Not like you to be so negative Carlos. The ICC and ICSID are well aware of Cominiere’s corruption and Zijin’s constant stalling practices and there’s a limit on how long they can get away with it.
Remember that lion you’re always talking about, we are trying to bring down a pack of jackals and we’re having to go about it through arbitration (the slow way).
I’m on this every day for the last two years and I don’t see it lasting until the next AGM
I see it more as being realistic than negative
We will win the arbitrations but it will take time. And I don't think the timelines of those potentital victories and eventual enforcements if necessary have been adequately communicated to shareholders. The only reason we know that the first hearing on merits at the ICSID will be in June 2025 is because of 9card.
Managing expectations hasn't been a strong suit of the bod and there are a lot of people hurting from the last 2 years that have been repeatedly deflated from being let down. For me it's better to have the mindset of expecting the worst but hoping for the best. Or put another way to under promise and over deliver.
Thanks to Cominiere signing contracts with Zijin the DRC government faces arbitration either way at this point unless the tenement is split. And if I were them I would rather battle tin rattling AVZ at the ICSID than the deep pockets of Zijin. Especially if Zijin are willing to pay for lawyers to represent them and we aren't. Hopefully a negotiated outcome is reached soon but I doubt it without major concessions from our side.
It's now been 80 days since the ICSID ordered the DRC to put the south back in Dathcom's name and still nothing. And management wouldn't have initiated the new provisional measures request asking for financial penalties for non compliance with the interim orders if they really thought the delays were due to waiting for the formation of the new government imo