Interview with Frank's brother, Franck.
Translation is available, switch on undertitles and translate.
Summary of points discussed:
Americans respected human rights and paid more. Social benefits now decreased under the Chinese.
Discussions on cobalt/Kabila - Chinese are in politics. Chinese come to countries to take resources. They are dishonest. Massive human rights violations.
DRC weak in enforcing legislation. Manipulated by Chinese. Shared responsibility. Responsibility shared with foreigners.
Manono - documentary - people want AVZ/Australians due to paying higher wages and better conditions
Chinese are cheating the Congolese for 50kg of Concentrate they declare 15kg. Say it is wet/contains water etc, congolese see it is concentrate but don't object
Illegal presence of Chinese and foreigners.
Chinese do not operate the mines in line with international conditions/wages, they come to take the minerals, they exploit and pollute. Chinese destroy the environment, they speak chinese.
Chinese already control 70% plus of resources.
Chinese do not provide hospitals and education. Should come from mining sales.
Dathcom Feasibility study has plans for providing electricity with Australians operating in manono, provide water and health centres. These are planned in the model.
DRC need to diversify away from China
With the west, if they do not respect standards, DRC know how to hit them in their public opinion. Whereas with China who can they complain to? No one.
Chinese public policy is just to go and take/steal as much as possible
Australians - if they hurt us we sue them in the stock market or in the courts