AVZ Discussion 2022


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ohh ohh I have a great joke I have been married 3 times
Thats not a joke.............thats painful, in more ways than one.

You should of left it at 1.........;)


Let me give you a hug you POOR prick.........😭
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Last paragraph, beginning of December 2023 to date ..........????
The sooner ICC starts the better.
It's a typo. Should be December 2022 as that is when Cominiere wrote their letter.

But the next bit where they say 'the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed' makes no sense because the initial decrees have been cancelled


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Everyone doing great work bringing the data to this chat. Is anyone looking at what zinjin are saying? Or are they just quietly sliding it in?
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Have a Cigar 1975
From Zijin AR end of 2022

The non-controlling interest project of the Manono Lithium Mine in the DR Congo and the PE12453 and PE13427 greenfield exploration project at its peripheral advanced in an orderly manner.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

That's all they had to say about it as far as I could see
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The Chinese have stuck back.


Lithium of Manono, Nsamba Kalambay tangles the arrested in the conflict Cominière vs AVZ​

Isn't there an elected representative, deputy or senator, not necessarily from Tanganyika, to stick an oral question with debate, to the reappointed Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba Kalambay on the Manono lithium affair.

By Pold Levi Maweja​

Antoinette Nsamba, Minister of Mines @Photo Third Rights

published on April 4, 2023 at 05:34:00

Faced with the indifference of the minister, who was hardly in a hurry to give correspondence, 3 months ago already, on such a sensitive file, even internationally, Mgr the diocesan bishop of Manono, Vincent de Paul Kwanga, and the number one local Methodist Church, Bishop Guy Mande Mutombo, zapped the government to handle the lithium issue.

The two bishops are working to bring together the Congolese mining company (Cominière) and the Australians of AVZ for the easy resumption of the activities of the joint company DATHCOM mining which operates one of the world's largest lithium deposits. Not easy…when the political ramifications from Kinshasa become entangled.

In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession.

While Sicomines' chinoiseries and dols are still in the news, AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant, etc. , it was not an April Fool's joke. The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, a public company, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE - the consonance is not too far with Tshisekedi - requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit. Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

DG ai Célestin Kibeya de la Cominière had no choice but to alert various authorities in the country to this deception. In his correspondence referenced CEM / DG / 138 / CKK / 2022, the DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, a state-owned company, in the joint venture Dathcom mining , created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ. All positions reserved for the Congolese side were occupied by people imposed by AVZ.

La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ is a publicly listed company in Australia. She requested funds on the ASX stock exchange without giving the correct information to Cominière SA. In addition, Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture.

Overbilling for questionable work​

Other grievances, heavy presumptions of over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars. The mining company claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage. What Cominière finds surreal. And the acquisition prices for metallurgical processing plants are ten times higher than in the feasibility studies. AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

AVZ thus paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) . Worse, AVZ supports, continues the DG of Cominière in his accusations, having obtained thanks to his lawyers, the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages.

But now, out of nowhere, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant.

Fraudulent capital increase​

Never two without three, Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ even has the audacity to try to fraudulently change the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity. The AVZ mafia agent was finally unmasked, arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison at the TGI then confirmed at the Haut-Katanga Court of Appeal. As if this condemnation were not enough, AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining - when in reality, it only holds 60% - to Green Lithium Holding. La Cominière quickly seized, in turn, the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures. Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself. But, alas, since the beginning of December 2023 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.

Apologies for starting another thread but every time there is an article on this lying fuckwit Celestin Kibeya Kabemba or Cominiere the information gets lost among the other comments so I just had to do it

Somewhere @Carlos Danger provided the actual documents with all Cominiere’s lies and deceptions but I’ll be fucked if I’m going back through the threads to find them

Thanks to @Azzler @ThisTimeWin @Remark @Winenut @Xerof @Pokok @wombat74 @MDRY for all your jokes yesterday…. This thread needs more of those.

Now I’ve apologised for starting about my tenth thread and thanked our resident comedians

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Apologies for starting another thread but every time there is an article on this lying fuckwit Celestin Kibeya Kabemba or Cominiere the information gets lost among the other comments so I just had to do it

Somewhere @Carlos Danger provided the actual documents with all Cominiere’s lies and deceptions but I’ll be fucked if I’m going back through the threads to find them

Thanks to @Azzler @ThisTimeWin @Remark @Winenut @Xerof @Pokok @wombat74 @MDRY for all your jokes yesterday…. This thread needs more of those.

