AVZ Discussion 2022


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Be nice to think every dog has its day regards Kibeya.
I noticed Franck is trying to bait him tonight or whoever that twitter handle is, they've been a bit quiet of late.
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Be nice to think every dog has its day regards Kibeya.
I noticed Franck is trying to bait him tonight or whoever that twitter handle is, they've been a bit quiet of late.
Spoke too soon it worked and the fuckwit is back dribbling some more bullshit.
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It looks like a job for Jean Felix Mupande now that he has left CAMI.
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Production will start now he reckons!

With what money? Or mining expertise? Or rights? 😅
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Oi Cunts.
It's Saturday night..
Where's all the shit postings?

Now that I've turned 50, I received a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail yesterday.

Apparently the Government wants me to shit in a bag and send it to them.

If I'd known I was allowed to do this, I would have done it already.

I'd even supply my own bag.
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Now that I've turned 50, I received a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail yesterday.

Apparently the Government wants me to shit in a bag and send it to them.

If I'd known I was allowed to do this, I would have done it already.

I'd even supply my own bag.

Jokes aside do it my friend.....might save your life

And your loved ones will thank you for it for the rest of your life (y)
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Jokes aside do it my friend.....might save your life

And your loved ones will thank you for it for the rest of your life (y)
All jokes aside , see u in the finals cheers. Carn the blues.
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Now that I've turned 50, I received a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail yesterday.

Apparently the Government wants me to shit in a bag and send it to them.

If I'd known I was allowed to do this, I would have done it already.

I'd even supply my own bag.
Don't put it off mate... And remember, you're only as young as you feel.
Chin up man!
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Jokes aside do it my friend.....might save your life

And your loved ones will thank you for it for the rest of your life (y)

Raging Coeliac here mate. I've been checked out every 3 years since 24yo. (y)
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Raging Coeliac here mate. I've been checked out every 3 years since 24yo. (y)
Hows the finger up the butt going? Becoming a norm? You'll get used to it I'm sure.
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Hows the finger up the butt going? Becoming a norm? You'll get used to it I'm sure.

Better than the AVZ pineapples.
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Has 'the power' made it? I don't follow footy.
Probably but I reckon the Blues are the smokey this year for the flag

The Lions may have just done the competition a favour

The spots in the very bottom 8th spot are very, very tight

But who give's a flying fuck?....assuming we're about to become multi millionaires :rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:
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Now that I've turned 50, I received a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail yesterday.

Apparently the Government wants me to shit in a bag and send it to them.

If I'd known I was allowed to do this, I would have done it already.

I'd even supply my own bag.
One of the funniest posts I've seen on here, nice work🤣
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Now that I've turned 50, I received a bowel cancer screening kit in the mail yesterday.

Apparently the Government wants me to shit in a bag and send it to them.

If I'd known I was allowed to do this, I would have done it already.

I'd even supply my own bag.
Nut(2) welcome too the 50’s ++++++
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I couldn't care less, I'm one of the few sophisticated AVZ shareholders and not one of the majority of bogans. Even my footy team (that I don't follow) is the mighty Demons. :LOL:
*cough* Melbourne football club.
Woah bud settle down, most around here would have thousands & millions of shares at 2-4c even 10c and above..

Bogans yeah but don’t ever say your better than someone that holds 1000 shares compared to 20,000,000 shares mate..
I don’t think being a CUNT suits you sam..

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Though this is good news @cruiser51…. It was expected and what I hope people realise is that this came from a magazine / website that promotes CKK and posts lies and other attempted undermining and bullshit comments against AVZ, so it’s basically trying to put the case that CKK is doing a good job.

