion of the current situation as I see it.
Thank you for your post but feel you have AVZ coming with cap in hand begging for anything we can get, I think AVZ are in a far more powerful position than you paint the situation.

Now you may be correct in your appraisal but since this latest announcement our prospects have been given a huge boost, why are Cath dealing with AVZ considering most of our nemesis say we don’t own anything and booted out of the country, why isn’t Cath dealing with Zijin, DRC and Cominiere for a piece of the pie ?

I hope we continue with court action to make our position clear to everyone involved. To me DRC, Zijin, cong and Cominiere are straight up corrupt crooks and should shut the fuck up and be entitled to nothing for what they have done to shareholders and their own peopl.
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Fortunately, we don't need a solution where everyone saves face.

Zijin / Cominiere / Celestin can fight amongst themselves as to who gets thrown under the bus.
Will be busy at the bloody bus stop.

All imo
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Shane getting very upset, can only mean good news right?
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Shane getting very upset, can only mean good news right?
Which shane?
There are so many of the fuckers.
Is shane having an argument with the other shane, or simply behaving like a shane.

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The 2023 annual report says:

AVZ International Pty Ltd (AVZI) which is the wholly owned subsidiary of AVZ that holds 75% of the shares in Dathcom pursuant to the Dathcom joint venture agreement dated 27 January 2017, as amended from time to time (Dathcom JVA)

The December 2023 Quartely says:

AVZ International Pty Ltd (AVZI) and Green Lithium Holdings Pte Ltd (GLH) which are wholly owned subsidiaries of AVZ that held or currently hold 75% of the shares in Dathcom pursuant to the Dathcom joint venture agreement dated 27 January 2017, as amended from time to time (Dathcom JVA)
@Carlos Danger

WRT when GLH came into the picture, I see that it first gets a mention in ICSID proceedings around November 2023. IMO, this might give a bit of a clue as to when the behind-the-scenes negotiations may have commenced with CATH, i.e. after the failed Board shit fight, and with Locke funding DD etc having commenced

So perhaps the transfer to GLH was an early step to avoid needing CNT's approval of the direct transfer to CATH, and was part of an early framework

I'm fairly certain this JV agreement etc has been percolating for quite some time, and isn't simply a reaction to the confirmation of Locke funding
Yeah that timeframe lines up with the 2023 annual report and December 2023 quarterly definitions

Although I don’t really care when or why it happened

Was more interested in the procedural process and any legal implications it may have caused

I was concerned by Cominiere saying at the ICC regarding Dathcom that ‘GLH is not a shareholder of the company and that the transfer of AVZ shares to the latter was not ratified by the company’

But Article 9.1A of the Datchom JVA is clear that transfers to affiliate / associate companies can be done freely as long as the stipulations are met

However technically an affiliate / associate company does differ from a subsidiary in ownership rules

Perhaps there is a different clause they are using. Either way I’m sure it’s all good. Both the ICC and the ICSID recognise GLH so Cominiere are probably just talking shit like usual.
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Question for SME'S...I'm sure NF and Board want to return maximum value to SH once this shit show has concluded. What is the most likely pathway / structure for that? I'd rather not relist if it means the same cunts that shorted us way back at the start get another opportunity to do so again.
Something to keep in mind: If the asset were to be sold, 30% of the proceeds go to the corrupt government of the DRC*. Should this thing finally reach a resolution i’d prefer we relist (here/Singapore) and give people the option as to how and when they exit.

*If we did offload the asset i‘d be furious if we just wrote a cheque to the DRC government for the 30%. Make them chase us through the courts for years.
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The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action.

The purpose of the announcement was to announce the deal not comment on the legal issues and they most likely wouldn't draw down on the loan before the announcement is made.

Sometimes it's best not to overthink things, especially in our case where there is a massive misinformation from the other side.
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Which shane?
There are so many of the fuckers.
Is shane having an argument with the other shane, or simply behaving like a shane.


I just had a brief scroll through his Twitter and all I could think was this:


Also fucking laughable is the fact he has 22.3k posts (calm the fuck down Elon Musk but from Wish). He has over 800 followers yet only manages 1-5 likes on his posts and even fewer comments, most of them recently are me either telling him to shut the fuck up or pointing out that he refers to himself in the third person a lot.

