AVZ Discussion 2022


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Hi @zeeb0t . @MoneyBags1348 is good, honest to a fault and ... yes can be abrasive. But he justly calls a troll, a troll. I value his input and prolific posting. Thanks and BR Sparrowhawk
I second this @zeeb0t

Here is 2c worth

Within this thread, an alarming situation has unfolded, trolls with multiple accounts have infiltrated and are prospering after a few unsuccessful efforts, causing disinterest and frustration among genuine users. Despite reports being filed against these trolls, they continue to sow discontent and hinder meaningful engagement. There should be an urgency of addressing this issue to prevent the loss of valuable community members.

It is disheartening to witness the detrimental impact of trolls within this thread. Their disruptive presence has caused valued members, such as @MoneyBags1348, to become disinterested and disengaged. Reports filed against these trolls, including my own, have seemingly fallen on deaf ears, allowing the toxic atmosphere to persist.

Consequences of allowing trolls to dominate the conversation extend beyond the individuals directly affected. As demonstrated by the overwhelmingly positive reactions to @Sparrowhawk12's post (currently at 27), it is evident that many others share the sentiment of discontent. This suggests a growing number of users feeling disenchanted with the platform's slow transformation into a hub for trolls and hostility, we already have HC for that.

@MoneyBags1348's presence within the community holds significant value. Losing an active and respected member due to the persistence of trolls is not only regrettable but also counterproductive. It is crucial to prioritize the retention and well-being of dedicated contributors who enhance the platform's quality and foster a sense of belonging among users.

Immediate action is required to rectify this concerning situation. By swiftly identifying and taking appropriate measures against trolls through further discussion with @MoneyBags1348.

Ignoring the presence of trolls and the impact they have on valued community members will only lead to further disinterest and alienation.
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Just received this from ZB, which concludes our discussion:

"Just a note - the rules are 100% consistently applied however only posts which are “reported” using the report function are assessed. This is 99% the reason behind any appearance of a lack of application of the rules. People don’t report them first…

Have a nice day also."

So yes, there is a deliberate and concerted policy of reporting posts in order to disrupt.

So be careful what you post and play the same game with the trolls. Report

However, what is more interesting to me is why this has all begun/escalated in the last week or so?

Trolls or their employers getting VERRRRRY worried methinks.
AVZ is on the road to victory and it's p1ssing some people off .
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Just received this from ZB, which concludes our discussion:

Just a note - the rules are 100% consistently applied however only posts which are “reported” using the report function are assessed. This is 99% the reason behind any appearance of a lack of application of the rules. People don’t report them first…

Have a nice day also."

So yes, there is a deliberate and concerted policy of reporting posts in order to disrupt.

So be careful what you post and play the same game with the trolls. Report

However, what is more interesting to me is why this has all begun/escalated in the last week or so?

Trolls or their employers getting VERRRRRY worried methinks.
Me thinks Zijin has indicated their TO offer to AVZ. AVZ had refused to come to their table or participate in any discussions with them hence the most recent ICC request.
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Probably best if we just all shut the fuck up, stop providing info to the enemy and eat popcorn until ICC

This is what I’m doing

bye all

See you Bags
Agree totally
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The stench around here in the last week ….
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Agree totally

Me thinks Zijin has indicated their TO offer to AVZ. AVZ had refused to come to their table or participate in any discussions with them hence the most recent ICC request.
Take over I do not think so .
More stalling tactics in my view .
So that AVZ run out of funds.
The problem is ZIJIN know they will be exposed for the fraudlent actions and the right of first refusal not been followed.
ICC ruling will clear the path for FT to take action IMO without any negative impact to him and up coming election .
"I am following the law the DRC is a good place to invest in "???.
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Though it seems likely stalling shenannigans with this latest ICC action.
I still cant stop comming back to the commentary on the latest announcement.
Seemingly irrelevant (to the announcement of the ICC action) commentary by the company.

