AVZ Discussion 2022


I will remove the President and the Ministers from my scope and focus on CKK, Tommy Turd and the merits of AVZ for 4 weeks
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obe wan

I’ve toned things down in recent weeks just in case Jens and friends are correct. These requests to be respectful with communications of the Ministers and Felix, quite certain this request does come from Nigel. He said as much at the road show as well.

Up to the individuals here that play on Twitter whether they think their comments are helping (or not) when said comments are directed to the people holding AVZ hostage and the ones Nigel and friends are trying to sort things out with.

I’ve worked in Africa and in the same type of environment just a couple of countries away from the DRC and I can confirm the God complex runs deep with Gov officials.

Anyway, if it’s not sorted in coming weeks let’s just take all the rotten kunts to the ICC and be done with it, then let the insults fly like never before for years.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Jens and co actually have been contacted by some individuals at the coal face so to speak and have been asked to calm the farm and slim it down a bit on Twitter ; apparently some of the content is rubbing some people up the wrong way and becoming a ‘abrasive’ ; unfortunately I think so many repeated promises / nearly there which haven’t come to fruition for one reason or another has created a sort of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ sort of scenario .

Anyway all big boys and gals ; weary investors I’m sure you can make your minds up ; maybe the DRC officials should stay off Twitter too and just do their jobs … there’s always going to be conflicts … it’s just how people react to it all I suppose
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Don’t get me wrong TITS, I’m a huge fan of Kiki who has provided enormous support, what I’m saying is that any suggestion of taking a percentage back from Dathomir means taking it from us seeing how we already legally paid for those percentages

Goodnight mate, I’m off to bed, hoping the codeine will work, though it doesn’t look like it is so far 👍👊💥
The 5% back from MMCS goes straight to the state, as that's where it was taken from.

In theory if those cretinous cum-stains at Cominiere are gone and new leaders are appointed we can go through and discuss sensibly, rationally and even lawfully :eek:, I know imagine that :ROFLMAO:.
We can reason and negotiate for the extra and work out a deal. It would be amazing, too good to be true infact so no chance of that happening, no snacks involved.
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In other news today . Avz has been stripped of the World's Largest Lithium Project and ejected from the DRC on account of Johnny Blow Hard and Mates consistently making derogatory remarks on social media concerning that countries President and his corrupt Ministers. AVZ Minerals were set to be potentially the largest lithium producer on the planet until Johnny Blow Hard and his mates from outer Western Sydney completely fucked it up ......................

*Don't forget our DRC / AVZ Champion Jonnno giving it a Red Hot crack on our behalf, Lucky for him / us he doesn't live in Russia or China otherwise he might find himself in Hot Water / Concrete Boots by now o_O :eek: :oops:

*Go Jonnno, You're a Fuckin' Legend Bro (y)

*C'mon everyone, get on 🐦 and give him some ❤️



*Oh, Don't forget our Dominic, He deserves some ❤️ as well imo (y)


*PS - Plus Paul, Please take ❤️ from Peter and give plenty ❤️ to Paul (y)

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Jens and co actually have been contacted by some individuals at the coal face so to speak and have been asked to calm the farm and slim it down a bit on Twitter ; apparently some of the content is rubbing some people up the wrong way and becoming a ‘abrasive’ ; unfortunately I think so many repeated promises / nearly there which haven’t come to fruition for one reason or another has created a sort of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ sort of scenario .

Anyway all big boys and gals ; weary investors I’m sure you can make your minds up ; maybe the DRC officials should stay off Twitter too and just do their jobs … there’s always going to be conflicts … it’s just how people react to it all I suppose
A definite boy who cried wolf imminent situation.

DRC officials aren't going to do their jobs, they haven't been since we've been at Manono, that's part of the problem.

It's actually frightening just how pathetic they are to be so offended at being told the truth 'disrespectfully', yet so blissfully happy to ignore the obvious and rampant corruption of Zijin, Cong, Mupande, Kayinda, CCK aaaand the list goes on, they also shit all over the people of Manono 🤦🏽‍♂️
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I reckon shareholders have been pretty patient considering we were supposed to get the expidited mining licence within a few weeks some two years ago.
The Congolese politicians and public servants have somehow stuffed things beyond belief even though everything was done according to their mining code and their laws.
The idiots are sensitive because they're being called out on social media, big deal so they should be called out imo. And they should have been sacked, jailed and worse as well. Instead they get reinstated in the government, sit there entrenched in their 20 year positions and even the buffoons at Cominière haven't been sacked.
They carry on like a pack of kindergarten kids and burst into crocodile tears if things don't go their corrupted lying way.
Give them hell, who cares at this point. I'm also of the opinion that we might as well release the bfs and bring on ICC against the government. They've tied this up in years of legal battles anyway through greed, corruption and stupidity. Zijin is a problem but the Congolese are the real problem here and they're not changing, even their own corruption watchdog is in despair for the inaction.
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My response was