I have a friend with one of those chubby grey cats, put that fucker in a Pikachu costume and it would get better numbers than that in a day.
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View attachment 75894

I just had a brief scroll through his Twitter and all I could think was this:

View attachment 75895

Also fucking laughable is the fact he has 22.3k posts (calm the fuck down Elon Musk but from Wish). He has over 800 followers yet only manages 1-5 likes on his posts and even fewer comments, most of them recently are me either telling him to shut the fuck up or pointing out that he refers to himself in the third person a lot.

I have a friend with one of those chubby grey cats, put that fucker in a Pikachu costume and it would get better numbers than that in a day.
That’s incomprehensible dribble (Der Geist). I expect he’s autistic - he probably does algebra for fun and in the long winter evenings belts out tunes on the Hammond organ (with his mum on vocals), but he sure as shit can’t write a coherent statement.
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That’s incomprehensible dribble (Der Geist). I expect he’s autistic - he probably does algebra for fun and in the long winter evenings belts out tunes on the Hammond organ (with his mum on vocals), but he sure as shit can’t write a coherent statement.
I do algebra for fun, I love Bob Dylan.
I believe all Shanes should be given free medical help to sort all Shanes' brains out to rid Australia from absolute tossers.

What a fucking wanker.
He is convinced he is God's gift to the world and that is so fucking unbelievable sad.
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Like most posters, I welcome the potential for a deal being done and this has the potential for AVZ to get off the canvas. AVZ has continued to find that rarely will any non Chinese entity invest in the DRC. This deal ( in whatever guise it is finalised ) will cement Chinese control of Manono and also strongly influence the world Lithium market. I suspect that when the project is operational, and with the probable large output, this will keep the price of Lithium under constant pressure. The Chinese Company's needs for Lithium material will be met by the availability of this major resource, and this will help to restrict the buying price of Lithium. You only need to see what has happened in Indonesia with Chinese control of Nickel. Was Zijin's action of being the Bad Cop used to allow Cath to be the Good Cop to ensure control of Manono?

It is now a bit clearer why the Locke deal took so long. The Cath deal was also running in parallel for some of the time.

I suspect that Cath has nearly all the ducks lined up with all groups involved, and we are only waiting on the finer details to be signed off by each party before the Chinese Govt. gives the seal of approval. This must have been a massive effort, as the groups involved include DRC Govt, Cominiere, Dathomir, Zijin, AVZ, Cath and the Chinese Govt. Cath's size, reputation, and ability to conclude deals were some of the ingredients that AVZ lacked.

I have a few concerns, and we can only hope that our Board can get some success in protecting the Company and Shareholders. AVZ does not have a lot of clout or big brother support. Shareholders must recognise that Cath will not be a benevolent supporter of shareholders.

The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action. Don't forget we were told that the deal with Locke was finalised but we had no confirmation of any signing. Cath proposes to provide funds at the end of January. Is this too late? Is termination of legal action part of the Cath deal? What happens if the deal falls over? I doubt that AVZ will get any substantial funds from the judgements made to date, but AVZ may be able to use these legal awards as bargaining chips.

The price Cath pays for their 30.5% of the total project is just under $300 million. How were these figures worked out? Is it as a result of other deals? With AVZ being left with 29.5% ( based on the initial 60% holding ) this should highlight to shareholders that AVZ's value is nowhere near some of the dreams postulated by a few.

Yes, if the Dathomir deal is sorted, AVZ can go to 44.5% of the project. I believe Cath is the only group that can get this finalised. AVZ requires this to be fixed to cancel the DRC Court's rulings of penalties against AVZ, and to eliminate the action against Graeme Johnston. Funds held in escrow how will this be fixed? Will Dathomir be paid any extra?

