Pretty sure there is a transcript of the ICC chairman's closing statement floating around, will see if i can get my hands on a copy.
Just a few updates on the entire jurisdictional hearing for everyone - ZJ did show up, and basically called every witness they could conceive to the stand. Including my sister-in-law's, boyfriend's best friend's counsin's weasel.
CKK was a planned witness for ZJ but i haven't confirmed his appearance (last i heard he didn't have a valid visa for France) and I can confirm ZJ's Kinsasha rep was there Mr Xie - we all know ZJs arguments for the 15% is filled with falsehoods and bullshit so won't rehash it here, its all just fucking stupid, but that didn't stop them from kitchen sinking their testimonies.
Verdict on whether ICC has jurisdiction and whether the case will be withdrawn on these grounds is expected to be finalised BEFORE w/c november 6.
Personal views (take it or leave it):
The arbitrator is a wildcard with some questionable decisions on extensions and delays in favour of ZJ thus far, so it's not a simple open-and-shut "fuck off Zijin" situation yet. However, recent decisions by the arbitrator (declining request for consolidation, declining request for even longer extensions) show that the arbitrator is likely seeing through the ZJ bullshit and hopefully can rule in our favour.
80+% likelihood of obtaining favourable ruling on jurisdiction is my view given the above.