"I have heard this many times before .... next 2 weeks, next month, soon, etc. and nothing happens. I dont believe i am attacking the president but asking the questions. As to the Ministers.... yes

. They have been identified by the IGF as corrupt. So i am sharing the facts. I am heavily invested in AVZ....all in. I have been suffering financially for 11 months living on borrowed money from family and friends. I feel these crooks need to be shamed."
Yep I too received this PM.

My reply was very similar and that I am fed up the President hasn’t used his pen to give us the ML. Also pissed off the President is not sticking to what he says. EG: show me the proof and I will prosecute any thief’s.
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Yep I too received this PM.

My reply was very similar and that I am fed up the President hasn’t used his pen to give us the ML. Also pissed off the President is not sticking to what he says. EG: show me the proof and I will prosecute any thief’s.
Who is sending these PM's?

Some Chinaman? :unsure:
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I have removed my "offending" postings from Twitter as asked.

However after 4 weeks if no progress made, these mother fucking princess's wont know what hit them.

I will come out with both barrels firing and closely following behind a Leopard Tank and HMARS rockets

Fingers crossed that I will not need to do this.
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Who is sending these PM's?

Some Chinaman? :unsure:
Someone who is on Twitter defending AVZ all day. We went too and fro over a few things respectfully. 4 weeks is a while not to remind certain people of their non committal attitude to AVZ, such as Felix.
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Someone who is on Twitter defending AVZ all day. We went too and fro over a few things respectfully. 4 weeks is a while not to remind certain people of their non committal attitude to AVZ, such as Felix.
They started saying it at least 5 weeks ago, saying the next fortnight was critical. Now they want another month. We keep hearing the same thing time and again.
Personally I've not seen much on twitter against FT, only from troll accounts. I'm assuming very frustrated shareholders or more likely detractors trying to give AVZ a bad wrap. We're not likely to silence those types anyway.
The frustration is that if FT was serious about corruption it shouldn't really matter at all upsetting the likes of JFMK, Mop or the idiots at Cominière.

It's understandable that frustrations boil over because in near 12 month we've gone nothing but backwards into legal turmoil and been smothered in misinformation and chaos without a single sign of the government backing we need to progress.
A lot of heresay that never ends in results.
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I'm actually not fucking interested being told what to do, or what not to do, by some fucking anonymous person, or expert, or influencer, or supposedly connected fucking hero, or inner circle "hearsay wink/nod" douchebag on any fucking platform or thread or fucking Twittersphere in relation to my response and actions to the shit going down in the DRC and AVZ's fall from ministerial decree awarding the ML to the current position of who knows what the fuck is happening and we're taking our JV partner to the fucking ICC

Fuck me....

I don't want the Mantle but for fucks sake I may as well believe and put faith in the Tooth Fairy, Jesus fucking Christ himself, Jehovah, Aliens, Sasquatch, Ron L Hubbard, the Loch Ness Monster, the Easter Bunny, Father fucking Christmas and any other fucking uncredited, unreliable, unauthenticated, blowing their own bags, self proclaimed Messiah on the fucking interweb

Unless Nige fucking calls me or AVZ put out an official announcement I'll continue to decide what I'll do and when I fucking do it

Eleven fucking months

Fuck me

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I have removed my "offending" postings from Twitter as asked.

However after 4 weeks if no progress made, these mother fucking princess's wont know what hit them.

I will come out with both barrels firing and closely following behind a Leopard Tank and HMARS rockets

Fingers crossed that I will not need to do this.
Monty Python Reaction GIF
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I'm actually not fucking interested being told what to do, or what not to do, by some fucking anonymous person, or expert, or influencer, or supposedly connected fucking hero, or inner circle "hearsay wink/nod" douchebag on any fucking platform or thread or fucking Twittersphere in relation to my response and actions to the shit going down in the DRC and AVZ's fall from ministerial decree awarding the ML to the current position of who knows what the fuck is happening and we're taking our JV partner to the fucking ICC

Fuck me....