Regarding Cominiere, is it possible to cancel previous deals regarding AVZ's ROFR. If AVZ can gain a minimum of 6% of Cominiere's original 25%, and agreement is made that payment is offset by the approx $60 million legal costs awarded against Cominiere, this could lift AVZ's share to 51%. Zijin to retain the other 9% (?) and Cominiere pass on the 10% to DRC Govt.
Shareholding then Cath 30.5%, AVZ 50.5%, Zijin 9 % and DRC Govt 10%. Cath may dangle the Lithium Hydroxide or other material upgrading to smooth the path with DRC Govt.
I believe that this is highly improbable. Zijin will counter any proposals with details of what they have spent on payments to Cominiere and others, plus drilling costs etc on Manono and Hydro Power upgrade costs.

A further concern is what amount of PR13359 will AVZ/Cath gain. I doubt it will be the total amount, but hope that AVZ's original boundaries which include the camp and water access are gained as a minimum. If Zijin/Cominiere retain any amount of 13359 they could build an extremely large plant and the output could provide similar results to what has occurred in the Nickel market.

The other issue is ownership/access/operational items for any Manono Lithium output.

Who owns/controls/builds/operates/markets output. Will any of these be used as bargaining chips?
1. Hydro Power, 2.Water, 3. Transport 4. Tin etc

Like the majority of shareholders, I have NFI about what is happening with these negotiations. The above only covers part of the possible options, but it is an attempt to alert shareholders of the complexity as I see it that the Board is facing.

I have made these comments as I felt they needed to be aired, as it may come to pass that as shareholders we have to vote on an agreement.

These comments are not financial advice but a general opinion of the current situation as I see it.
Hi Grassseeds,

We met and had coffee prior to one of the AVZ's happenings, can't remember exactly which one, was at Fraser's suites. we exchanged thoughts.

Been to too many.
I appreciates people's thoughts and respect them as being their thoughts.
I find it important to figure out the general feeling of all share holders.

Your post.

I appreciate you putting your thoughts on paper.

However I respectfully disagree with your post.

I believe John Clarke's explanation at this point in time, regarding the future of the company, makes much more sense.
I know you were there, so you did hear John's explanation.

Taking in consideration, that we don't know all what is happening in the background, John's seems to be a healthier approach.

My believe, even during an AGM, a BOD is not always able to show all their cards.
It is just how life is.
Do we really know who is in the room and what their motives are?
I still have to laugh about the bundle of HC no-hopers, who were going to attend the AGM, because they thought they could.

So what is being said from the podium to the audience is just what it is.
If I don't trust the BOD, I will vote them out asap at every possible turn.

Sorry John, I will not discuss in public why I do not agree with your published point of view.
Too many wankers lurking.
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I do algebra for fun, I love Bob Dylan.
I believe all Shanes should be given free medical help to sort all Shanes' brains out to rid Australia from absolute tossers.

What a fucking wanker.
He is convinced he is God's gift to the world and that is so fucking unbelievable sad.
Clearly never had a root to save his life
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That’s incomprehensible dribble (Der Geist). I expect he’s autistic - he probably does algebra for fun and in the long winter evenings belts out tunes on the Hammond organ (with his mum on vocals), but he sure as shit can’t write a coherent statement.

I actually did a much bigger screenshot of the dribble but it was so big nobody would bother reading it.

He's completely mental. If anyone is bored and wants to have a good laugh at a delusional madman I'd highly recommend reading through his Twitter posts.
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Like most posters, I welcome the potential for a deal being done and this has the potential for AVZ to get off the canvas. AVZ has continued to find that rarely will any non Chinese entity invest in the DRC. This deal ( in whatever guise it is finalised ) will cement Chinese control of Manono and also strongly influence the world Lithium market. I suspect that when the project is operational, and with the probable large output, this will keep the price of Lithium under constant pressure. The Chinese Company's needs for Lithium material will be met by the availability of this major resource, and this will help to restrict the buying price of Lithium. You only need to see what has happened in Indonesia with Chinese control of Nickel. Was Zijin's action of being the Bad Cop used to allow Cath to be the Good Cop to ensure control of Manono?

It is now a bit clearer why the Locke deal took so long. The Cath deal was also running in parallel for some of the time.

