Good to see the shareholders above showing support for other shareholders here!
Since our shareholders relentless exposing of the corruption in the DRC, now the US has started to apply pressure on the DRC
Helaina Matza of the US Partnership Global Infrastructure and Investment group previously visited the DRC and expressed the USA’s interest in Manono and now Lucy Tamlyn (US Ambassador to the DRC) posted on X that the DRC’s reputation scares away investors
Lors d’un atelier tenu à Kinshasa, l’Ambassadrice des États-Unis d’Amérique (USA) Lucy Tamlyn a brossé un tableau sombre du climat des affaires en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Pour elle, certaines grandes entreprises internationales hésitent à venir faire des affaires en RDC suite à...
The US Partnership Global Infrastructure and Investment group’s plan for the Lobito corridor is the USA’s alternative to China’s Belt and Road initiative and the US has already mobilised over $4 billion on the Lobito corridor of a $600 billion investment planned for closing gaps in infrastructure in emerging markets
The $4 billion already mobilised was to build infrastructure for the Lobito corridor to support locals and to ship critical minerals from the DRC to the US. KoBold has has also been sniffing around the Lobito corridor
The Mingomba deposit in Zambia, with portions of the deposit containing copper grades of about 5%, with average grades of 3.6%, making ...
Now, just for a little added pressure on the DRC government, COP29 has announced the DRC will not receive any major funding
La conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique s’est clôturée dimanche sur un engagement des pays développés à appuyer les efforts climatiques des pays en voie de développement à hauteur de 300 milliards de dollars américains (USD) par an. En République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)...
The above might be worth considering and so might questions to Nigel in private about any communications he has had with Helaina Matza and private meetings he had in the US with US officials as well as meetings in Belgium and France that the DRC Minister of Mines denied took place. Maybe even ask about Nigel getting stuck at an airport over there for hours because the DRC mining representatives fucked him around