AVZ Discussion 2022

obe wan

My concerns is all about AVZ and a M L
But the longer it goes the bigger the mess..imo
I haven't time to Unit with Trolls as I invested in AVZ…!
The last 2 Xmas have been disappointing and my guess this one will be the same…!
Fat tails and the DRC still have no intention to stop these court cases…imo

Fail tail and DRc still have no intention of stopping these court cases’

…. So what .. if we need to run to the end with these vermin , so be it ; is there some reason as to why you think we should actually trust them and let them on board 🙄

The former AVZ’s Director fired by shareholders is in a suspect bid to control its management. Closed to Klaus Eckoff and Simon Cong Maohuai, is he a leader, a Chinese’s puppet or Trojan horse to destroy AVZ Minerals Limited from the heart?

Armani Gold


“The Directors presently in office are Klaus Eckhof, King Sun Tsang, Maohuai Cong, John Campbell Smyth and Peter Huljich.”

PH , Cong and Klaus all well connected , all served on the board at the same time and Cong got a sweet deal through a peanut sale of their main asset to a company whose main holder was indeed ….. drum roll …. MR SIMON CONG!!! 👏👏👏

Imo , I reckon you have rocks in your head if you -

(A) believe Fat tail have any intent in sorting things out for the good of AVZ shareholders and it’s not for their own personal benefit only

(B) think AVZ shareholders are gullible enough to believe the garbage you speak.

There’s enough black and white information publically available on line which has been the source of many people drawing common conclusion ,which steam rolls your bullshite



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I'm not a paid subscriber as I love to see the adds I have been searching on the net , wait the wife just arrived , jokes tomorrow I owe 2
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Fail tail and DRc still have no intention of stopping these court cases’

…. So what .. if we need to run to the end with these vermin , so be it ; is there some reason as to why you think we should actually trust them and let them on board 🙄

The former AVZ’s Director fired by shareholders is in a suspect bid to control its management. Closed to Klaus Eckoff and Simon Cong Maohuai, is he a leader, a Chinese’s puppet or Trojan horse to destroy AVZ Minerals Limited from the heart?

Armani Gold


“The Directors presently in office are Klaus Eckhof, King Sun Tsang, Maohuai Cong, John Campbell Smyth and Peter Huljich.”

PH , Cong and Klaus all well connected , all served on the board at the same time and Cong got a sweet deal through a peanut sale of their main asset to a company whose main holder was indeed ….. drum roll …. MR SIMON CONG!!! 👏👏👏

Imo , I reckon you have rocks in your head if you -

(A) believe Fat tail have any intent in sorting things out for the good of AVZ shareholders and it’s not for their own personal benefit only

(B) think AVZ shareholders are gullible enough to believe the garbage you speak.

There’s enough black and white information publically available on line which has been the source of many people drawing common conclusion ,which steam rolls your bullshite


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View attachment 74475
Is this the same SIMON CONG..????????
Just getting a bit confused ATM...thanks
Your post shed some light on some certain resigned AVZ BOD...cheers

In May 2021, Cong wrote to AVZ purporting to cancel the sale of Dathomir’s 15 per cent stake in Dathcom, citing the need for a valuation. AVZ says a valuation was not a pre-condition of the 2019 and 2020 share sale agreements and proceeded to make the final US$20m payment to Dathomir in August 2021, ahead of the deadline.

Dathcom, managed by AVZ’s technical director Graeme Johnston, subsequently lodged the signed transfer documents with the registrar of the RCCM – the official public share register in the DRC. A new share certificate showing AVZ’s 75 per cent holding was produced … and that’s when things started to get a little crazy.

In an almost comical move, Cong dumped the US$20m back into AVZ’s bank account. AVZ then sent it back again, but this time the money was lodged in a lawyer’s escrow account (pursuant to a court order obtained by AVZ) and Cong was told to go get it – which he didn’t.

Cong then attempted to claim the new share certificate issued by the RCCM was a forgery and perhaps inexplicably, managed to convince a criminal court in the DRC of his claim. Perhaps even more inexplicably, the court found in favour of Cong and Dathomir and sentenced Johnston and the clerk responsible for creating new share certificates to three years’ jail and one year in jail, respectively – although happily, the clerk had his jail term suspended.


