Tanganyika: Manono Lithium SAS reports on its first achievements and projects to the Bakongolo chiefdom community (Communication)
Saturday June 8, 2024 - 8:35 p.m.
It was in a relaxed atmosphere that the delegation representing the Manono Lithium company shared its first achievements with the great Chief Luba surrounded by notables and the community, the basis of the BAKONGOLO chiefdom.
As part of illuminating the lantern and rumors which hovered over the web and the extent of the city of Manono that the Lukushi River would be sold in this phase of exploration by the political-administrative and customary authorities in view to exploit minerals, this exchange forum which was held in the morning of this Friday, June 7, 2024 in KANTEBA village located 8 kilometers from the city center of Manono, offered an opportunity to the beneficiary community plans to express themselves freely in front of their customary representative.
Welcomed with frenzied applause from the community, the representatives of the Manono Lithium company, after the introductory words of the great Chief Luba Mwilambwe Sébastien, proceeded in turn to the first report of the work carried out in only 6 months by their company under the request of the local community in different areas including infrastructure, sport, health, professional training.
Regarding the issue related to the sale of the Lukushi River space, it concerns the construction of a mini dam to provide electricity to the entire local community and not extract the minerals as highlighted in his words Maître BONDO WA KISHIMBA Jean legal advisor to Manono Lithium:
It was at the request of Manono Lithium that the great Chief LUBA brought together the layers of the Kanteba community in order to explain to them the objective and report on the projects carried out and in progress in the city of Manono by this Chinese company question of clarifying things, because there are ill-intentioned people fueled by Cainite hatred who are starting to intoxicate the Manx population to rise up against society while society is in a good evolution for the integral development of the Territory "After the explanations provided by the company, the ambiguity is resolved and the community has clearly understood the merits of repairing the dam that collapsed years ago ," he reaffirmed.
Very convinced by the various projects that will be implemented for their benefit, the local population says they are behind Manono Lithium and take ownership of all the company's activities for better development.
Having been on the lookout for all the community's grievances, Mr. WHEN HONGZHI Head of the general department at Manono Lithium, reassured and promised to get personally involved with his teams for an immediate response, he also reiterated his determination to transform Manono and its surroundings into a prosperous town.
It should be noted, however, that the company Manono Lithium SAS will also launch agricultural cooperative projects around it, in particular vegetable planting and livestock projects in cooperation with the Bakongolo Luba chiefdom. Specifically, in terms of vegetable planting, the company will provide vegetable seeds to cooperative farmers for free, and the cooperative farmers will be responsible for planting vegetables and can resell the agricultural products to the company at market prices.
However, it has already actively responded to requests from local governments and communities, carried out infrastructure maintenance works and carried out repairs on urban roads, Manono hospital roads and roads leading to villages. Carry out repair and rescue work on the N33 road, replace bridge decks and reinforce the foundations of bridges damaged by floods.
C’est sous une atmosphère détendue que la délégation représentant la société Manono Lithium a fait part de ses premières réalisations au grand Chef Luba entouré de notabilités et de la communauté, base de la chefferie BAKONGOLO.