AVZ Discussion 2022


Ain't got no problems with jokes or banter/satire on this forum.
Not a fan of the constant "difference of opinion, therefore you're a Chinese troll/shorter" speel that often gets thrown around here.
Also a rare few of the older/longer term posters here can act like the keepers of the key/superior, no one likes that.

Calling people fuckwits and morons simply because they've slightly pricked your pride ain't my jam either. Just my personal opinions.

I enjoy TSE for its more informative/less chaotic nature than HC. Have been here since day 1.
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"Nigel is giving me all his shares in return for me having negotiated all the above on his behalf."
Anyone gullible enough to believe this deserves to be ridiculed publicly:LOL::ROFLMAO:
What his/hers/other AJN shares 🤓😛
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Ain't got no problems with jokes or banter/satire on this forum.
Not a fan of the constant "difference of opinion, therefore you're a Chinese troll/shorter" speel that often gets thrown around here.
Also a rare few of the older/longer term posters here can act like the keepers of the key/superior, no one likes that.

Calling people fuckwits and morons simply because they've slightly pricked your pride ain't my jam either. Just my personal opinions.

I enjoy TSE for its more informative/less chaotic nature than HC. Have been here since day 1.
The keepers of the key have minimised trolling and indeed had success in removing trolls permanently .

That is one of the things that differentiates TSE from the crapper.
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Thank you Silent on that most salient point of advice
I did my own research,

My Findings :

In this I found startlingly that Janes opining on messing with people who are very concerned about the AVZ outcome (would this not be every. single. shareholder. including...ahh nvm) is wrong morally, ethically and the height of most undesirable behaviours.

Upon coming to this conclusion on Janes stance, I found myself agreeing with said stance placing my AVZ cap firmly on my head with a hand placed gently on my beating heart a slight dip of the head in a solemn moment of silence, in solidarity with the suffering of the AVZ Army.

The next step on the ladder of logic is to look at the said 'messing' that has crossed the line into the realm of moral scum.

Ahhh its someone has fights with his own shadow, jokes alot, also is notorious for a patience shorter than a midget on his knees.

Upon reading this very post myself before all that followed, my reaction was during reading, here is a joke coming, by the end, that was a joke, I was mildly amused and what may have been mistaken for a smile could have spread across my face.

Ok lets look at this:

The first clue was to be found as early as the second line : 'AVZ has successfully negotiated'
Sorry Bags but was a huge red flag for me and my bullshit alarms went fucking ballistic.

The second clue was : 'including cassiterite'
We have always forgot about the tin, shit CAMI has forgot about the tin, so this let me know my todger was being pulled.

The third clue : '90% ownership confirmed'
Really guys, fucking really. With the GREED the DRC Govt is showing, the outright corruption coursing through the veins of literally every single politician milking the DRC dry, you thought we would get 90%. Its as obvious as a bloke in drag (library time with the kids for some of you newbies here) that we are not getting 90%, it is clear the DRC want more, for the excellent assistance we have received from them to date.

The fourth clue : 'Felix ministerial reshuffle currently underway'
DRC has already had a ministerial reshuffle remember, and come on the last one took months upon months AFTER they announced it, now re-read that twice and then pause, wait for it.................................................................................................................................................................................................................
there we go hopefully that creaking you heard was the remainder of your braincells firing up.

The Fifth clue : 'Nigel is giving me all his shares in return for me having negotiated all the above on his behalf.'
FFS do I really have to go into this. Nige is actually transferring half his owned shares to me. Cue a few smooth brains emailing Nigel in protest.


This was a joke, for the majority of those who have been reading this forum for some time now they would have picked up on this before the end of the post. By the end of the post its an obvious joke, even to those who are a bit, um, well, slow.

A joke is a display of humor, having fun with words, to solicit laughter, even to cause amusement.

