A slight positive you could take from that is that we have an opportunity to get our money back? With all of this shit fuckery I suspect a lot of people who planned on this being a long-term/retirement fund hold will be out the door when an opportunity arises.*
*I will be one of them, I've gone from looking at this as a 10 year hold, debt free early retirement to a 'can I one day pay off 25% of my mortgage?'
Anywho, hey guys hope you are all doing well!
I see this announcement as a huge positive. Am I also reading it correctly that it looks like CATH are basically going to fund the first stage of development? Been out of the loop for a bit and don't know what to think anymore.
P.S I'm going to be in Freemantle on the 21st of Feb and my plan is to have a beer in every pub in Freo while my mates go to Rottnest for the day if anyone wants to catch up for a beer