AVZ Discussion 2022


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Diminishing ambitions refers to AVZ's claim to the entire tenement. Clearly the DRC government don't want us to the have the whole project. We're going to need to go the distance unless we concede some ground imo

View attachment 67669
Valid point Carlos........hence this expedited action



Big ambititions, totally unlawful , totally corrupt , totally disrespecting AVZ and a big tally of fines too........$73m:eek::eek:

Anyway, kudos to AVZ bod for continuing to put the hand on the throat!
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The local Congolese look so happy that the Chinese are saving them.

View attachment 67667

Hold this cash while I take a photo of you. Now give it back.

View attachment 67668
5000 DRC Francs = US$ 1.75, so what he has in his hands is a fair whack of toilet paper.
Problem is, he sold his toilet.
I wonder what the big kahuna in the pink shirt, new boots and dead cat on his head got.
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Gunny view supports the Avz bod view....


Zijin basing their operating license on Dathcom good exploration work prior at considerable expense by the shareholders which inadvertantly is why our cash balance has been bled dry to the point we have applied for emergency Locke funding......:mad:

I support our BOD big time, but that extra exploration to prove up a bigger jorc on CDL was a classic trojan horse event , a complete miscalculation / fuck up.............imo

Anyway, what a farken snake Zijin are, stealing AVZ intel, but why am i not surprised, thats what China does, again and again and again rada rada.

gloves off.gif
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5000 DRC Francs = US$ 1.75, so what he has in his hands is a fair whack of toilet paper.
Problem is, he sold his toilet.
I wonder what the big kahuna in the pink shirt, new boots and dead cat on his head got.
He does look pretty pleased with himself🤣

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Gunny view supports the Avz bod view....

View attachment 67676
Zijin basing their operating license on Dathcom good exploration work prior at considerable expense by the shareholders which inadvertantly is why our cash balance has been bled dry to the point we have applied for emergency Locke funding......:mad:

I support our BOD big time, but that extra exploration to prove up a bigger jorc on CDL was a classic trojan horse event , a complete miscalculation / fuck up.............imo

Anyway, what a farken snake Zijin are, stealing AVZ intel, but why am i not surprised, thats what China does, again and again and again rada rada.

View attachment 67679
Surely it added value to our final compensation claim though?
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I would be keen on that to keep the ball rolling 100%
I would do it if the exec branch sorted their shit out dumped the dead weight and fronted 2mill themselves.
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I would do it if the exec branch sorted their shit out dumped the dead weight and fronted 2mill themselves.
I would not invest another single cent unless Management agreed to cut their wages in half.
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Valid point Carlos........hence this expedited action

View attachment 67671
View attachment 67672

Big ambititions, totally unlawful , totally corrupt , totally disrespecting AVZ and a big tally of fines too........$73m:eek::eek:

Anyway, kudos to AVZ bod for continuing to put the hand on the throat!
I guess how ambitious it is depends on a few things:

- The 'expert' opinion as to the risks of resolution through legal channels.

"It is with this in mind that an expert was recruited to assess the risks that the country may incur following this dispute if it were to be resolved through legal channels."

- Whether the ICC determines that the fines on Cominiere should be liquidated imminently (yep, I said it!). There will be huge pressure on them to do so following the most recent transgressions for the PE on 15775 if ICC wants to maintain credibility as an organisation.

- The excuses that DRC comes up with for allowing the change to PE on 15775 at ICSID.

The shit that's been pulled so far that they think they can get away with while facing international courts is simply mindblowing 🤯

Can't wait to see the response to the letter of 30 July.
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Cumquat Cap

I would not invest another single cent unless Management agreed to cut their wages in half.
They already have and then some I believe
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Surely it added value to our final compensation claim though?
Yeah, i am pretty sure that was the aim of the exercise and i get the strategy, certainly made sense, but unfortunately it did drain the finances and Zijin have used the core logs to their advantage to expedite a dodgy jorc, of course the BOD wouldnt of seen that coming, just like they wouldnt of seen cominiere / zijin / DRC govt white anting them during covid either.....:mad::poop::ninja::devilish:

This whole situation is just so farken twisted and fucked up, relentless and beyond belief.
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Who exactly is using the Cominiere X account to write this stuff! When will the the ICC and ICSID actually do something to stop this circus??

One thing that I often ponder is the culpability of the Chinese in this fiasco. Will they be liable for any of the compensation claims or have they just set up the imbeciles in the DRC to take the fall. Would be happy to see huge fines and sanctions head Zijins way.
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Yeah, i am pretty sure that was the aim of the exercise and i get the strategy, certainly made sense, but unfortunately it did drain the finances and Zijin have used the core logs to their advantage to expedite a dodgy jorc, of course the BOD wouldnt of seen that coming, just like they wouldnt of seen cominiere / zijin / DRC govt white anting them during covid either.....:mad::poop::ninja::devilish:

This whole situation is just so farken twisted and fucked up, relentless and beyond belief.
From the Pakistan ICSID case

The ICSID awarded a $4.08bn penalty and $1.87bn in interest.

The management of the Tethyan Copper Company (TCC) had claimed $11.43bn in damages.

So if the extra drilling doubled the compensation claim it was definitely worth it.
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From the Pakistan ICSID case

The ICSID awarded a $4.08bn penalty and $1.87bn in interest.

The management of the Tethyan Copper Company (TCC) had claimed $11.43bn in damages.

So if the extra drilling doubled the compensation claim it was definitely worth it.
Unless DRC act in good faith very fucking soon we should shut down all negotiations and sue the fuck out of them.
At least that way we know where we stand.
The damage has been done anyway, the time to get this show on the road was two years ago. All we've seen from the DRC is corrupt, criminal behaviour and pandering to the Chinese criminals. They can't be trusted, scum of the earth.
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