Those who did not find any slight enjoyment in the 'offending' post and also similar from others in recent times, most likely have undergone a humor lobotomy, the same crowd that finds offence in a picture of an attractive woman in a bikini from @JAG :eek:

Humour definitely isn't for everyone and those people somehow always seem to find their way to comedy shows and cry when the likes of Jimmy Carr or Jim Jefferies ridicule them. Like a comedic version of natural selection.

If we couldn't have a joke what we're we supposed to be doing for the last year? Day trading AVZ?
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The keepers of the key have minimised trolling and indeed had success in removing trolls permanently .

That is one of the things that differentiates TSE from the crapper.
And the tribal council has spoken…


That’s why we love it here
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Have a Cigar 1975
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There are different levels to humour. I suppose if your IQ is under 50 then someone simply saying things that are untrue is likely enough to make you clap your hands and howl.

View attachment 39115
I find your bullying and ridicule of a fellow struggling human being reprehensible.
What kind of phychopath treats humans this way?
And now you mock people with intelectual disabilities?
What is wrong with you?
Embarrassed Shame GIF
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Wierd times on here this week.

Company released some good news and it seems people just don't know how to respond to that anymore, so things just went a little bonkers
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On a serious note do we see light at the end of the Tunnel, a Takeover maybe, why would the company release those drilling results is a messege in this
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a positive announcement followed by completely tight lipped mgmt regarding the shmozzle. Mgmt obviously playing it super close to the chest to avoid giving the dogs any bones even in the press. Feeling a nice positive fluffy upswing about it all.
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I popped over to support you mate
Loved that support TITS....much appreciated :ROFLMAO:
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Ahh good times at good ol' TSE ;)
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More pain for AVZ Minerals (AVZ)

Struggling Australian lithium hopeful, AVZ Minerals today suspended drilling after coming up empty in the final 36 of its 53 hole campaign at Manono in the Democratic Republic of China (DRC). The first 17 diamond drill holes were also disappointing.

AVZ CEO, Nigel Funston expressed disappointment at the drilling results, and said that the Chinese laboratory that tested the core samples assured him there was no lithium in any of the 56 samples sent for analysis. A laboratory spokesperson said that what initially appeared to be exposed pegmatites were in fact just valueless mica extrusions.

In 2022, AVZ Minerals was suspended from trading for breaches of ASX trading rules. Since then the company has been financially supported by its long-term partner Zijin Mining, and by the DRC government. Both entities reiterated their continued support for the company.

Both Zijin and the DRC government agreed that based on the analytical results, Manono appears uneconomic and no further drilling would occur at the site. The site would be mothballed until a buyer could be found. Representatives of Zijin Mining and AJN Resources, a Canadian listed explorer (TSX-AJN) said their companies would jointly step in to clean up the site and prevent it from falling into disrepair at no cost to the government. Security staff and heavy equipment, including excavators and haul trucks were already on site ready to commence the cleanup.

The DRC Mines Minister praised the community spirit of both companies, and said they represented the kind of responsible companies the nation is seeking to attract in order to spearhead its ambitious push for a place the global EV battery chain.

Mr Funston reiterated that although disappointed, Manono was just one of a suite of exploration tenements held by the company in mining friendly jurisdictions. Mr Funston said the company's focus would now shift to its exploration sites in Sudan and Somalia. Like the DRC, these nations have strong governance arrangements in place, and a commitment to the rule of law.

Tom Tosser
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Nice little sponsored article from Helen

Would be nice if she worked for the AFR

Maybe we should sponsor Tommy Richardson to get a positive article

Oh.....oh wait......can't do that

Tommy's already sponsored up the eyeballs by Boatman, Zijin, other Chinese interests and some corrupt DRC officials who have a few surplus paper bags laying around
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There are different levels to humour. I suppose if your IQ is under 50 then someone simply saying things that are untrue is likely enough to make you clap your hands and howl.

View attachment 39115

Maybe the level of humour was just above your capacity. You do seem to be the only one that didn't get it. You certainly didn't raise the bar posting hate speech about the intellectually disabled.

What's the old saying about behind every angry woman there's a poor bloke waiting for his sammich to get made?
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