Carlos Danger
Top 20
Incredible by the bod. A truly remarkable effort to have pulled this off. Pretty clear what happens next imo
The question of the FROR will be answered in the case we brought against Cominiere at the ICC for their repeated flagrant violations of the Dathcom joint venture agreement specifically ICC No. 27720/SPOn your prediction of DRC retain 25% on an indirect basis , still leaves uncertainty surrounding the 15% ROFR being illegally sold to Zijin.
So still possible the need for Abitration ruling on the ROFR to quash the illegal sale or DRC / have made a deal with AVZ on Carrier?
However even if we win Cominiere have zero obligation to sell
Felix has wanted processing done in country and a bigger cut of profits all along and I reckon he has got his way on that
I've made my thoughts on the legal status of CDL very clear in the past
Dathcom will be remunerated with cash plus a free carried 10% of Manono Lithium with zoning reverting to the waiver split line and we all play nice on the power plant imo
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