Now I’ve apologised for starting about my tenth thread and thanked our resident comedians


I tried to answer all the things CKK put in his letter to Antoinette N’samba on the other thread but no one usually looks their so I put my answers here. Just answered off the top of my head and probably just pretty obvious to most shareholders anyway…. Hopefully @Carlos Danger knows where the actual documents are

1) In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession…..

Answer: It was Cominiere who sold the remaining percentages of the project to Zigin for $33 mill, with a $6 mill deposit, of which there is no trace in the Treasury

2) AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: AVZ had a FROR contract with Cominiere to purchase 15% of Cominiere’s remaining 25%, but Cominiere illegally sold their shares in Dathcom to Zigin (see IGF Report)

3) The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit.

Answer: Once all requirements for the ML were attained the next part of the process is obviously to apply for the ML

4) Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

Answer: The only questions there are why and how was the tenement split

5) The DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, in the joint venture Dathcom mining, created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ.

Answer: Because Cominiere illegally sold all its shares to Zigin and MMC

6) La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations

Answer: AVZ raised funds through publicly notified capital raises to retail and sophisticated investors…. That actually diluted the company’s own stock value

7) Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture

Answer: AVZ has documented proof that it communicated all financial statements to Cominiere

8) CKK presumes over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars.

Answer: To be added…. But a laughable statement considering Cominiere’s illegal sale of shares to Zigin (valued at $150mil) for $33mil (and the $6mil extorted in the transaction)

9) The mining company (AVZ) claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage

Answer: Refer to AVZ achievements over the last 6 years, plus money raised to legally acquire shares in Dathcom

10) AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

Answer: AVZ is majority owner, has raised the finances and has carried out all the work and informed Cominiere of every step

11) AVZ paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) .

Answer: Cominiere basically admitting to being the ones behind CAMI not granting the ML (IMO)

12) AVZ having obtained the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages…. now, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: Refer AVZ MOU with Minister of Water Resources

13) Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ changed the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity.

Answer: AVZ legally purchased an extra 15% shares from Dathomir as per legal contract

14) AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining

Answer: Shares were legally acquired as per contract

15) La Cominière seized the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures.

Answer: Again, is this the reason CAMI refused to calculate surface rights and grant the ML!

16) Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself.

Answer: Thanks for letting us know why Antoinette didn’t know what was really going on and giving us a clearer insight into your corrupt and illegal actions dickhead (CKK)

17) Since the beginning of December 2022 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.

Answer: Time for us to give the Minister of Mines all the facts on this corrupt arse clown

Hope that info is helpful to someone fighting our cause…. The answers seem to be common knowledge to everyone except Antoinette

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I tried to answer all the things CKK put in his letter to Antoinette N’samba on the other thread but no one usually looks their so I put my answers here. Just answered off the top of my head and probably just pretty obvious to most shareholders anyway…. Hopefully @Carlos Danger knows where the actual documents are

1) In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession…..

Answer: It was Cominiere who sold the remaining percentages of the project to Zigin and MMC

2) AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: AVZ had a FROR contract with Cominiere to purchase 15% of Cominiere’s remaining 25%, but Cominiere illegally sold their shares in Dathcom to Zigin (see IGF Report)

3) The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit.

Answer: Once all requirements for the ML were attained the next part of the process is obviously to apply for the ML

4) Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

Answer: The only questions there are why and how was the tenement split

5) The DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, in the joint venture Dathcom mining, created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ.

Answer: Because Cominiere illegally sold all its shares to Zigin and MMC

6) La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations

Answer: AVZ raised funds through publicly notified capital raises to retail and sophisticated investors…. That actually diluted the company’s own stock value

7) Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture

Answer: AVZ has documented proof that it communicated all financial statements to Cominiere

8) CKK presumes over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars.

Answer: To be added…. But a laughable statement considering Cominiere’s illegal sale of shares to Zigin (valued at $150mil) for $30mil (and the $6mil extorted in the transaction)

9) The mining company (AVZ) claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage

Answer: Refer to AVZ achievements over the last 6 years, plus money raised to legally acquire shares in Dathcom

10) AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

Answer: AVZ is majority owner, has raised the finances and has carried out all the work and informed Cominiere of every step

11) AVZ paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) .

Answer: Cominiere basically admitting to being the ones behind CAMI not granting the ML (IMO)

12) AVZ having obtained the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages…. now, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: Refer AVZ MOU with Minister of Water Resources

13) Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ changed the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity.

Answer: AVZ legally purchased an extra 15% shares from Dathomir as per legal contract

14) AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining

Answer: Shares were legally acquired as per contract

15) La Cominière seized the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures.

Answer: Again, is this the reason CAMI refused to calculate surface rights and grant the ML!

16) Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself.