I don't want the Mantle but for fucks sake I may as well believe and put faith in the Tooth Fairy, Jesus fucking Christ himself, Jehovah, Aliens, Sasquatch, Ron L Hubbard, the Loch Ness Monster, the Easter Bunny, Father fucking Christmas and any other fucking uncredited, unreliable, unauthenticated, blowing their own bags, self proclaimed Messiah on the fucking interweb

Unless Nige fucking calls me or AVZ put out an official announcement I'll continue to decide what I'll do and when I fucking do it

Eleven fucking months

Fuck me



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I'm actually not fucking interested being told what to do, or what not to do, by some fucking anonymous person, or expert, or influencer, or supposedly connected fucking hero, or inner circle "hearsay wink/nod" douchebag on any fucking platform or thread or fucking Twittersphere in relation to my response and actions to the shit going down in the DRC and AVZ's fall from ministerial decree awarding the ML to the current position of who knows what the fuck is happening and we're taking our JV partner to the fucking ICC

Fuck me....

I don't want the Mantle but for fucks sake I may as well believe and put faith in the Tooth Fairy, Jesus fucking Christ himself, Jehovah, Aliens, Sasquatch, Ron L Hubbard, the Loch Ness Monster, the Easter Bunny, Father fucking Christmas and any other fucking uncredited, unreliable, unauthenticated, blowing their own bags, self proclaimed Messiah on the fucking interweb

Unless Nige fucking calls me or AVZ put out an official announcement I'll continue to decide what I'll do and when I fucking do it

Eleven fucking months

Fuck me


I would just add that if these in the know wankers were really in the know then they could share some relevant info regarding progress and the state of play.
If Jens does play golf with Ferguson ( as suggested somewhere - I think here) then I find it impossible to believe that NF complains about SM without giving a progress report of sorts.
He could wink it via Morse code for sharing here.
Don't need to know really sensitive stuff, just some titbits about progress / upcoming meetings /ICC postponement etc

BTW I continue to use 'NF' or 'Ferguson' and not 'Nige' because he is not my mate.
He is a guy that I employ, as a shareholder, to look after my financial interests.
He has done a fairly poor job for quite some time.
Unnecessarily withholding information
Misleading shareholders about the mica content of some of our north CDL. I could use the word lying.
Major shareholder and former director of a major competitor (AJN).

He's playing a good game regarding DRC / Chinese corruption but has demonstrated deceit and putting self- interest ahead, and indeed contrary, to that of shareholders.

I bear no ill will but just because he's CEO does not make him a mate.

Just saying
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obe wan

I reckon shareholders have been pretty patient considering we were supposed to get the expidited mining licence within a few weeks some two years ago.
The Congolese politicians and public servants have somehow stuffed things beyond belief even though everything was done according to their mining code and their laws.
The idiots are sensitive because they're being called out on social media, big deal so they should be called out imo. And they should have been sacked, jailed and worse as well. Instead they get reinstated in the government, sit there entrenched in their 20 year positions and even the buffoons at Cominière haven't been sacked.
They carry on like a pack of kindergarten kids and burst into crocodile tears if things don't go their corrupted lying way.
Give them hell, who cares at this point. I'm also of the opinion that we might as well release the bfs and bring on ICC against the government. They've tied this up in years of legal battles anyway through greed, corruption and stupidity. Zijin is a problem but the Congolese are the real problem here and they're not changing, even their own corruption watchdog is in despair for the inaction.
Ye look I’m totally over these wankers too don’t get me wrong about that ; shareholders have gone through the mills ; last 8 months in particular have been consumed with constant social media screen watching; as opposed to giving and spending time to things that really matter in life.

I think some of your last paragraph presses the point -

“Give them hell, who cares at this point. I'm also of the opinion that we might as well release the bfs and bring on ICC against the government. They've tied this up in years of legal battles anyway through greed, corruption and stupidity.”Zijin is a problem but the Congolese are the real problem here and they're not changing, even their own corruption watchdog is in despair for the inaction.

“Greed , corruption and stupidity “ - 100% ; this has been absolute mind boggling ; I can’t get my head around some of the antics of sheer stupidity that have gone on and all stemming from the greed and corruption pot ; it’s like these people do one thing which is totally incomprehensible to us ; totally stand out nuts and no repercussions…. It’s like it’s just the norm ,get on with it ; it’s corruption, it’s just the done thing , don’t think about it ! Wanna cup of tea and a biscuit ?

