Top 20
Block a promising project for the country, local development and the policy of the PDL-145T of
PR05 as Cominiere did for 2 years for private interests and selling off according to the Report
should be considered a crime of high treason
Franck Fwamba
DRC NGOs want the government to give mining permits to mining companies that invest their money in research & exploration, in community development and not those who come to profit, exploit what they have not discovered as Chinese
Franck Fwamba
Times and circumstances having changed,
is not JKK,
is not Martin Kabwelulu,
did not acquire a mining asset irregularly from Cominiere but bought shares in Dathomir. Any expropriation as for FQM will be very inexplicable
Franck Fwamba
The PR05
is a pragmatic legalist leader who favors rights, dialogue, respect and investor security. The Civil Society is convinced that the leaders of Cominiere will be sanctioned for mismanagement and blocking of Dathcom after report
Franck Fwamba
NGOs and Civile Society in DR Congo supports
Mark Bristow,
Nigel Ferguson and VinMart Group Chetan Chug managements because they do invest in exploration and researches when Chinese and others come just to buy for cheaper and loot. DRC needs explorers.
Franck Fwamba
-I like
and Kibali Gold Mine -I support Mark Bristow, defender and promoter of African national executives and friends of local communities, adopted son of the Kibali Chieftaincy in the DRC -I denounce the campaign against his management of Barrick by xenophobes
Franck Fwamba
Les 3 entreprises publiques minieres basees du Haut Katanga, Lualaba, Haut Lomami et Tanganyika (Cominiere, Kisenge Manganese, Sodimico) doivent etre dissoutes et tout leur patrimoine minier remis a
sans les dettes a prendre par leurs actionnaires. Audits et sanctions
Franck Fwamba
Dathcom's Manono Lithium Project requires few things to move forward: 1) Cominiere's general audit by
2) Cominiere's dissolution, all assets goes to
3) Judicial inquiry and trial of looters 4) Zijin out 5) New shareholding State-
Franck Fwamba
CEO and President Mark Bristow is the only boss of a big mining company in the world meeting, respecting, defending and promoting black African communities and managers where he mines since years with Randgold Resources and now with Barrick like in DRC, Tanzania, etc
Franck Fwamba
supporters must stand up to stop a cheap smearing campaign against its successful CEO and President Mark Bristow by some xenophobic people just because he is African at the helm of a big Multinational gold company.
* I hope everyone is giving our "Brother from another Mother" with a similar name plenty of

We really owe these guys on the ground over there who have our best interests at Heart, Who support us Day in, Day out
A huge Debt of Gratitude for Fighting the Good Fight, Good v Evil on our behalf / along side AVZ SH's & BOD imo
Food for thought
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