"whilst no substantive quantification as to the merits and the quantum of the
damages claim is provided in the Request, it appears on face value that the
amount of the damages claims is based on Jin Cheng holding a 15% interest
and Cominière a 10% interest in Dathcom, thus suggesting that the Claimants
are valuing the entirety of the Manono Project at US$5.66

Stating it's not explained what the damages are for, is relevant.

But going on to point out the $ values have a relation to the claimed ownership of C and Z.
And going on to point out that it's in relation to what they value the entire company at.

It's not just some commentary or speculation made off hand in an interview, it's in an official announcement.

To me, AVZ are telling us they are suing for their claimed ownership in the entire project,
I can't think of a circumstance where anyone would do that if they hadn't lost their claimed ownership.

So much of it doesn't make sense, which to me means there's information yet to be released.

Apparently we're expecting an announcement this week, lets hope it's got something good for us
and clears some things up.
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Take over I do not think so .
More stalling tactics in my view .
So that AVZ run out of funds.
The problem is ZIJIN know they will be exposed for the fraudlent actions and the right of first refusal not been followed.
ICC ruling will clear the path for FT to take action IMO without any negative impact to him and up coming election .
"I am following the law the DRC is a good place to invest in "???.
Stalling tactics? Purchased for $33million and now demanding $800million for doing nothing? There is definitely more to that then simply stalling one would think.
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Either El Presidente is knee deep in the corruption or he's biding his time/awaiting further developments, for whatever reason(s) before he sorts this scheisse.

I firmly believe that if the former, then it will not preclude him taking action and then buying a rather large carpet and a brush.

One thing that is clear, particularly with the international attention related to the importance of lithium, is that if AVZ was gonna be totally screwed over then it would already have happened.
It's sort of too late to do that if DRC does not want to become a Chinese satellite due to the western criticism and rejection that would inevitably follow.

It has not occured and so I think we'll come out of this well.
Just not sure how well.

It seems though that BoD is playing hardball and always has. Onya
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It's clearly touching nerves when my posts are reported and moderated

Be very careful folks.....the ones who keep talking about an insular environment and echo chambers here are not LTH's friends

There's a narrative of opening up ideas, and different points of view from them but it's not genuine

It's purely an agenda to disrupt, deflect, provide doubt and divide

Stay on track

Look to the company announcements for the best insight into the truth and at all times call out corruption, bullshit, mysterious convoluted grandstanding posts, posters who purport to have intel and actually share nothing and above all recognise the shithouse orchestrated attempts by multiple "personalities" here who have zero interest in your wellbeing and even less interest in the success of AVZ
Spoken with
Probably best if we just all shut the fuck up, stop providing info to the enemy and eat popcorn until ICC

This is what I’m doing

bye all

See you Bags
Hear, hear.

After being moderated several times, had a private talk with Zeeb0t and mentioned the influx of new posters with multiple accounts.
Stopped posting until the desperate arseholes leave, one way or the other way.

Zeeb0t has the tools to flush out the arseholes, at the end he is the owner of this forum.

If this forum is being abused and the abuse not corrected, the attractiveness of this forum disappears and just becomes another forum, infiltrated by people with alternative motives.

I hope the crap will stop, but in the meantime, it is excellent weather to go out fishing.
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John Reed

Something that takes 15 minutes to legally resolve, adjudicate on ownership based on contracts, is taking 350+ days to get to.

This control over managment is exactly what Cominiere are ignoring and bristling against and was effected more so by Yibin Tianyi’s CPs for investing in AVZ. Cominiere are seeing mouth watering sums and little of it for them as Cong and KabIla wedged in. Perhaps another CP should have been Yibin looks after charity.

If you recall Graeme Johnson’s letters to a cominiere employee (Fwamba posted), reminding him of the company structure @9cardomaha , it can be inferred Cominiere just doesn’t understand or care about the rules.

