AVZ Discussion 2022


You're all talk mate. Please, read what you type before posting.


"Below a particular price point I will be voting no. I am not here to reward thieves at my expense."

Let me tell you. Unless you own a few billion shares, you WILL NOT HAVE A SAY IN THE MATTER.

Get real.

Mate I will have a vote and by default thats a say.
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Well you'd best get the high-pressure hose out SilentOne because the writing is on the wall. The BOD will not survive the next AGM.

That's 6 months away. It will go quick.
Reality is the Board have to survive the next AGM with the ICSID arbritration not expected to be finalised until 2025.
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One gets the impression the only money Zijin has been prepared to spend is on illegally putting their grubby claws on an asset and followed by destruction and obstruction and a lot of hot air.

It serves the Chinese as a nation to stop lithium mining in Manono, due to other worldwide heavy Chinese lithium investments.
They spent more money worldwide on other lithium assets than in Manono.

Just another way at looking what Zijin, a Chinese state operator, is doing.
They can't be very confident that their Manono operation is above board taking in account the lack of information on their own website.
I came across a military contractor who worked out there for AVZ. He told me it was an eye-opener. No Zijin do not play fair.
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Anyone expecting another extension from Locke ? While AVZ still have $$$$ for another few months .
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Anyone expecting another extension from Locke ? While AVZ still have $$$$ for another few months .
Hope not

Another extension will mean we're going to get absolutely rinsed on the terms. (more rinsed?)
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Wombat I was waiting for that question,

It will depend on a number of factors;

  1. What have been the rulings to date of the ICC / ICSID
  2. How long this drags on (the longer this drags on the higher my price point will be)
  3. Where we are at with the ICC / ICSID at a particular point in time (how close we are to reaching the end of our litigation)
  4. The direction of the Board
I will take all these factors into account before I will take a position on a price point.

Lets say its significantly more that what you have declared/inferred.


What's your average?
Please Frank start your own thread.


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We have had this discussion! Frank won with a bigger majority than an AVZ vs Maggots contest!

Frank is our eyes on the media. Awesome stuff.
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Thread should be for discussion, not endless social media screenshots.
There’s a “ignore button” use it ….Hope all is well Frank 🤓❤️your work
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What's your average?

Please Frank start your own thread.
It's really none of your business what other peoples averages are, what does it matter?

Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to behave like an asshole.

If you'd been reading the forums you'd know, many people appreciate the posts from X where shareholders actually engage with the detractors and corrupt authorities responsible for putting us in this position.
This is because they aren't on X themselves and/or can't be bothered wading through the quagmire of shit on that platform.

BTW people who go around moderating the posts of valuable contributors here don't last long on the platform. We've seen it many times.
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It's really none of your business what other peoples averages are, what does it matter?

Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to behave like an asshole.

If you'd been reading the forums you'd know, many people appreciate the posts from X where shareholders actually engage with the detractors and corrupt authorities responsible for putting us in this position.
This is because they aren't on X themselves and/or can't be bothered wading through the quagmire of shit on that platform.

BTW people who go around moderating the posts if valuable contributors here don't last long on the platform. We've seen it many times.
It was a question as people's opinions are different on what they want to happen/direction of company depending on their sp average.

I get it, you want all the media posts in one spot, you like discussion but don't actually discuss Franks posts.
It's really none of your business what other peoples averages are, what does it matter?

Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to behave like an asshole.

If you'd been reading the forums you'd know, many people appreciate the posts from X where shareholders actually engage with the detractors and corrupt authorities responsible for putting us in this position.
This is because they aren't on X themselves and/or can't be bothered wading through the quagmire of shit on that platform.

BTW people who go around moderating the posts if valuable contributors here don't last long on the platform. We've seen it many times.
You think that everyones opinion on how they want to get their capital back should be the same?

Someone who took a gamble at 4c should have the same opinion of someone who bought at $1.10, do they have the same views on non-disclosure?

If you like Frank's posts.....Discuss them or as I asked create a separate thread for viewing as it clogs up/prevents discussion.


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I know this is not the place for financial or investment advice (or marriage advice for that matter), but I also know that there are many experienced investors here.

All this talk of offers to buy shares at rock bottom prices (a la J Mitchell) got me wondering if the de-listing currently presents an opportunity to restructure one's holdings without a big CGT hit.

For example, if one was considering transferring one's shares to a trust fund or similar, whether that transaction could be done such that it triggers a capital loss event (ie sell your shares at 0.01c to your trust).

As above, not looking for advice, just opinions.
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We have had this discussion! Frank won with a bigger majority than an AVZ vs Maggots contest!

Frank is our eyes on the media. Awesome stuff.
Yes but if I remember correctly at that time, even though Frank had a win, it was requested by many that he not just post pictures of the posts but actual links so that those who are on X (formerly twitter) can easily go there and make hay.

He actually did start doing that but seems to have reverted back to screened again.

Naughty Frank 😂
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