AVZ Discussion 2022


One good thing to come out of these bullshit offers is that it’s increased the regularity of communication from the company 😎😂
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AVZ announcement below

Further Unsolicited Offer Communications
AVZ Minerals Limited (AVZ or Company) is aware that IG Markets sent unsolicited
offers to AVZ shareholders today purporting a Company buy back of shares at
$0.01 per share (IG Communications) which is categorially incorrect.
IG Markets has acknowledged their error and will be issuing a corrective statement
to its clients.
The Company advises Shareholders to take NO ACTION with respect to the
IG Communications.
Offer to Professional and Sophisticated Investors
As announced on 25 June 2024, the Company reiterates that Shareholders take
NO ACTION with respect to a share purchase offer (Offer) made by Resource
Capital Investments Pty Ltd (Resource Capital) on 18 June 2024 at $0.01 per share
to professional or sophisticated investors only .
AVZ’s Directors have reviewed the Offer documents and unanimously recommend
that you REJECT the Offer and DO NOTHING in relation to any documents
received from Resource Capital. The Board recommends AVZ shareholders retain
your shareholding. Do not surrender your AVZ shares to this opportunistic bidder
at a price that does not reflect the underlying value of your shares.
Please refer to the Company’s announcement dated 25 June 2024 for further
details regarding the Offer and the reasons for the AVZ board of directors’
Where any AVZ shareholder has received an unsolicited offer, the Company
recommends that you:
1. Carefully consider the offeror’s purported fair estimate for AVZ shares and
whether that value aligns with your view.
2. Seek independent financial advice.
If shareholders wish to share any unsolicited offers they have received with the
Company, you may do so by emailing the relevant correspondence to
This announcement was authorised for release by the board of directors of AVZ
Minerals Limited.
For further information, visit www.avzminerals.com.au or you can contact the
Company via telephone +61 8 6186 7600 or email admin@avzminerals.com.au
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Who says arbitration proceedings don't work!?
Sundance reached a confidential settlement with Congo govt (not DRC).


  • UpdateonCongoProceedings.pdf
    209 KB · Views: 90
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What kind of a fucking shit show are IG running where they can send an email like that?
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What kind of a fucking shit show are IG running where they can send an email like that?
An example needs to be made of those who get into bed with the MMGA crew and associates.
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Cumquat Cap

Who says arbitration proceedings don't work!?
Sundance reached a confidential settlement with Congo govt (not DRC).
There goes the basis of that cock sucks Hoots argument that African countries just ignore icc and ICSID. Different country of course but a very similar affair and bodes well as does $ida.ax currently announcing. Settlement with Tanzania at ICSID.

Suck shit Hootz you dumb cocksucka, hope your enjoy watching avz shareholders get rich very soon.
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If AVZ doesn't inform its SH's of a buy back, or take over, it is simply a scam.
No need to get excited.

Maybe inform IG that their name is being used by fraudulent desperados, who are using their business name and thereby bringing IG into disrepute might make them rectify this BS.

As mentioned before, I expect the carrotdick will make more attempts before the next AGM, until they have their required quantity.
The previous offer ran out 1-07-2024 and this offer runs out 8-07-2024
So we don't have to be rocket scientists to understand that their previous attempt was not successful and we are highly likely going to get weekly offers.

One question, where the fuk is huge lips?
Is he on holidays in Cardwell?

Dudbrook is highly likely fukked over in the Caribbean by a huge Jamaican fast bowler.
Previously seeking shares to the amount of


Now seeking shares of the amount


They have 100m in a month and that went out to super funds and instos, now reaching back to retail.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well. 😊
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dog with a bone !.jpg
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Previously seeking shares to the amount of


Now seeking shares of the amount


They have 100m in a month and that went out to super funds and instos, now reaching back to retail.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well. 😊
I'd say 100m shares is pretty incredible, regardless of what their goals are. I would like to think they acquired 0.
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Previously seeking shares to the amount of


Now seeking shares of the amount


They have 100m in a month and that went out to super funds and instos, now reaching back to retail.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well. 😊
perhaps they better bring some bodygaurds to the next AGM?
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I'd say 100m shares is pretty incredible, regardless of what their goals are. I would like to think they acquired 0.
If they have 100m and people jump on the bandwagon they might take a chunkable size with this nasty play. Still not enough for a takeover unless of course a few in the top 20 play funny buggers and call their mates. FIRB and Oz Gov need to farking get on the blower and finally do something.
700m shares is only $7m, that's pocket change or a round at the bar for Zijin.

It's still laughable that in 2024 in 2 "Democratic" countries that we're fighting over a rightful legal ownership and we've heard SWEET FARK ALL from the 2 prime ministers/presidents regarding the bloody biggest lithium discovery in history!
Up yours Tshisekedi and Albo!
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If they have 100m and people jump on the bandwagon they might take a chunkable size with this nasty play. Still not enough for a takeover unless of course a few in the top 20 play funny buggers and call their mates. FIRB and Oz Gov need to farking get on the blower and finally do something.
700m shares is only $7m, that's pocket change or a round at the bar for Zijin.