It’s also a cultural thing, the Francophone way of doing business. Hence the guy who hangs out at Monaco was always the lubricator with his alleged “legalised corruption” concept.
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Wow Comminiere getting absolutely roasted on Twitter. Trying to defame AVZ and posters coming back with documents directly calling out the BS.
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China are the economy. I’m sorry to say it looks pretty bleak for us with most of their economy relying entirely on Chinese export. And Felix is obviously on the take. This will not spin our way and our government will be arguing about wether we use the term indigenous or aboriginal when performing a welcome to country at a footy match.
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John Reed

Spoken with

Hear, hear.

After being moderated several times, had a private talk with Zeeb0t and mentioned the influx of new posters with multiple accounts.
Stopped posting until the desperate arseholes leave, one way or the other way.

Zeeb0t has the tools to flush out the arseholes, at the end he is the owner of this forum.

If this forum is being abused and the abuse not corrected, the attractiveness of this forum disappears and just becomes another forum, infiltrated by people with alternative motives.

I hope the crap will stop, but in the meantime, it is excellent weather to go out fishing.
I would say a small coterie of individuals here believe they decide who is in and who is out and make it unsafe for people to interact with who ever they like because this coterie of self entitled are regularly bullying (what they want to say is “abrasive”) hence their claims of moderation suggest they might just be the trolls unwittingly.

Anyone who may be interested to contact me can do so direct messages, so that the paranoid types here don’t go on another campaign
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John Reed

China are the economy. I’m sorry to say it looks pretty bleak for us with most of their economy relying entirely on Chinese export. And Felix is obviously on the take. This will not spin our way and our government will be arguing about wether we use the term indigenous or aboriginal when performing a welcome to country at a footy match.
But Franck Fwamba claims the US don’t want China controlling the lithium

Manono Kitotolo has always been too big to ignore. Apparently Twiggy tried
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Wow just returning to the forum after taking a month away on holiday, and what a grade-A shitshow! Seems to have devolved somewhat..

Personally, after reading allll these pages and the announcements issued since i took a travel-based mental-health breather (which admittedly focused largely on alcohol consumption) I think Zijin and Cominiere coming together on this latest ICC action is likely a further expression of a simple yet multi-pronged strategy previously mentioned:

1. To allow Zijin to be seen as a cooperative actor with Cominiere, underpinning its claim that a new JV between it and the Government would progress this strategic Project - as "we are already working together against the culprit stalling the Project".

2. To allow Zijin to fund and support Cominiere at the ICC, including by managing its legal team, giving it a better hope of success amidst its typical uselessness, and avoiding its concerns at being unable to pay its way. Its not Zijin's first rodeo at using the legal system to stall, steal a project or undermine an opponent! Likely also presents another path for transmission of snacks if necessary, as an aside.

3. To allow more imminent ICC cases to be wrapped up into a later submitted umbrella case, pushing back the window again to post 2024 at earliest. Im convinced we will see such an attempt come to pass. This would mark part of what I assume is now their grand strategic plan of delayance, in which they are likely to bombard the government along with the Chinese authorities and their suborned DRC agents (aka MoP/CAMI/Cominiere et al) that the only way to get this very important Project moving is by removal of whom they portray as the blocking actor. I have seen firm indicators of this in all the Cominiere and Zijin statements and letters, which were unfortunately also echoed in the MoM's cancelation decree.

4: Connected to the above, ensuring that Zijin have access to an ICC case against AVZ that it can use to delay us into dust, in consideration that its initial challenge was likely to be thrown out due to jurisdictional issues in July/Aug.

Regarding the Zijin/Com inclusion of a 'value' as set by its damages claim, this could potentially be seen a statement of lost revenue due to 'AVZ's delay', as reflected against the timeline set in the DFS as to first sale of product if these disputes hadn't erupted. Just a theory.

