Of course they are likely willing to spend, their goal of developing the north and becoming a fact on the ground has been clear for ages. The number of drill rigs they've thrown at the zone and pace of activity highlights their intent to show everyone involved that they are already pushing towards mining, and are a viable and committed partner with appropriate resources behind them to complete the project, whilst AVZ sits in the doldrums suing everyone and going broke as the rest of the tenement sits dormant.
Of course there is little AVZ can currently do to progress 13359 without a license, but nonetheless Zijin's approach is a calculated one and one that may resonate with senior DRC officials already likely fed up with AVZ and the wider issue at large. Though our hands are tied, the fuckery by Zijin is likely being used to help shape perception and underpin the view we have been repeatedly told they have impressed on the DRC authorities - namely that AVZ are trying to gain a buck as speculators without any intent or capability to actually mine Manono.
I'm sure they are willing to throw a lot more cash at it quickly to cement Zijin's position on the ground, highlight the funds its sunk into the project as a means to better justify its stance that it must at the least maintain a hold over the north, and make it difficult to dislodge the company from its position. It's smart and definitely not their first rodeo of resource theft! Roads and such will likely follow on after a DFS, but we'll certainly see more work carried out unless clearer indications are provided that the authorities will renege on their delivery of this bogus license to Zijin.
however with DRC instead indicating it has no intent to comply with the interim ICSID orders, and pushing the Manono Lithium venture along towards PE, it's likely we'll see Zijin push forward as fast as possible towards developing a mine on this zone, importantly including using power from Mpiana-Mwanga, before any final ICSID award approaches (if it gets that far,). If there is any truth to us relinquishing the north, which I believe there is even though likely done through trickery, this and the approach Zijin is taking to become a fact on the ground will be used to try and secure at least this portion of Manono. It's worth the risk for them.
Very difficult situation! Not sure what more we can do to avoid the north being developed whilst we plod along through the ICC and ICSID. We've pushed these cases as a means to pressure a negotiated outcome, but there's little indication of any intent by the DRC and our opponents to bend to this pressure.