It's still laughable that in 2024 in 2 "Democratic" countries that we're fighting over a rightful legal ownership and we've heard SWEET FARK ALL from the 2 prime ministers/presidents regarding the bloody biggest lithium discovery in history!
Up yours Tshisekedi and Albo!
Albo has no interest because he has no shares , simple . I would have thought spreading lies about a company would see court action , what would I know
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Previously seeking shares to the amount of


Now seeking shares of the amount


They have 100m in a month and that went out to super funds and instos, now reaching back to retail.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well. 😊
I hope IG sues the fuck out of them. 😇

They will have to investigate how this happened, they can't simply allow this to happen again, or people will remove their funds from IG and they can shut up shop, IG is worldwide too big to allow this shit to happen.

Any IG customer who received that email from IG, should tell them they are considering to remove their funds from IG, as these type of events are unacceptable and IG takes, as a minimum, legal against the culprits and sues for damages.

A simple oops is not fukkin good enough, Fuk um.

The only right response is, if you tell IG you are considering taking legal action against IG for this type of advice, which could do severe financial harm to your investments with IG.

23 Nov 2023 — IG Wealth Management has $113.5 billion in assets under advisement as of October 31, 2023, and is a member of the IGM Financial Inc. (TSX: IGM) ...
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If anyone is thinking of selling (and l wouldn't) make contact here with a regular poster and l am sure you will get a better price and keep ownership with the good guys. Don't sellout to treasonous thieves, corrupt actors, carrotdicks, MMGA, Zijin and partners, Chinese or anyone else. Make contact with the good people on TSE to discuss.
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If they acquired 100m from their super scam that sounds pretty concerning.
Surely these types of practices should be investigated?
How the fuck can they get away with the wording they used implying some sort of legit takeover that was somehow endorsed by the company.
FMD! can't wait for the end of this shit show, it just stimulates too many of the wrong types of thoughts and emotions all the time. 😡
My life was supposed to be simple.

Edit: and before anyone says it, NO I am not going to sell my shares to those lowlife snivelling cunts!!! 🤬
Fuck me sideways!
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It’s another scam like the original ones from Carrotdick and Geoff Jones. First one trying to make out there was a takeover and this one trying to make out there’s a buyback - Both misleading, deceptive and illegal.

Plenty of evidence for AVZ to produce at the WA Supreme Court if the stooges actually go through with it.

It supposedly targeted institutional, superannuation, and sophisticated investors originally but they are targeting all investors. It has Carrotdick, Dudbrook, Alliance Advisors and the other stooges and Zijin written all over it as well as Geoff Jones (Global Lithium), CATH, Lithium Plus and Yibin.

The funds and share platforms that sent out these emails should be held accountable as well. If I received an email I’d be phoning them and letting them know that, because some shareholders might have been caught out by these scams.

At least the shareholders on TSE are on to these scum pretty quickly and already shared this info 👇



Search Company and Other Registers

Search: 678207308
Company was set up on June 14👇





All the codes used in the emails below used the IRESS company identification system of AVZ.AU

Member Direct alert: AVZ.AU Takeover​

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As you hold shares in AVZ Minerals Limited - Delisted (AVZ.AU), you are able to participate in the recently announced Takeover. This is an elective Corporate Action, meaning you don't need to do anything if you don't want to.
Key details:
  • Record date: 28/06/2024
  • Member Direct election cut-off: 01/07/2024
Record date
Your entitlement to participate will be based on your shareholding on the record date of 28/06/2024 and visible in your portfolio holdings from that date. Please consider this if you intend to buy or sell shares in AVZ.AU before then as it may affect your Takeover entitlement.
Member Direct election cut-off
Please submit your election through Member Direct if you wish to participate. The final date for submitting your decision is 01/07/2024. This is earlier than if you held these shares outside of Member Direct as we need time to process elections for all members and submit them to the registrar.


Now this one

Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 2:36 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: (ST) - AVZ Minerals Limited Buyback offer

Dear Client,
AVZ Minerals Limited has announced an off market buy back tender of some or all of your fully paid ordinary shares in the company.
Under the buyback process, eligible holders will be able to tender their ordinary shares at a fixed price of AUD 0.01 per share.
The company advised that you may tender partially or for your entire holding. In the event the company receives applications in excess of the offer amount, shareholders will be scaled back pro rata on the number of shares.....

This is the company used by Resources Capital and dodgy as fuk:

ASIC warns consumers about Alliance Financial Advisory. Do not deal with this business as it is unlicensed in Australia.

From BrokerChooser
The Alliance Group is not a trusted broker because it is not regulated by a financial authority with strict standards. We would not open an account for ...

From ASIC again:
22 Jan 2021 — ASIC is aware of a suspicious website called Alliance Limited (alliancelimited.org) that is misleading crypto-asset (cryptocurrency) investors.

In other words, the dodgy brothers employed the dodgy brothers, what a fukking team.
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I'm retired & married to a Chinese lady, currently living in China atm, so can't say too much, speak frankly, for fear of being detained. That's why I don't respond & open up re Zijin/Chinese etc. Nudge nudge wink wink ....
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Cumquat Cap

sorry to offend but can’t believe anyone would choose to live in that corrupt shithole over Australia
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