Just to add to the confusion...
The 2023 annual report says:
AVZ International Pty Ltd (AVZI) which is the wholly owned subsidiary of AVZ that holds 75% of the shares in Dathcom pursuant to the Dathcom joint venture agreement dated 27 January 2017, as amended from time to time (Dathcom JVA)
The December 2023 Quartely says:
AVZ International Pty Ltd (AVZI) and Green Lithium Holdings Pte Ltd (GLH) which are wholly owned subsidiaries of AVZ that held or currently hold 75% of the shares in Dathcom pursuant to the Dathcom joint venture agreement dated 27 January 2017, as amended from time to time (Dathcom JVA)
Each could be interpreted as saying structure is AVZ - GLH - AVZI - Dathcom or AVZ - AVZI - GLH - Dathcom haha
The other issue I have with AVZ - AVZI - GLH - Dathcom is there would be no need for AVZI to be involved in the arbitrations as the shares would have been transferred to GLH but AVZI are still listed as a party in every case
Therefore AVZ - GLH - AVZI - Dathcom makes the most logical sense imo