Mate. Have a think for a moment. Please.To Geo defence
Would rather have some hope offered than no news at all.
Or going through the courts then waiting 5 or more years for a possible payout.
Will know soon enough with AGM .
Didn't scare us!
Hi all.Hello to all AVZ holders. I'd like to put forward some musings if I may.
Like many, I'm a long term holder.
And FYI, I'm just as annoyed as anyone about the last couple of years.
I do however have a slight bounce to my step currently, as I believe things are turning/have turned in our favour.
Firstly, silence from the BoD. Interesting. No? Been a loooong time.
They've definitely gone to ground.
AGM rapidly approaching. Have you read what's being voted on? Really?
It's a nothing. It's meaningless. IMO, just a couple of issues to vote on, " 'cause we gotta have an AGM." It'll be over in ten minutes.
Where's the MMGA crew? That's right. NOWHERE!
No additional motions put forward.
No persons of ill repute putting their hand up to be voted in.
No motions for board spills.
In my humble opinion, a deal's been done.
News prior to AGM? Maybe? Probably.
Most likely.
Food for thought?
This sounds a bit over done mate . Over the top . Too desperate .Hi all.
After today I'm retracting my post.
Sadly, I feel we're stuffed.
I firmly believed we'd get an announcement regarding funding prior to the AGM. Unfortunately it hasn't happened.
If I hear the term "due diligence " one more time......faaarken.
The only due diligence Locke need, is "DRC have reinstated our tenement etc..." It ain't happening.
An announcement on the weekend would have been great. It didn't happen. I can't see it happening either.
I definitely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
If we were going to get a positive announcement prior to the AGM, it'd be today.
What an absolute cluster fuck.
I actually thought Deboss's departure was a good sign. You know, "We don't need you here Yianni as we're good to go."
Unfortunately I can see blood being spilt at the AGM (figuratively speaking of course).
I'm sick of broken promises, hints, wink winks and the like.
Fuck off cunt.PS. I believe we've been lied to time and again, particularly when the BOD were looking for more money from shareholders.
FARRRRKKK off cunt.Hi all.
After today I'm retracting my post.
Sadly, I feel we're stuffed.
I firmly believed we'd get an announcement regarding funding prior to the AGM. Unfortunately it hasn't happened.
If I hear the term "due diligence " one more time......faaarken.
The only due diligence Locke need, is "DRC have reinstated our tenement etc..." It ain't happening.
An announcement on the weekend would have been great. It didn't happen. I can't see it happening either.
I definitely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
If we were going to get a positive announcement prior to the AGM, it'd be today.
What an absolute cluster fuck.
I actually thought Deboss's departure was a good sign. You know, "We don't need you here Yianni as we're good to go."
Unfortunately I can see blood being spilt at the AGM (figuratively speaking of course).
I'm sick of broken promises, hints, wink winks and the like.
Fair question. Throw one back at you though. Why Tuesday? Wednesday ? Thursday ......This sounds a bit over done mate . Too desperate .
'If we were going to get a positive announcement prior to the AGM, it'd be today." Really ? Why?
Well said mate. Quite erudite.FARRRRKKK off cunt.
You're a massive cunt.PS. I believe we've been lied to time and again, particularly when the BOD were looking for more money from shareholders.
And as an aside @StockinvestingWell said mate. Quite erudite.
Been my thoughts for some time.I'm just postulating,
We often talk about either fighting this through to the end, or hoping for a takeover.
What are the chances of splitting the difference? A Western Co stepping in and agreeing to fund our litigation for a chunk of the project?
I for one would much rather lose a chunk of the project to that than see it go to those corrupt ÷&$×* Zijin....
No idea how it would work but if Kobold or Rio (just for arguments sake) said they'll fund the litigation and then a portion of development for an earn-in of 50% (draw the line at whatever % you like) - I would probably be happy with that. Mega-deal for them, and I'd rather 50% of a company going into production than having to sell out now for a fraction of what we're really worth.
Hey mate. I find your language obscene. No need for it really. It's very uncool.
The idiot completely outed himself . Might be part of the scumbag crew from the crapper ?
Eat....shit....and....die...and while you're at it.....suck shit!Hey mate. I find your language obscene. No need for it really. It's very uncool.
We have differing views, obviously. No need to use that language though eh?
I notice your last post had a silly face. Looking for support maybe? Really?
I thought TSE was about discussing the stock and issues associated with it. FYI, I've over 3M shares and would love a positive result.
Whatever rocks your boat I guess.
Take care.