AVZ Discussion 2022


So Math has been involved with fucking over avz shareholders for several years now - him and tendoji are boys

Not sure what to think about 8horse

I remember tendoji posting but can't remember if he was a fuckwit or not... There was something off about him. Was Math his Hong Kong Taxi Driver or something?
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I remember tendoji posting but can't remember if he was a fuckwit or not... There was something off about him. Was Math his Hong Kong Taxi Driver or something?
possibly the same bloke, alot of tendoji's posts were cryptic with a 'not held' status. They may as well be the same bloke seeing both accounts trying to get 8horse to incriminate himself and AVZ. It just shows how desperate theyre getting(and will continue to get) as everything theyve tried thus far seems to be on the verge of failing. They will not give up until we have a ML
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The Age. SMH

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Cumquat Cap

I remember tendoji posting but can't remember if he was a fuckwit or not... There was something off about him. Was Math his Hong Kong Taxi Driver or something?
He's Der Guist - major negative detractor and notable fuckwit
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World Bank suspends $1 billion in funding, impacting more than 600,000 beneficiaries​



The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces a critical situation as the World Bank recently announced the suspension of its financing for humanitarian and development projects in the country, amounting to a significant amount of $1 billion .
This decision will have a direct impact on more than 600,000 beneficiaries, including victims of sexual violence. This news was communicated to the Congolese Minister of Finance in a letter of which libregrandlac.com has taken note.
Consequences on beneficiaries
The suspension of World Bank funding to the DRC will have a devastating effect on beneficiaries of humanitarian and development projects in the country. Among them are vulnerable people and victims of sexual violence who depend on these projects for their survival and rehabilitation. The consequences of this decision will be immediately felt by those who benefit from these programs, leading to a disruption of essential services such as access to education, health and food security.
Reason for suspension
The World Bank made the decision to suspend funding due to concerns over mismanagement of funds allocated to projects in the DRC. According to the letter sent to the Congolese finance minister, irregularities were noted in the use of previous funding, which led to this drastic suspension. The World Bank emphasizes the importance of transparency and efficiency in the use of financial resources allocated to development projects.
Call for better financial management
The suspension of World Bank financing in the DRC must be seen as a call to act responsibly and transparently in the management of financial resources. It is crucial that the Congolese government takes immediate measures to remedy the problems noted and commits to better financial management. This will help restore trust with international partners and guarantee the continuity of projects for the well-being of beneficiaries.
Faced with this suspension of financing, it is essential that the Congolese government works closely with the World Bank and other international partners to find alternative solutions. It is also important to engage in an open and transparent dialogue in order to resolve the financial management issues that led to this situation. Cooperation between all parties involved is essential to ensure that beneficiaries do not suffer negative consequences from this long-term suspension of funding.
The suspension of World Bank funding to the DRC for humanitarian and development projects is a call for better financial management and transparency in the use of resources. It is crucial that the Congolese government takes immediate action to resolve the identified issues in order to rebuild trust with international partners.
In the meantime, alternative solutions must be considered to ensure the continuity of projects and the well-being of beneficiaries. Collaboration and open dialogue are essential to overcome this difficult situation and provide vital assistance to those who need it most in the DRC.

libregrandlac / MCP, via mediacongo.net
I feel very sorry for the DRC locals who have to endure regime after regime of DRc govts whos only interest is self gratification via corruption..........this news is heart breaking for them, but necessary to make a statement to the corrupt to change their ways

Its actually perfect timing / vindication , for AVZ stance and subsequent court action to quell the corrupt Cominiere / Dathomir / Zijin / DRC Govt regards to Manono.........this slap across the gills via a world wide audience could be just the tonic for FT to wake up, man up and expedite the MOU to ML status for AVZ.

Its time to get a broom stick and sweep up the vermin and cleanse DRC.......before its too late.