Mupande is gone, now it’s time for this lying fuckwit to go too

View attachment 41872

View attachment 41873
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End of the arbitration proceedings at the ICC: Shaken by the position of COMINIERE SA, the company MMCS1 withdraws its main claims​


Posted on August 11, 2023

It is a legal victory that the Congolese mining company (COMINIERE SA) has just won at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) against the multinational MMCS1. Shaken by the convincing arguments of COMINIERE SA which clearly and black and white established before the judges the unfoundation of "these main claims as well as the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the interventions of the experts and witnesses cited by the plaintiff in this arbitration procedure", MMCS1 was forced to withdraw its main claims before the ICC
Indeed, following the official withdrawal of the main claims of MMCS1 in the file opposing it to the Congolese mining company, the General Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) transmitted, by email of July 21, 2023, to all the litigants as well as to the Arbitral Tribunal, the letter confirming the end of the arbitration procedure registered under ICC nº 23225/GR/PAR between MMCS1 and COMINIERE SA (hereinafter referred to as the "procedure ”), pursuant to Article 37(6) of the ICC Rules.
For its part, the Arbitral Tribunal constituted to hear this procedure, by its email of July 28, 2023, formally acknowledged receipt of the email of July 21, 2023 and noted that the Procedure is deemed to have ended. By her email of July 31, 2023 addressed to the Arbitral Tribunal, the claimant in arbitration MMCS1
through her counsel, confirmed the end of the procedure following the withdrawal of her main claims pursuant to Article 37(6) of the CCl Rules and, moreover, thanked the Arbitral Tribunal for all the diligence carried out since the start of this arbitration, for the professionalism they have demonstrated in this case, but also for the flexibility and patience they have shown towards the parties throughout the proceedings.
The hearings of the pleadings having been closed and the hearing notes issued, COMINIERE SA's legal counsel also sent the note of the balance of his fees to the senior management of this para-public, as announced in his referenced letter of January 02, 2023 The withdrawal of the principal claims and consequently the end of the procedure, devote the end of its services relative to this Procedure.
At the time of going to press, MMCS1 refused and still refuses, in a deliberate manner, to pay the
balance of the amount of the separate position, despite repeated reminders from the General Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC, to enable the Arbitral Tribunal to rule on the merits of its claims, confirms the terms of the latest report by Cabinet Emery Mukendi Wafwana et Associés, SCP, sent to COMINIERE SA following the hearings in January 2023. This last report stated the relevance and merits of its legal arguments developed on behalf of COMINIERE SA, which arguments had shaken the position of MMCS1,while establishing the non-foundation of its main claims as well as the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the interventions of the experts and witnesses cited by the plaintiff in this procedure.
It should be noted that by correspondence dated June 29, 2023, in accordance with Article 37(6), the Secretary General granted the Claimant a final deadline until July 17, 2023 to pay the balance of the amount of the
provision separately and informed the claimant that in the absence of payment within the time allowed, the claims concerned would be considered withdrawn.
This period expired on July 17, 2023 without our having received this payment and without any party having raised an objection in accordance with Article 37(6). Consequently, in accordance with Article 37(6), the main requests are considered withdrawn as of July 18, 2023, without this precluding their subsequent reintroduction in another procedure. The Court was informed of the withdrawal of the claims and, at the same time, it was asked to fix the costs of the arbitration. So what is the consequence to be drawn from this withdrawal?
To date, according to a mining and quarrying agent who requested anonymity, the direct consequence of the withdrawal of MMCS1's requests or the end of the procedure is that COMINIERE SA does not incur any risk whatsoever arising from the procedure, this which can be analyzed as a success and/or result obtained for the benefit of the government corporation.
Dieudonne Buanali

Under-appreciated post here.

Let’s not forget that COMINIERE tried to deliberately lose this case to fuck us up and feather their own nest [cough, Celestin]. It took a late and concerted effort from journos and others to get COMINIERE to even send a legal team to the defend COMINIERE’s position. Without that intervention COMINIERE would not have the required 10% to cede to the government as part of the ML arrangements, leaving us in a permanent state of pineapple.

I’d like to think there will be a dawn raid on Celestin’s house any day now…
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Woah bud settle down, most around here would have thousands & millions of shares at 2-4c even 10c and above..

Bogans yeah but don’t ever say your better than someone that holds 1000 shares compared to 20,000,000 shares mate..
I don’t think being a CUNT suits you sam..

It's not supposed to be taken that way cashy, I'm absolutely one of the bogans. I'll delete so there's no confusion 😆
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