I don't think anyone yet has commented on the ICC ruling about Comminiere paying for 90% of AVZ's legal fees, apparently $188k.
I'd love to see the documentation stating the reasoning for this.
I mean it seems positive for our case.
It would have to be likely that the arbitrator sees an open and shut case in favor of AVZ for them to make that ruling right?
However I'm unschooled in how these matters are delt with and just guessing.
I mentioned court costs awarded to Cominiere in my post to Sparrow yesterday and yes, it was significant, cause in most cases around the world i would think, if a party is deemed at fault, then they have to pay the court costs or a fair chunk at the very least.......so it led me to believe this could be the precedence for the final outcome.
You raised another good point yesterday regards to blackmail of Cominiere via Zijin. I have long been racking my limited brain as to what HOLD China has over DRC for this Manono project to be screwed over for so long
Sure , China have been there for 30yrs , when no other country would, blah, blah , so maybe China is using the big squeeze on the DRC regards to loyalty , China also have DRC committed to significant BELT & ROAD traps.........are they using that as a bargaining tool ?
Hadnt considered black mail, but certainly makes sense, given corruption is rife on both sides
The fact of the matter and its as clear as day , even to the most mentally challenged, corruption included, despite China "investment"for 30yrs, DRC is still one of the poorest countries in the world ........the relationship is one sided , China is rich, DRC is poor.........something is very wrong with that scenario.... cause DRC wealth should be equated with WA.
CHINA NEED DRC , but DRC dont need China, if they can get their heads out of the brown paper bag cycle........

The international community would love a piece of DRC minerals to combat China mineral dominance and would be very willing to cancel out DRC financial committments to China , possibly with a better interest rate and better conditions to repay
International coys would also pay the locals a better labour rate , get involved with infrastructure build that actually gets completed.
Felix visit to China is a interesting one, is XI going to be the one to put the screw on FT to keep the status quo and allow them rights to
Manono ?
Or is FT looking to put the screw on Xi, demanding better terms and conditions ...........or highlight the other options he has ?
Food for thought.