If memory serves me right, he mentioned there was still a possibility that AVZ could be close to completing construction sometime this year............

Last years AGM demeanour was as mild as a pussy cat getting a licking, dont think that will be replicated this year.......
If Nigel thought i was a fucking pest last year, he aint seen nothing compared to what i will be this upcoming AGM.
View attachment 44968
“If Nigel thought i was a fucking pest last year, he aint seen nothing compared to what i will be this upcoming AGM”
Don’t worry about Nigel, what about you pestering us?!

Well I had to stray from my usual humour by throwing in some

so you knew I was joking BEISH
It’s good to throw in a little humour along with the the other stuff that gets posted here, and I for one appreciate a few laughs along the way
BEISH, I couldn’t be more sincere when I say that I know the BOD is fighting hard for our rights and they are making progress even though this seems to be an ongoing and frustrating theme put out by them
The truth is there are more corrupt actors behind the scenes who haven’t been named but I can tell you from talking to Nigel in Sydney two years ago Bin Guo has been on the top of my list of suspects ever since
The Chinese have been trying to steal this project from us for a long time now and they knew when FIRB blocked Yibin getting a place on the BOD that they would have to try and steal it through other means eg nominating non Chinese puppets
Apart from suggestions that these three puppet nominees would sell the project off cheap, has anyone considered they could potentially get on Dathcom’s BOD and remove AVZ from the project, leaving us completely out of the picture
These sly lying corrupt actors have been trying everything they can from lies and bribes to colluding with short sellers and lying in the media
Believe me, the best thing shareholders can do is to keep backing our BOD