AVZ Discussion 2022


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It was a question as people's opinions are different on what they want to happen/direction of company depending on their sp average.
My view on that is that management need to achieve a minimum price at or above $1.36 to cover their own arses. That or re-listing on the back of positive progression.

As for the rest of what you said, at least you explained it instead of a couple of phrases that came across as pretty rude.

But if you're the one moderating Frank's posts based on not being posted in English, then it doesn't really align with what you said publicly either.
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It was a question as people's opinions are different on what they want to happen/direction of company depending on their sp average.

I get it, you want all the media posts in one spot, you like discussion but don't actually discuss Franks posts.

You think that everyones opinion on how they want to get their capital back should be the same?

Someone who took a gamble at 4c should have the same opinion of someone who bought at $1.10, do they have the same views on non-disclosure?

If you like Frank's posts.....Discuss them or as I asked create a separate thread for viewing as it clogs up/prevents discussion.

If you don't like Frank's post, you have the option of ignoring the posts, or putting frank on ignore.

It's quite simple, when im too lazy to read through a whole bunch of text , then I just scroll past it ... It's not rocket science.

Other people may want to read up on that stuff.
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My view on that is that management need to achieve a minimum price at or above $1.36 to cover their own arses. That or re-listing on the back of positive progression.

As for the rest of what you said, at least you explained it instead of a couple of phrases that came across as pretty rude.

But if you're the one moderating Frank's posts based on not being posted in English, then it doesn't really align with what you said publicly either.
That would be $1.36 after AVZ pay Tax to the DRC . So we'd be looking at AUD$6Billion + just for some SH to break even . I suspect we will never trade again . So that share price is frozen in time . I would like to see every SH get their money back plus at least a bank interest amount of profit on top of that . However I'm not sure that is being realistic . Should the 1000's of SH who got in lower be held to ransom for those that didn't ?Or be held to ransom so management can cover their arses ? Majority rules .
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That would be $1.36 after AVZ pay Tax to the DRC . So we'd be looking at AUD$6Billion + just for some SH to break even . I suspect we will never trade again . So that share price is frozen in time . I would like to see every SH get their money back plus at least a bank interest amount of profit on top of that . However I'm not sure that is being realistic . Should the 1000's of SH who got in lower be held to ransom for those that didn't ?Or be held to ransom so management can cover their arses ? Majority rules .
I don't necessarily disagree wombat, I'm just saying in my view that management will be looking to cover themselves at all costs if possible.
I don't think shareholders like you and I will have much of a say on that, we're just here pissing in the wind at the whim of other people.
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What's your average?

Please Frank start your own thread.
Please go back to HC, h00ts and his click of arseholes, but do not come here to tell people how to post and that is being kind.

Now grow up FFS.
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I don't necessarily disagree wombat, I'm just saying in my view that management will be looking to cover themselves at all costs if possible.
I don't think shareholders like you and I will have much of a say on that, we're just here pissing in the wind at the whim of other people.
So "hypothetically" speaking I can't have my money ,and you can't have your money , unless management cover their arses . How f--ked up is that ? Like we are getting pineappled from both sides .
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So "hypothetically" speaking I can't have my money ,and you can't have your money , unless management cover there arses . How f--ked up is that ? Like we are getting pineappled from both sides .
Well I guess nobody can have their money because we've already been pinapelled in all orifices by Zijin and the DRC crooks.
At the moment our holdings are essentially worthless until we either prevail in the arbitrations or force the corrupt arseholes to follow their own laws and mining code.
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Don’t try and kid yourself and people here, the only person you want to see get their money back is yourself wombat. Listening to you is like listening to someone scratching their fingernails down a blackboard.

I remember you back around mid 2021 (before TSE even started) you wanting a takeover when the share price was around $0.20’s. You had all the way from then to $1.30 and back down to $0.80 to sell but you didn’t, so you’ve decided to sit back and suck your thumb and let others support the company while you whine.

You want to know other people’s business like their averages but you haven’t contributed a single thing to the forums.

If you’re that desperate for money, why don’t you get a job motivational speaking. I’m sure you’d get work in Ukraine, while people are fighting the injustice on the front lines you could be hiding out with the women and children crying “The Russian’s Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming 😱😨😰😭

Yea I know, I had you on ignore, don’t worry you’ll be there permanently this time

Waving Jim Carrey GIF by CTV Comedy Channel
Dear old MB . I thought you'd pop up . Would'nt be same without you.

If it makes feel better I will find a couple of articles on DRC corruption and post them here . Maybe throw in a few history pieces on DRC /China
relations . Or maybe you can put me on ignore like you said you were going to do many months ago.
What happened to the old MB ? The one that was going to rip off heads, and if my memory serves me correctly had the odd venomous spray at Management. The good old days MB .
You know what the irony is ? Your reaction to my posts tells me you might have a bigger issue re our situation than I do .😘
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Don’t try and kid yourself and people here, the only person you want to see get their money back is yourself wombat. Listening to you is like listening to someone scratching their fingernails down a blackboard.

I remember you back around mid 2021 (before TSE even started) you wanting a takeover when the share price was around $0.20’s. You had all the way from then to $1.30 and back down to $0.80 to sell but you didn’t, so you’ve decided to sit back and suck your thumb and let others support the company while you whine.

You want to know other people’s business like their averages but you haven’t contributed a single thing to the forums.

