AVZ Discussion 2022


Have a Cigar 1975
You need to drink some green tea and calm the fuck down MB 😂

You're not the gatekeeper of AVZ. Anybody can invest in AVZ whether they have 10,000 shares, 50,000 or 100,000 or 3 Million units. If they're a bogan or not a bogan. If they're intelligent or not intelligent. If they have an investment strategy or if they just threw money into it. It doesn't make anyone any less than you. We are all AVZ shareholders and stuck in this predicament.
Calling other holders fuckwits because they haven't done as much research as you or be involved as other people is just shit.

Has some empathy ffs. Might be time for @Xerof to give you an exorcism, or maybe a circumcision might be more appropriate. 🍍🍍

I provided some respectful advice on whether to publish or not, but was beaten to the buzzer. Thank fuck it was deleted before FT got out of bed and saw it.

There is some quality stuff on twitter tonight, which is a welcome sight for sore eyes, and it's coming from Congolese. AVZ shareholders are strongly supporting these posts, and for now IMO, thats what we should be doing

I did notice some trolling cunts are now posting links to posts from here on Twitter, so be careful with your confessions

@Scoota30 I will not go anywhere near Bags's penis under any circumstances, let alone circumcision. Is that similar to circumnavigation?

10 hail mary's for all of you cunts
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Landry Meya castigated anti-values in mining company procurement departments at the Linc annual conference in Kolwezi​

April 23, 2023

Eric Kasongo
The national president of the association of subcontractors of Congo and CEO of the company AKATA RDC Landry Meya castigated the anti-values which corrode certain services of the supply chains and contracting of main companies in the mining sector during of the LINC annual conference organized on Saturday April 22, 2023 in Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
For the national president of subcontractors; despite some anti-corruption policies put in place by the main companies, however, some procurement and contracting managers in the mining sector have not yet said their last words with this dirty work of corruption, nepotism, clientelism and favoritism instead of competence; the latter even violate law 17/001 in its provision which requires the main company to pay 30% to the local companies of the subcontractors at the signing of the contract.

The relationship between the main companies and the subcontracting companies must be win-win and this to materialize the vision of the head of state Felix Tshisekedi of the creation of a class of millionaires…; Congolese who work in the mining sector must demonstrate a very high sense of patriotism, insisted Landry Meya in front of an attentive audience of mining operators present at this conference.
It is noted that this conference the LINC was also a place of collaborative networking and a platform for discussion and exchange of experience, sale of services revealed the general manager of the company AKATA RDC Christian Meya .

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"However, current mining, although having experienced an increase in production, does not yet reverse the paradox of a potentially rich country whose population is among the poorest on the planet."
No comment required from AVZ shareholders!
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@Misfits I didn't get to read any of the tweets so I don't know what was in them. You could always PM what you put in them to me as I wouldn't mind a look at what you did, obviously anything that is done has to be done prudently

@Mr Inappropriate, the President could have given the order to grant the ML anytime during the last year, and the people in the DRC that are in our corner have already made themselves known (Kiki Kienge etc) as have the one's who aren't in our corner, and have made themselves obvious by the lack of support to our situation

Good luck if you have a different view in a few months, I won't be here by then, I've been here nearly every day for the last year supporting shareholders of this company and there's too many lazy, gutless or non committed holders, many who only come out to say boo when they get scared someone might call out the level corruption and how high it goes.

Here's a secret for you, I've come to terms with writing off my 3 million shares and what they cost me, and what they might be worth, it's not worth putting in the effort here when there's so many shareholders who just sit on the sidelines peeling oranges rather than participating.... Those shareholders can start peeling oranges for the trolls, I've got no doubt they will turn up this week ready to participate
It’s all good @MoneyBags1348 - we’re allowed different opinions. I still love ya.
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Yes. I respectfully ask everyone on twitter to like & retweet Christian's tweet. Br Sparrowhawk






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Have a Cigar 1975

#RDC PORTFOLIO State Enterprises will never be left to any kind of predation. The Financial Patrol of the IGF will always watch to block the road to ANTI-VALUES in order to realize the VISION of the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, Head of State, for the financial recovery of these public entities.

Just fuckn get on with it and BELIEVE what this guy reports
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He’s a Cunt mate …. FULL STOP… He knows he’s a CUNT…. No stopping that..

So How can any of us shareholders make a
Difference ???

Hammer Felix T and he’s bunch of corrupt team on TWITTER ???


Fuck around arguing here in TSE ?


Fuck around on hot crapper arguing with hoots !!!


Fuck around on Twitter again and again ????


The only CUNT that can FIX THIS is

Chief Executive Officer​

AVZ Minerals Limited

Nigel Ferguson 😱 😱 😱

Come on CEO


Almost 1 Year CUNT

We hungry… $$$

Sell it or sort it….
Been away a few days and as somebody said this thread has entered one of it's periods of toxic negativity.

I think too many people spend too much time here.