But anyway this is where I see this game moving, and I think Cominiere's efforts (seemingly with CAMI involvement) to simple oust AVZ or reassign 13359 to Cominiere is part of this plan coming together. I think we all know examples of where governments have stripped licenses of those they claim weren't progressing their Projects. Mostly due to their own inability rather than the institutionalized and state-backed corruption in service of outside non-state actors we are seeing with AVZ, but we've seen it nonetheless. That's probably Objective A of the plot, but a secondary Objective B could be to push us towards accepting a low-ball TO after we run out of cash, should their efforts to win the Project outright through subterfuge not reach success.

I have been calling for a negotiated outcome to this for a year, however to my dismay (though not those of all here) I think we may have pushed past the point now where that is possible. It's a major roll of the dice by our management, and one I now think is going to be to our ultimate detriment, but the AVZ management have optics on all the aspects of this case and I do not, so some benefit of the doubt must be provided. As such I'm still backing them - though with considerable apprehension.

In any case best of luck to all our holders here, as we've still got a difficult road ahead! I continue to appreciate all the information being presented here by those you all know, with a special mention to 9card, Frank, Carlos and others, and to the efforts of those like Spike and JAG who are continuing to fight the good fight. Note I even appreciate the return of our old friend DG who whilst muddying the waters as ever, does provide some interesting avenues of thought. Would prefer them in English though, I must say.
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Der Geist

Wow just returning to the forum after taking a month away on holiday, and what a grade-A shitshow! Seems to have devolved somewhat..

Personally, after reading allll these pages and the announcements issued since i took a travel-based mental-health breather (which admittedly focused largely on alcohol consumption) I think Zijin and Cominiere coming together on this latest ICC action is likely a further expression of a simple yet multi-pronged strategy previously mentioned:

1. To allow Zijin to be seen as a cooperative actor with Cominiere, underpinning its claim that a new JV between it and the Government would progress this strategic Project - as "we are already working together against the culprit stalling the Project".

2. To allow Zijin to fund and support Cominiere at the ICC, including by managing its legal team, giving it a better hope of success amidst its typical uselessness, and avoiding its concerns at being unable to pay its way. Its not Zijin's first rodeo at using the legal system to stall, steal a project or undermine an opponent! Likely also presents another path for transmission of snacks if necessary, as an aside.

3. To allow more imminent ICC cases to be wrapped up into a later submitted umbrella case, pushing back the window again to post 2024 at earliest. Im convinced we will see such an attempt come to pass. This would mark part of what I assume is now their grand strategic plan of delayance, in which they are likely to bombard the government along with the Chinese authorities and their suborned DRC agents (aka MoP/CAMI/Cominiere et al) that the only way to get this very important Project moving is by removal of whom they portray as the blocking actor. I have seen firm indicators of this in all the Cominiere and Zijin statements and letters, which were unfortunately also echoed in the MoM's cancelation decree.

4: Connected to the above, ensuring that Zijin have access to an ICC case against AVZ that it can use to delay us into dust, in consideration that its initial challenge was likely to be thrown out due to jurisdictional issues in July/Aug.

Regarding the Zijin/Com inclusion of a 'value' as set by its damages claim, this could potentially be seen a statement of lost revenue due to 'AVZ's delay', as reflected against the timeline set in the DFS as to first sale of product if these disputes hadn't erupted. Just a theory.

But anyway this is where I see this game moving, and I think Cominiere's efforts (seemingly with CAMI involvement) to simple oust AVZ or reassign 13359 to Cominiere is part of this plan coming together. I think we all know examples of where governments have stripped licenses of those they claim weren't progressing their Projects. Mostly due to their own inability rather than the institutionalized and state-backed corruption in service of outside non-state actors we are seeing with AVZ, but we've seen it nonetheless. That's probably Objective A of the plot, but a secondary Objective B could be to push us towards accepting a low-ball TO after we run out of cash, should their efforts to win the Project outright through subterfuge not reach success.

