- Letting zijin TAKE the north for the sake of convenience and not wanting to hurt peoples feelings = caving.
- Zijin being forced to PAY for the north = vert different outcome.
"You make out like they will take the lot or nothing at all, that's absurd"
in what way did I imply that? My assertion is that CATH
WANTS it all, as do we, and has the incentive to
FIGHT for it, as we have.
Difference being we were fighting with a sharpened spoon against Zijins AK-47. CATH will drive in with a tank.
IF we decide to give up something in negotiations - in the interest of expediting production -, you can rest assured it will be a hell of a lot less now than it would have been a week ago.
The point being our incentive and ability to fight for the North has INCREASED. Not decreased as everyone seems to be implying.
So has our position in any negotiation. But it will still be a FIGHT. Just now it's a very different match up.
And as for the paaaw widdle cowupt DRC officials that might get sued by Zijin....
Fuk em. Not our problem. And also not guaranteed to ever happen. If "legal" action is what concerns them, what do you think is a bigger problem? All of AVZ's current, advanced international arbitration disputes? Or *potential* action from their other corrupt partner for a minor share in a part of a tenement that they priced at an absurdly low value.
- Both zijin and MoM etc are corrupt, and will likely be happy if they can slink away unscathed to try their shenanigans somewhere else.
I'm ok with everyone getting a piece of the pie.
My origional solution was to let Zijin have 'the North'
but just redefine 'the north' to be the size of a postage stamp.
That's their piece.