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Master of Quan
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The World Bank suspension may hurt Felix's chances of re-election next month if he's on the anti-corruption platform...
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Excited Jim Carrey GIF

Massive win at ICC has trickled into ICSID, where the ICSID tribunal has taken notice of the measures that have been handed down:

ICSID has noted the following in OP2 (procedural order 2):
  1. Suspend all work for PR 13359 and PR 15775 for entities other than Dathcom - so Manono lithium, Z and C can all fuck right off.
  2. DRC (all ministerial departments, government authorities) to be restricted from taking any actions on the above-mentioned permits.
These are provisional at the moment with a hearing set for December 11 to hear the case and make these enforceable - exepcting a verdict before Christmas.

No riddles to work out in their my Riddler friend.

We have all seen what Cominiere and Zijin have been doing as those imbeciles have been parading it all over X. They have been ordered not to aggravate the situation.

Rule 39 Provisional Measures (1) At any time after the institution of the proceeding, a party may request that provisional measures for the preservation of its rights be recommended by the Tribunal.

On November 6, 2023, the Claimants filed a request for interim measures pursuant to Article 39(1) of
the Arbitration Rules in order to obtain protection of their procedural rights, in particular their rights to
non-aggravation of the dispute between the Parties and the preservation of the right to an enforceable
arbitral award

Non-aggravation of the dispute you say, well this hearing only goes one way.

Bring on December 11th hearing - and the verdict for a Christmas present.

If the MMGA defeat tomorrow (hence failed promises by Chinese and MMGA crooks to DRC officials) doesn't wake up the DRC Government then the ICSID agreement will, where they order a halt to any work by any Zijin/Cominiere affiliated companies on the implicated assets will surely provide a HUGE wake up call.

It will be effectively frozen until arbitration results or an agreement outside of ICSID & ICC, which we ALL know (DRC included) is in DRC's best interests as ICSID they simply cannot afford.
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Cumquat Cap

I have been wondering, would their lawyers actually be honest about the chances of success in regards to ICSID - surely a good legal team must provide a balanced perspective, but doubt Fasken will tell them the truth and take the money.

A large part of me (the angry half) wants ICSID to proceed to fucking stymie all these corrupt ministers - but in reality it would be a disaster for all involved and mostly for DRC residents.
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So upon reading this it is now clear that even then PH was working against AVZ an likely for Chinese interests, as noted in the article PH was furious.
Furious possibly because this could have worked (if not for PH knowledge and ultimately did he have a hand in thwarting this?)

Remember PH was definitely not furious from an ethical point of view, we can easily ascertain this from his horrendous plan with Ty (that failed when put to the BOD) to purchase Dan Gertler debt and use it to try strong-arm the DRC Govt.

I wonder?
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Excited Jim Carrey GIF

Massive win at ICC has trickled into ICSID, where the ICSID tribunal has taken notice of the measures that have been handed down:

ICSID has noted the following in OP2 (procedural order 2):
  1. Suspend all work for PR 13359 and PR 15775 for entities other than Dathcom - so Manono lithium, Z and C can all fuck right off.
  2. DRC (all ministerial departments, government authorities) to be restricted from taking any actions on the above-mentioned permits.
These are provisional at the moment with a hearing set for December 11 to hear the case and make these enforceable - exepcting a verdict before Christmas.
This information needs to trickle down to the locals in Manono. Pictures of the locals/Police expelling Zijin from the mine precinct would be gold plated!!
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I have been wondering, would their lawyers actually be honest about the chances of success in regards to ICSID - surely a good legal team must provide a balanced perspective, but doubt Fasken will tell them the truth and take the money.

A large part of me (the angry half) wants ICSID to proceed to fucking stymie all these corrupt ministers - but in reality it would be a disaster for all involved and mostly for DRC residents.
For shits and giggles I just went to the Fasken page, an what did I see but this

Fasken Named “Mergers and Acquisitions Law Firm of the Year” in the 2024 Best Lawyers in Canada Guide​

Hmmmmm is this why Zijin went with them. Are they after that Acquisition of AVZ 😂 :eek:😂 (FIRB I know, just found it amusing)

I get what you're saying, and I immediately had the same thoughts, but Fasken can't really do that. They are an international company with a reputation (lawyers I know) to uphold, also they would be bound by codes of conducts and governed by rules and regulations.

Zijin however will be twisting everything they possibly can, via Cominiere, but at the ICSID level they are surely but a mosquito.
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Can anyone post this full article please?
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