I have been calling for a negotiated outcome to this for a year, however to my dismay (though not those of all here) I think we may have pushed past the point now where that is possible. It's a major roll of the dice by our management, and one I now think is going to be to our ultimate detriment, but the AVZ management have optics on all the aspects of this case and I do not, so some benefit of the doubt must be provided. As such I'm still backing them - though with considerable apprehension.

In any case best of luck to all our holders here, as we've still got a difficult road ahead! I continue to appreciate all the information being presented here by those you all know, with a special mention to 9card, Frank, Carlos and others, and to the efforts of those like Spike and JAG who are continuing to fight the good fight. Note I even appreciate the return of our old friend DG who whilst muddying the waters as ever, does provide some interesting avenues of thought. Would prefer them in English though, I must say.
🙏 fantastic overview.
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To my LTH TSE AVZ comrades,

Really sad to see a few of our very much respected posters @MoneyBags1348 , @Xerof , @Winenut etc falling down a rabbit hole due to a multi faceted troll.....:mad:

After all the crap that we have had to put up with these last 12+ months, with the arsehole scum ZIJIN / COMINIERE trying to corrupt , stall / steal the ( our ) most prized Lithium asset the world has ever seen ( MALFEASANCE ), going thru emotion after emotion after emotion , having to put up viewing french language every day, having to decipher / link all these farken african / chinese names to their respective devious plots,...... yet the TSE FAMILY resolve has only got stronger, the intel has only got better and the TSE AVZ family has grown bigger..........;)(y)

Are you all going to thru in the towel and break up due to a few pissant shorter trolls ?

Now i aint the smartest tool in the shed, heaps more posters smarter than me, but if i have learnt anything by spending 6yrs at the CESSPOOL HC ( where hundreds of trolls live ), whereby i received 370 moderations attacking all sorts of arseholes ranging from ANATOL the love heart master pumper😍 , the multi nic hopless charter FLASHPOINT, HOT INVESTOR, the whining BRUCE and numerous other fuckers i cant even remember.........it just fuels their fire, makes them even more narcisstic and determined to hang around even longer....;)

It took me a long while to register that the IGNORE function is a very worthy tool in either pushing a button to extinguish the said troll

genie in a bottle.gif

completely, or just DONT RESPOND.

Now some of you are going to come back to me and say.........." well BEISHA you are still engaging with them ! "

And thats a fair call, but what you may or may not have noticed, was that i was actually trolling them in a real subtle way, no abuse, just setting a trap to confirm my instincts and at the same time, alluding that fact to the broader community.

I will now no longer engage, I got what i wanted out of the exercise, they know nothing more than we do, in fact their knowledge is only on the basis of what the great sleuths here have provided....;)

Now, if the said trolls are shorters, they want to sew further seeds of doubt and despair amongst the group hoping you will all cave and SELL once AVZ reopens for trade........they want a easy OUT !

Now i dont know how others are feeling right now, but i am quietly confident that the JIGSAW puzzle is finally coming together...........in AVZ favour.

a ) Round 1 tribunal win for AVZ over Cominiere ( throwing AVZ out of Dathcom JV )

b ) The recent counter from the gang bangers ZIJIN / COMINIERE trying to " spook " AVZ for over a BILLION dollars that they have absolutely no chance of getting.............not even a cent, its a complete and utter fucking joke and reaps of desperation !!

c) Did anyone notice the recent bum chum photo of JULES ALINGETE and the smug FELIX TSHISEKEDI that @Frank posted recently ??...........hmmm

d) The DRC locals want AVZ at MANONO, not ZIJIN / CHINA.............the vibe just gets stronger and stronger.

e) AVZ tight documentation

So everyone, please be smart, now is NOT the time for FRACTURE, no one in this strong family community is bigger or has more influence to divide and conquer...........dont allow it , cause i am hoping that good times are just around the corner, whenever that maybe.....:unsure:


Lets continue to punch out that intel, debate vigourously with respect, crack some gags and IGNORE the trolls......




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