Please don't waste today, so do something nice today.
Others made sacrifices to give you that choice.

Please DON'T be here all day.

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#RDC PORTFOLIO State Enterprises will never be left to any kind of predation. The Financial Patrol of the IGF will always watch to block the road to ANTI-VALUES in order to realize the VISION of the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, Head of State, for the financial recovery of these public entities.

Just fuckn get on with it and BELIEVE what this guy reports

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Been away a few days and as somebody said this thread has entered one of it's periods of toxic negativity.

I think too many people spend too much time here.

Please don't waste today, so do something nice today.
Others made sacrifices to give you that choice.

Please DON'T be here all day.

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Been away a few days and as somebody said this thread has entered one of it's periods of toxic negativity.

I think too many people spend too much time here.

Please don't waste today, so do something nice today.
Others made sacrifices to give you that choice.

Please DON'T be here all day.

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Yes this fella has taken up the dialog, has 48.3k Twitter followers so not too bad at all. Unfortunately he has his hand out as per the direct message he sent me....

Hi Fox (yes replaced my name with Fox, by the way no one guessed who I am on Twitter correctly), and I quote...

"The AVZ Manono project is not completely lost yet, it can be rescued! I am willing to assist in the communication, lobbying and liaising efforts both with the public opinion and government authorities. Let’s agree on the terms of engagement then I will take my flight to Kinshasa from London. This campaign should involve local community leaders from Manono as well."

Anyone else get the "ask" from Christian?

Admire the entrepreneur attempts by Christian, maybe if he looked more deeply into the announcements and so on he could join forces with our esteemed incumbent "AVZ advisors" who are doing so well, Marius has 6.5k followers vs Christian 48.3k as mentioned, should we pass the hat around, praise the Lord.

Lastly, as usual the intel is good things are happening and please be patient. Apparently AVZ working on a major new JV / funding to announce when PE comes through. As you all might recall the intel to date passed to me and then here has been shit so not a happy camper at all, maybe, the good news expected will actually eventuate. Ya got to me right just once at some stage Nigel, surely. 😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Hi @The Fox . No contact from Christian for me. Will PM you. Br 🦅
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Yes this fella has taken up the dialog, has 48.3k Twitter followers so not too bad at all. Unfortunately he has his hand out as per the direct message he sent me....

Hi Fox (yes replaced my name with Fox, by the way no one guessed who I am on Twitter correctly), and I quote...

"The AVZ Manono project is not completely lost yet, it can be rescued! I am willing to assist in the communication, lobbying and liaising efforts both with the public opinion and government authorities. Let’s agree on the terms of engagement then I will take my flight to Kinshasa from London. This campaign should involve local community leaders from Manono as well."

Anyone else get the "ask" from Christian?

Admire the entrepreneur attempts by Christian, maybe if he looked more deeply into the announcements and so on he could join forces with our esteemed incumbent "AVZ advisors" who are doing so well, Marius has 6.5k followers vs Christian 48.3k as mentioned, should we pass the hat around, praise the Lord.

Lastly, as usual the intel is good things are happening and please be patient. Apparently AVZ working on a major new JV / funding to announce when PE comes through. As you all might recall the intel to date passed to me and then here has been shit so not a happy camper at all, maybe, the good news expected will actually eventuate. Ya got to me right just once at some stage Nigel, surely. 😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Don't tell me ur fukkin bomber!
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Yes this fella has taken up the dialog, has 48.3k Twitter followers so not too bad at all. Unfortunately he has his hand out as per the direct message he sent me....

Hi Fox (yes replaced my name with Fox, by the way no one guessed who I am on Twitter correctly), and I quote...

"The AVZ Manono project is not completely lost yet, it can be rescued! I am willing to assist in the communication, lobbying and liaising efforts both with the public opinion and government authorities. Let’s agree on the terms of engagement then I will take my flight to Kinshasa from London. This campaign should involve local community leaders from Manono as well."

Anyone else get the "ask" from Christian?

Admire the entrepreneur attempts by Christian, maybe if he looked more deeply into the announcements and so on he could join forces with our esteemed incumbent "AVZ advisors" who are doing so well, Marius has 6.5k followers vs Christian 48.3k as mentioned, should we pass the hat around, praise the Lord.

Lastly, as usual the intel is good things are happening and please be patient. Apparently AVZ working on a major new JV / funding to announce when PE comes through. As you all might recall the intel to date passed to me and then here has been shit so not a happy camper at all, maybe, the good news expected will actually eventuate. Ya got to me right just once at some stage Nigel, surely. 😁

Cheers The Fox 🦊
I hope there is something actually happening in the background and this isn't 'Chinese Whispers' (pun intended) we are hearing again. The fact we haven't begun any austerity measures means we are actually making progress or management are taking while the getting is good before this all falls apart.

Didn't Nigel mention at the Road Shows that they would look to reduce cash burn if things weren't progressing around now?
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