I suspect that Cath has nearly all the ducks lined up with all groups involved, and we are only waiting on the finer details to be signed off by each party before the Chinese Govt. gives the seal of approval. This must have been a massive effort, as the groups involved include DRC Govt, Cominiere, Dathomir, Zijin, AVZ, Cath and the Chinese Govt. Cath's size, reputation, and ability to conclude deals were some of the ingredients that AVZ lacked.

I have a few concerns, and we can only hope that our Board can get some success in protecting the Company and Shareholders. AVZ does not have a lot of clout or big brother support. Shareholders must recognise that Cath will not be a benevolent supporter of shareholders.

The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action. Don't forget we were told that the deal with Locke was finalised but we had no confirmation of any signing. Cath proposes to provide funds at the end of January. Is this too late? Is termination of legal action part of the Cath deal? What happens if the deal falls over? I doubt that AVZ will get any substantial funds from the judgements made to date, but AVZ may be able to use these legal awards as bargaining chips.

The price Cath pays for their 30.5% of the total project is just under $300 million. How were these figures worked out? Is it as a result of other deals? With AVZ being left with 29.5% ( based on the initial 60% holding ) this should highlight to shareholders that AVZ's value is nowhere near some of the dreams postulated by a few.

Yes, if the Dathomir deal is sorted, AVZ can go to 44.5% of the project. I believe Cath is the only group that can get this finalised. AVZ requires this to be fixed to cancel the DRC Court's rulings of penalties against AVZ, and to eliminate the action against Graeme Johnston. Funds held in escrow how will this be fixed? Will Dathomir be paid any extra?

Regarding Cominiere, is it possible to cancel previous deals regarding AVZ's ROFR. If AVZ can gain a minimum of 6% of Cominiere's original 25%, and agreement is made that payment is offset by the approx $60 million legal costs awarded against Cominiere, this could lift AVZ's share to 51%. Zijin to retain the other 9% (?) and Cominiere pass on the 10% to DRC Govt.
Shareholding then Cath 30.5%, AVZ 50.5%, Zijin 9 % and DRC Govt 10%. Cath may dangle the Lithium Hydroxide or other material upgrading to smooth the path with DRC Govt.
I believe that this is highly improbable. Zijin will counter any proposals with details of what they have spent on payments to Cominiere and others, plus drilling costs etc on Manono and Hydro Power upgrade costs.

A further concern is what amount of PR13359 will AVZ/Cath gain. I doubt it will be the total amount, but hope that AVZ's original boundaries which include the camp and water access are gained as a minimum. If Zijin/Cominiere retain any amount of 13359 they could build an extremely large plant and the output could provide similar results to what has occurred in the Nickel market.

The other issue is ownership/access/operational items for any Manono Lithium output.

Who owns/controls/builds/operates/markets output. Will any of these be used as bargaining chips?
1. Hydro Power, 2.Water, 3. Transport 4. Tin etc

Like the majority of shareholders, I have NFI about what is happening with these negotiations. The above only covers part of the possible options, but it is an attempt to alert shareholders of the complexity as I see it that the Board is facing.

I have made these comments as I felt they needed to be aired, as it may come to pass that as shareholders we have to vote on an agreement.

These comments are not financial advice but a general opinion of the current situation as I see it.
Nice post has MERIT..!
Something to keep in mind: If the asset were to be sold, 30% of the proceeds go to the corrupt government of the DRC*. Should this thing finally reach a resolution i’d prefer we relist (here/Singapore) and give people the option as to how and when they exit.

*If we did offload the asset i‘d be furious if we just wrote a cheque to the DRC government for the 30%. Make them chase us through the courts for years.
Only deadbeats don’t pay their taxes imo 👻
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Like most posters, I welcome the potential for a deal being done and this has the potential for AVZ to get off the canvas. AVZ has continued to find that rarely will any non Chinese entity invest in the DRC. This deal ( in whatever guise it is finalised ) will cement Chinese control of Manono and also strongly influence the world Lithium market. I suspect that when the project is operational, and with the probable large output, this will keep the price of Lithium under constant pressure. The Chinese Company's needs for Lithium material will be met by the availability of this major resource, and this will help to restrict the buying price of Lithium. You only need to see what has happened in Indonesia with Chinese control of Nickel. Was Zijin's action of being the Bad Cop used to allow Cath to be the Good Cop to ensure control of Manono?