Zijin is a problem but the Congolese are the real problem here and they're not changing’ -

Again yes totally agree ; zijin are a huge problem and the Congolese who feed and get fed from entities like Zijin are a massive parasitic issue ; these combined suck the lifeblood out of everything and it’s extremely difficult to alter this, as this root grows and spreads right out over time feeding more with $ and a sense of importance ; very difficult to control once it spreads and further takes root … a little Chinese money goes a long way and provides better revenue return when dished out in the DRC and snapped up like chips to the seagulls

*Give them hell, who cares at this point

*They've tied this up in years of legal battles anyway

*Congolese are the real problem here and they're not changing,

The 3 points above is where we are at ; posters in general don’t have a clue what’s happening ; frustrated at locked up capital and thoughts as to how failure will likely alter lifestyle moving forward ; lack of information is extremely frustrating ; all the above just cuts on the nerve .

Those 3 points just show that some have come to a point and basically written it off, even though they have zero information , as to what’s evolving on the other side ; what management are up to ; who they are speaking to …. So we (shareholders) know nothing ( recent ann about why we don’t comply with listing rule 3.1, basically tells us why we don’t know whats going on deep down) , but it’s hard to stay still and say nothing , but it’s not in shareholders control . So why do we assume blindly that we’ll just take this course of action , at any particular time and Start lambasting ministers etc …. I think a great effort has been done in the lead up to where we are now by some on Twitter in calling some DRC / Chinese crooks out … but I’ve a feeling that Cominiere and co are on a final desperate retarded death roll

It’s proving up imo, that most of this is being politically balanced at this point ; slow arduous work but imo in progress ; if there was no political swells and we we’re walking this same path 4 months ago ; I very much doubt that we’d be still here ; I reckon AVZ would be already in DRC to the ICC mode.

There’s been a few posters in the past in here and indeed on Twitter with wink winks , but as we know zero has come to fruition … I’m pretty sure that these posters were pretty bang on with … let’s say ‘the feelings’ which were resonating by those that’s some would expect to know more ; but for one reason or other all these posters and sources were equally disappointed when thing passed by; seems that a lot of the apparent reasons ,when postmortem results were enquired about , was that it was to do with political tripwires and ‘enter at your own risk’ signs which had popped up and / or certain channels had seemed to have grown tumors since last speak, as those ‘distractors’ seemed to borrow deeper in order to try and protect their easy money easily, lifestyle channels which before, has just seemed natural….. of course those winkers no longer wink here ; they either just observe or keep it to themselves rather bring on a stoning or heckling like something out if the life of Brian

Anyway there’s been a couple of things especially out of the Cominiere side which of course filters on to Zijin; as of late which would suggest some desperation is also seeping in there . For those who think management are not pressing in on it full bore , I reckon you couldn’t be much further from the truth ; in the past particularly during my hotcrapper posting days I’ve been pretty critical of management ; but over the last 6 months I have gained great respect for them and how they are now navigating this; it’s been a road of an unbelievable amount of hurdles and bloody stressful for all ; this has not been made easy particularly with FTs re-elections coming up, as he’s not been able to 'put a gun to anyone’s head' so to say and forget about political repercussions …. But my feeling is that management are now on the hinge point of flipping that boulder and this with the backing of a hamstrung ,but mostly functional DRC government which are gaining momentum whilst keeping their reelection ship above water.

“Give them hell, who cares at this point. I'm also of the opinion that we might as well release the bfs and bring on ICC against the government. They've tied this up in years of legal battles anyway through greed, corruption and stupidity.”

Imo the above would probably be welcomed by cominiere , Zijin and Co ; back the DRC government into a corner ; drag this whole thing right out etc

Management are doing what they are being paid to do and fwiw ; I reckon NF has earned his keep over the last 12 months …. Obviously not a lover as to how all this thing spilled out on the ground ; but hat off to NF in how he’s been dealing with it ; he’s been away from family and out of country far far more than he’s been here over the last 10 months.

If whispers are coming out from particular individuals asking if we can smooth it down a bit on social media … and I’m frustrated beyond words … then maybe just a little longer isn’t such a bad idea … ye I know 12 months is a long bloody time

apologies for all fat finger errors , grammer etc, twas an iphone post
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Talk, fukkin talk, fukkin Talk, free lunch in Kong's Hotel, paid for by the people who can't afford a bag of maîs flower and another day wasted in talking. And the dignitaries get fatter, fatter, fatter. I hope they have their insulin with them.

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