If you’re that desperate for money, why don’t you get a job motivational speaking. I’m sure you’d get work in Ukraine, while people are fighting the injustice on the front lines you could be hiding out with the women and children crying “The Russian’s Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming 😱😨😰😭

Yea I know, I had you on ignore, don’t worry you’ll be there permanently this time

Waving Jim Carrey GIF by CTV Comedy Channel
Hey MB . Before you put me on ignore for the 10th time ,here's one for old time sake .
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Please go back to HC, h00ts and his click of arseholes, but do not come here to tell people how to post and that is being kind.

Now grow up FFS.
Keep up with the times, there is no avz discussion thread on HC. If you can't handle me nicely asking Frank to create his own thread so this one isn't clogged then it is you who needs to grow up.


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Keep up with the times, there is no avz discussion thread on HC. If you can't handle me nicely asking Frank to create his own thread so this one isn't clogged then it is you who needs to grow up.
Please just put Frank on ignore & stop trying to make this site the new HC. Simple.
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Keep up with the times, there is no avz discussion thread on HC. If you can't handle me nicely asking Frank to create his own thread so this one isn't clogged then it is you who needs to grow up.
Do Not Try to Make this another HC, we came here to stay away from HC.
You came here because, as you say, there is no more AVZ discussion thread on HC.

Obviously the trolls have finally achieved what they wished to achieve over at HC, with the help of certain moderators.
Now you come here to try to achieve the same here and tell people how to post. Get a fucking life!

Just take a deep breath, a long walk and don't turn back, I hope you get the message. FO.
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Why is everyone getting so negative suddenly?
Bad mood from delisting? Yeah that's kinda shit.
Or is it the FUD from cheap off-market offers doing its' job?

IMO, past couple of weeks have finally started to show some tangible wins for us with the results of the various arbitrational disputes.
OK sure that hasn't translated into much yet, but we also know that's largely because there's a new government in formation, which hopefully will also be (more) favourable to us.
For the first time in a long time I can actually start to see the company having a pathway out of this mess.
Mate, 2 yrs reading google translated french adnauseum, discussing DRC corruption adnauseum, discussing China corruption adnauseum, discussing arbitration adnauseum, discussing MAGA movement adnauseum, now AVZ officially delisted , life savings on the line for alot here.... all this that has occurred when we were on the cusp of a ML being granted 2 yrs ago.............depressing shit to say the least, so negativity expressed from time to time is perfectly normal and expected !!!

TBH, i think this forum conducts itself with alot of class, dignity and intelligence in the midst of the most shit fuckery circumstances i have ever witnessed in over 30 yrs that i have been involved in stock markets.

Lots of folk tired and worn down, BUT NOT BEATEN, i agree with you, new government forming / intentions , international arbitration wins on a consistent basis, positives we all must hold close to our heart, hope is not lost for sure.

I think we all know beyond a reasonable doubt, that AVZ has done all the rights things , that AVZ will ultimately win the ICC / ICSID final deliberations, these are the knowns and positive vibes to hold onto, however, there is plenty of unknowns too....

a) Will AVZ remain solvent until final international arbitration deliberations are handed down ?

b) Will DRC / CHINA respect the international arbitration deliberations / penalties ?

We all know China doesnt respect international law, we also know that DRC is Chinas bitch....;)

The newly formed DRC govt and its intentions going forward will be revealing, how much importance is placed on the Lithium hub dream that FT spruiked adnauseum thru his first term of presidency via adnauseum conventions through out the world , collecting adnauseum frequent fligher points along the way, while his populace was starving ?

This lithium hub dream that could transform DRC economy from modest / poor to rich within 2 yrs if common sense was applied and AVZ were awarded the ML and got on with the construction of RD.

But given the tumultuous events of the last 2yrs, would banks have the balls to provide finance, even tho AVZ has achieved 3 technical favourable opinions, robust DFS and multiple offtakes ?

Does the AVZ BOD have the willingness to continue the long road to construct / produce anymore given they have been stabbed in the back from multiple directions ? Lack of harmonious relations.......:LOL::LOL::LOL:


Illegal work done on CDL by Manono Lithium has only commenced the last few months, it will take 5yrs at least to prove up, construct and produce, will the DRC govt be willing to wait this long to achieve their lithium hub dream ? Along with that, be internationally condemned and hopefully converted to a pariah state ?

Will AVZ get TO ?

By whom and what path way ?

Will AVZ relist and what path way ?

So many things to ponder in ones head, so little official information to be guided by........except that in 6 months time, there will be another AGM and if in that time, the ponderables are still unponderable, then i have alot of questions to ask and there better be QUESTION TIME or ......


In the mean time......

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Master of Quan
Keep up with the times, there is no avz discussion thread on HC. If you can't handle me nicely asking Frank to create his own thread so this one isn't clogged then it is you who needs to grow up.
HC still going if you want to sink that low.
Was a post on AVZ at 2:46pm today.
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HC still going if you want to sink that low.
Was a post on AVZ at 2:46pm today.
Weird, not showing up on my search, no I don't. Thanks


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I have been a little critical of Deboss in the past, stemming from him and his chiro mate naive resolute attitude 2 yrs ago of " we are all good mate" comments.........since then , meeting Deboss a second time at last yrs AGM and this updated post of his, i have come to the conclusion he is a AVZ warrior and a ripper bloke, well intentioned.

Kudos to Dominic Furfaro too .......(y)(y)
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