It is now a bit clearer why the Locke deal took so long. The Cath deal was also running in parallel for some of the time.

I suspect that Cath has nearly all the ducks lined up with all groups involved, and we are only waiting on the finer details to be signed off by each party before the Chinese Govt. gives the seal of approval. This must have been a massive effort, as the groups involved include DRC Govt, Cominiere, Dathomir, Zijin, AVZ, Cath and the Chinese Govt. Cath's size, reputation, and ability to conclude deals were some of the ingredients that AVZ lacked.

I have a few concerns, and we can only hope that our Board can get some success in protecting the Company and Shareholders. AVZ does not have a lot of clout or big brother support. Shareholders must recognise that Cath will not be a benevolent supporter of shareholders.

The Cath deal announcement by AVZ makes no comment about the legal issues. Interestingly, neither party has paid the fees to progress the cases. AVZ indicated that they would pay, but we have no confirmation of this action. Don't forget we were told that the deal with Locke was finalised but we had no confirmation of any signing. Cath proposes to provide funds at the end of January. Is this too late? Is termination of legal action part of the Cath deal? What happens if the deal falls over? I doubt that AVZ will get any substantial funds from the judgements made to date, but AVZ may be able to use these legal awards as bargaining chips.

The price Cath pays for their 30.5% of the total project is just under $300 million. How were these figures worked out? Is it as a result of other deals? With AVZ being left with 29.5% ( based on the initial 60% holding ) this should highlight to shareholders that AVZ's value is nowhere near some of the dreams postulated by a few.

Yes, if the Dathomir deal is sorted, AVZ can go to 44.5% of the project. I believe Cath is the only group that can get this finalised. AVZ requires this to be fixed to cancel the DRC Court's rulings of penalties against AVZ, and to eliminate the action against Graeme Johnston. Funds held in escrow how will this be fixed? Will Dathomir be paid any extra?

Regarding Cominiere, is it possible to cancel previous deals regarding AVZ's ROFR. If AVZ can gain a minimum of 6% of Cominiere's original 25%, and agreement is made that payment is offset by the approx $60 million legal costs awarded against Cominiere, this could lift AVZ's share to 51%. Zijin to retain the other 9% (?) and Cominiere pass on the 10% to DRC Govt.
Shareholding then Cath 30.5%, AVZ 50.5%, Zijin 9 % and DRC Govt 10%. Cath may dangle the Lithium Hydroxide or other material upgrading to smooth the path with DRC Govt.
I believe that this is highly improbable. Zijin will counter any proposals with details of what they have spent on payments to Cominiere and others, plus drilling costs etc on Manono and Hydro Power upgrade costs.

A further concern is what amount of PR13359 will AVZ/Cath gain. I doubt it will be the total amount, but hope that AVZ's original boundaries which include the camp and water access are gained as a minimum. If Zijin/Cominiere retain any amount of 13359 they could build an extremely large plant and the output could provide similar results to what has occurred in the Nickel market.

The other issue is ownership/access/operational items for any Manono Lithium output.

Who owns/controls/builds/operates/markets output. Will any of these be used as bargaining chips?
1. Hydro Power, 2.Water, 3. Transport 4. Tin etc

Like the majority of shareholders, I have NFI about what is happening with these negotiations. The above only covers part of the possible options, but it is an attempt to alert shareholders of the complexity as I see it that the Board is facing.

I have made these comments as I felt they needed to be aired, as it may come to pass that as shareholders we have to vote on an agreement.

These comments are not financial advice but a general opinion of the current situation as I see it.
Brah I don’t even know where to start

TIA is based on 75% not 60%

We have FROR over the whole 15% if Cominiere decide to sell

AVZ will maintain full legal control of the project by being the majority holder of GLH

We only drop to 44.5% on an indirect basis for profit

Tin is part of Dathcom’s application so will not be treated differently

Power plant will be shared imo

I do agree with you that this deal further cements Chinese control of Manono in reality on the ground
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