Its pretty clear what Zijin / China is trying to achieve with its attempted steal of Manono........control world supply, then use it to their advantage regards to price
What does it mean for the rest of the world?
Just like they are doing with rare earths.
China said on Friday it will require export permits for some graphite products to protect national security, springing a surprise with another bid to control critical mineral supply in response to challenges over its global manufacturing dominance.
Just like they are doing with graphite.
The country aims to restrict the supply of gallium and germanium, two materials used in computer chips and other products. But experts say it won’t have the desired impact.
Just like they are doing with semi conductor materials aka gallium / germanium ( rare earths )
The west must not allow manono to slip into Chinas hands or it will be another critical mineral that is controlled by the bully
as per the above bubble chart.
Bearing in mind that AVZ bubble doesnt include CDL which is purported to be 3 times the size of RD, bearing in mind also that RD is open strike in all directions, which means AVZ bubble would more than engulf the collective bubble supply globally.
AVZ must fight hard to defend its rights to not only RD, but CDL which is a global jewel in itself and worth potentially hundreds of billions of $$$$.
Its unfortunate that Manono is located in a corrupt cesspool DRC, which China have a massive influence for more than 30 yrs
Hence why we are in a 18 month dog fight !! .....

Which is why we must back the AVZ BOD fully and repel the 3 puppets ( MMGA ) who are now doing Chinas bidding !