Question for genuine shareholders, as we are marching forward towards ICC ICSID cases being heard. With our position seeming solid, when the results go our way should the DRC simply choose to not comply, what are our options? fucktard trolls need not reply as your on ignore.
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Question for genuine shareholders, as we are marching forward towards ICC ICSID cases being heard. With our position seeming solid, when the results go our way should the DRC simply choose to not comply, what are our options? fucktard trolls need not reply as your on ignore.
Win in the courts, wait years for some kind of material resolution. Everyone loses.
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Win in the courts, wait years for some kind of material resolution. Everyone loses.
has that feel, hopefully not,,,,cmon nige(y)
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LOOKS like DRC are finally moving forward../

Former Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito shared, this Wednesday, December 18, with the editorial staff of 7sur7.cd his reading on certain current topics in the DRC, in particular the agreement on the Lobito corridor, a project aimed at facilitating the export of minerals produced in the mining regions of the DRC and Zambia to the Atlantic by exiting through this Angolan port. He also spoke about the progress of the M23-RDF coalition in Lubero.

Regarding the Lobito corridor, Adolphe Muzito believes that the signing of this agreement is already a good thing


Like I'm the only poster mouthing off:-

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 9.08.38 am.png

Obviously selectively moderated and warned for "promoting discord" in the forum about paid membership. Well, that about does it for me..........

And failed to answer my genuine membership question.

Over and out.
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Like I'm the only poster mouthing off:-

View attachment 74489

Obviously selectively moderated and warned for "promoting discord" in the forum about paid membership. Well, that about does it for me..........

And failed to answer my genuine membership question.

Over and out.
PS: Paid Account cancelled.
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Like I'm the only poster mouthing off:-

View attachment 74489

Obviously selectively moderated and warned for "promoting discord" in the forum about paid membership. Well, that about does it for me..........

And failed to answer my genuine membership question.

Over and out.
I got the same, but I needed to say what I said :ROFLMAO:
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Like I'm the only poster mouthing off:-

View attachment 74489

Obviously selectively moderated and warned for "promoting discord" in the forum about paid membership. Well, that about does it for me..........

And failed to answer my genuine membership question.

Over and out.
You’re not alone.

Warning from Dreddb0t

Dreddb0t: I am the law. Your post has been moderated, and you've been warned. Read the rules again and be vigilant - any further transgressions will lead to an automatic ban. Remember, ignorance is not an excuse.

Reason: The language used in the post is offensive and provocative, which is considered trolling or baiting. Please maintain a respectful and civil tone when participating in forum discussions.
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PS: Paid Account cancelled.

I feel you pain Mr C.

I got one of those warnings a while back because I unwittingly referred to the Chinese thieves as rodents, and the DRC kleptocrats as baboons. At the time I was not aware that the latter was a common racial slur. I know better now, and respect the administrator's decision.

However, my view is that if we throw our toys out of the crib and walk away or stop posting the truth, the troll wins. He has achieved his mission...to disrupt our unified and consistent approach to keeping the news flowing, and supporting AVZ Minerals (and each other) by publicly calling out DRC kleptocracy and Chinese graft at every opportunity.

I am not alone in saying that you and all the other decent TSE contributors should continue posting and fighting, regardless of the troll's shitfuckery in the background. There will come a day soon where the administrators will see the troll for what it is, and send him packing.

In the meantime, just put the wanker on IGNORE and pretend he doesn't exist.

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Master of Quan
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The aim of the likes of toilet and hoots is to sow disharmony amongst shareholders and towards the company, unfortunately it seems they've succeeded at tse.
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Like I'm the only poster mouthing off:-

View attachment 74489

Obviously selectively moderated and warned for "promoting discord" in the forum about paid membership. Well, that about does it for me..........

And failed to answer my genuine membership question.