Answer: Thanks for letting us know why Antoinette didn’t know what was really going on and giving us a clearer insight into your corrupt and illegal actions dickhead (CKK)

17) Since the beginning of December 2022 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.

Answer: Time for us to give the Minister of Mines all the facts on this corrupt arse clown

Hope that info is helpful to someone fighting our cause…. The answers seem to be common knowledge to everyone except Antoinette

Fantastic post Money Bags. Can someone copy and tweet to our man Jules Alingete and maybe next time he has a chat with the deputy prime minister he can give him a few copies to hand out to his ministers. Its as if all that lot are all bloody clueless to whats really going on
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In my opinion, the attached tweet and photos of their meeting, might be the turning point of the whole nightmare that we have been stuck in for the past eleven months!


Have a great evening everyone,

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I tried to answer all the things CKK put in his letter to Antoinette N’samba on the other thread but no one usually looks their so I put my answers here. Just answered off the top of my head and probably just pretty obvious to most shareholders anyway…. Hopefully @Carlos Danger knows where the actual documents are

1) In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession…..

Answer: It was Cominiere who sold the remaining percentages of the project to Zigin and MMC

2) AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: AVZ had a FROR contract with Cominiere to purchase 15% of Cominiere’s remaining 25%, but Cominiere illegally sold their shares in Dathcom to Zigin (see IGF Report)

3) The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit.

Answer: Once all requirements for the ML were attained the next part of the process is obviously to apply for the ML

4) Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

Answer: The only questions there are why and how was the tenement split

5) The DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, in the joint venture Dathcom mining, created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ.

Answer: Because Cominiere illegally sold all its shares to Zigin and MMC

6) La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations

Answer: AVZ raised funds through publicly notified capital raises to retail and sophisticated investors…. That actually diluted the company’s own stock value

7) Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture

Answer: AVZ has documented proof that it communicated all financial statements to Cominiere

8) CKK presumes over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars.

Answer: To be added…. But a laughable statement considering Cominiere’s illegal sale of shares to Zigin (valued at $150mil) for $30mil (and the $6mil extorted in the transaction)

9) The mining company (AVZ) claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage

Answer: Refer to AVZ achievements over the last 6 years, plus money raised to legally acquire shares in Dathcom

10) AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

Answer: AVZ is majority owner, has raised the finances and has carried out all the work and informed Cominiere of every step

11) AVZ paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) .

Answer: Cominiere basically admitting to being the ones behind CAMI not granting the ML (IMO)

12) AVZ having obtained the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages…. now, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: Refer AVZ MOU with Minister of Water Resources

13) Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ changed the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity.

Answer: AVZ legally purchased an extra 15% shares from Dathomir as per legal contract

14) AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining

Answer: Shares were legally acquired as per contract

15) La Cominière seized the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures.

Answer: Again, is this the reason CAMI refused to calculate surface rights and grant the ML!

16) Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself.

Answer: Thanks for letting us know why Antoinette didn’t know what was really going on and giving us a clearer insight into your corrupt and illegal actions dickhead (CKK)

17) Since the beginning of December 2022 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.

Answer: Time for us to give the Minister of Mines all the facts on this corrupt arse clown

Hope that info is helpful to someone fighting our cause…. The answers seem to be common knowledge to everyone except Antoinette

The Comminiere head in the recent TV interview was clearly irritated by AVZ's desire
to communicate directly with the President. All his lies can easily be proven . He needs to control the narrative.
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Thats not a joke.............thats painful, in more ways than one.

You should of left it at 1.........;)

View attachment 33665

Let me give you a hug you POOR prick.........😭
get in line even you can make a living out of me with that beautiful hug
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Go the fish....but no squid at Brighton again today

I just can't get there at the right time.....wife and kids preclude the perfect fishing time:rolleyes:.....bless 'em! :cool:
Hey Wino I don't mind fishing if I ever get the time these days but I'm thinking about taking up magnet fishing instead :cool:
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Have a Cigar 1975
Apparently the next Bond film panders to the woke brigade. He transgenders in this movie, which, by the way is called Cocktopussy
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You've got to love Jonno, he's like a dog with a bone - keep it up Jonno!
'dog with a bone'

When and where did I hear it last...... I think its been a while, oh I remember, Brisbane RS, from our fearless leader, Nige's mouth :mad: :ROFLMAO:
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There’s been movement on our our tenement again. I check on two different portals and the map has changed on both

They have removed Tantalex tailings from the map and looks like they may have taken the government’s portion from the perimeter





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Apparently the next Bond film panders to the woke brigade. He transgenders in this movie, which, by the way is called Cocktopussy

Now now mate. I'll have you know, I'm a firm supporter of the LG HDTV community.
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