Over and out.
Wow, mine didn't get moderated and I suggested "whirlpool" haha
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Master of Quan
The aim of the likes of toilet and hoots is to sow disharmony amongst shareholders and towards the company, unfortunately it seems they've succeeded at tse.
Only because TSE has allowed it.
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Re: Response from senator Penny Wong, MP Minister for Foreign Affairs.

This is part of the Minister's response to my query about what, if anything the Australian Government is doing to assist AVZ Minerals, which is under siege from corrupt DRC officials and equally corrupt Chinese miners trying to steal its world-class lithium resource at Manono in the DRC:

Thank you for your email and for taking the time to write to me.

I try to respond to correspondence where I can, but I receive a large number of emails every day and depending on your enquiry it may not be possible to get back to you.

I prioritise constituents in my home state of South Australia or those who write on matters relating to my role as Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Please note that if your email is part of a campaign, it will be considered but not receive a response.

Unfortunately, the senator's response, particularly the bit that says: it may not be possible to get back to you does not fill me with confidence of getting an answer to my query. Nonetheless, by any measure, the plight of an Australian company in a foreign jurisdiction plus the fate of its 20,000 Australian investors falls within her remit as the Minister for Foreign Affairs...so I guess I'll wait.

Mr Bean Waiting GIF by MOODMAN

Did you hear back from Penny? Looks like she has better things to spend her time and our money on like 2024's money laundering scheme, sorry i mean Ukraine....

Also, why does she prioritise her constituents in SA when she is in a federal role - is that normal?

"those who write on matters relating to my role as Minister for Foreign Affairs"
AVZ falls directly into this category because of an Australian company & Australian shareholders.


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I feel you pain Mr C.

I got one of those warnings a while back because I unwittingly referred to the Chinese thieves as rodents, and the DRC kleptocrats as baboons. At the time I was not aware that the latter was a common racial slur. I know better now, and respect the administrator's decision.

However, my view is that if we throw our toys out of the crib and walk away, the troll wins. He has achieved his mission...to disrupt our unified and consistent approach to keeping the news flowing, and supporting AVZ Minerals (and each other) by publicly calling out DRC kleptocracy and Chinese graft at every opportunity.

I am not alone in saying that you and all the other decent TSE contributors should continue fighting, regardless of the troll's shitfuckery in the background. There will come a day soon where the administrators will see the troll for what it is, and send him packing.

In the meantime, just put the wanker on IGNORE and pretend he doesn't exist.

Morning Flight - I always enjoy reading your measured and calming posts.


Shane targeted me personally and now he is purporting to be tolate. The guy is a fuckwit, low-life scum of the earth who made a bad call shorting the stock and wants the rest of us to pay for it.

Not this time.

I don't have a problem with shorters - the market is there for them too. I do object to wankers like Shane that lie to breed fear into others.

The effect one user has on TSE is painfully obvious to all of us here and putting him on ignore doesn't completely solve the issue. Heck, if HC bans someone then surely that tells you the sort of person they are! In the past I'd do what you say and walk by.

Not this time.

We have a fantastic feel in the pages of TSE/AVZ and even better members. I communicate outside of TSE with a number of them and the reason I became a paid member was to use the message function to talk on select topics to many more - I will miss that part after 6th October 2025. My conscience will not let me ignore the infiltration of a particular person purporting to be someone else (ie: yet another lie) with the sole purpose of promoting even more lies.

Not this time.

The onslaught of crap we've all had to put up with from the DRC to our own shores is EPIC, worthy of a Hollywood script!.

"WE" need to keep this forum full of knowledge and Shane is only here to spread lies and divide the members. Before his arrival, the forum was forward-looking. All about the upcoming ICC and ICSID hearings. He is trying to drag us back in the mud to the time his call went bad and lost him a ton of cash. Can't change history, never have, never will. We can ONLY look forward to what may be.

"WE" need to be vigilant and only accept members that are adding value to the forum. Anyone muck-raking has no place here. Go back to HC for that. Look at HC lately without Lenny and hooters. It is clean and back to what it was before their arrival. TSE will not survive if it gives leeches like those 3 an audience.

All the very best to each and everyone and your families over the Christmas and New Years holidays.
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