Hi Oz,
At first looks, yes it does look very disappointing that major changes haven't occurred in the reshuffle. But let's see what happens in the next few days/ or week where we are at. None of us know what has been said to the Ministers or what change of minds they have had!
All the reports we have been hearing lately have been positive - it is happening!
So let's wait and see.
F.ck we must be close......
Nells xxx
*Fyi - Speaking of "Shit Happening" Nells, I see where,
Chinese contract: "everything is provided for in the agreement with regard to rebalancing", Jules Alingete
It is since Wednesday March 22, 2023 that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the group of Chinese companies formed by China Airways Corporation and Synohydro began the process of revisiting the said contract signed on April 22, 2008 in the aim of rebalancing the interests between the two parties.
Present at this work following the publication of the report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), which denounces the imbalances in the execution of the Chinese contract, Jules Alingete, Inspector General and Head of Department of the IGF, indicated that this procedure has already been provided for by the signatory of the said contract.
According to him, this procedure is not something new.
Because, he says, the signatories of the convention had already planned a revisitation if one of the parties considered it necessary.
"There is first of all the determination of the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, expressed many times and the last time he made it known during the last weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers.
In view of the elements of the imbalances observed, the Congolese side is now examining and deepening, we must arrive at a revisitation.
And then it's not something new.
The convention itself has provided for a revisitation when one or the other party feels that there are things that need to be changed said Alingete.
It should be noted that this working session between the Congolese and Chinese parties was chaired by the Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic, Guylain Nyembo Mbwizya.
Several members of the Congolese Government took part in these talks, in particular the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works, the Minister of Justice and the Deputy Minister of the Budget.
After a first day of work devoted to the presentation of the report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and the defense of the Chinese side, the two parties will continue discussions within a commission.
This commission's mission is to shed enough light to allow the Democratic Republic of Congo to return to its most legitimate rights.
During the last weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers, held on Friday, March 17, 2023, the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi took a position in favor of revisiting this contract to restore the balance between the two parties.
The President of the Republic had motivated this decision following cases of non-compliance with the provisions of the contract, non-performance of contractual commitments and subjectivity in certain acts taken by the parties.
In his communication to the members of the Government, Félix Tshisekedi dwelled on the worrying nature of this situation which he describes as deplorable both on the one hand for the development of the mining sector which is to date the engine that drives growth economy of the DRC and on the other hand, by the slowness of the dynamism which should normally know the program of construction of the infrastructures which the DRC badly needs for the hatching of its potential as well human as economic.
This issue has not gone unnoticed in the House of People's Representatives.
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, during the plenary devoted to the adoption of the calendar for the March 2023 session, the President of the National Assembly, Christophe Mboso, announced that his institution will very soon look into this convention of cooperation.
“It should be noted that during this session, contracts signed between the Congolese State and certain partners will be subject to parliamentary control such as the Chinese contract and many others.
I wanted you to remember this, that in the days to come we are going to invest ourselves because this bad governance is depriving the Congolese State of the revenue essential for development,” said Christophe Mboso. “recalled Jules Alingete.
Sama II: “We take the same ones and start over.
There will be nothing.
Hopes will continue to be disappointed…” (Tribune)!
We take the same and start again .
There will be nothing.
Hopes will continue to be dashed.
Even in the event that we would have changed all the members of the government, with the same weight, the Congolese would not find themselves: Fatshism remaining, the same causes will produce the same effects.
Besides, if we are serious and want the country to move forward, we cannot agree to appear with a government like this.
It would be mortgaging his political future and that of the country.
But in the DRC, the politics of the belly (J F Bayart) is the matrix.
The time to serve having come, few Congolese are able to reject a ministerial offer.
Neither the ideology nor the context, even less the rationality or the general interest interests the Congolese.
Industry of Africans (R Dumont, G Balandier etc), politics produces millionaires in an ocean of impunity.
Especially if you can't do it elsewhere.
Politics becomes a profession.
To deprive yourself of it is to escape honors and riches in Africa.
It has nothing to do with order and justice in the City in the noble sense seen by Aristotle.
This is the dysfunctional deviation.
To achieve this, it is necessary to change, at the same time, the actors and the spirit.
As long as the Congolese or African spirit remains, we can change the men or the driver, but we will always have to do with the same train or truck (Mungulu Diaka).
Jean-Marc Kabund, alongside Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi, constituted a shield, to the point that many people thought twice before approaching the moral authority of the UDPS.
We feared the arrogance and the truthful side of Kabund who still did not have his tongue in his pocket to reframe or spit the truth in his rawness.
The departure of Kabund leaves a great boulevard which has brought to the presidential seraglio undertakers who have led Fatshi's predecessors to the grave.
Those who had accompanied Mobutu to the tomb of exile in Morocco had not finished organizing his mourning when they quickly joined the Kabila camp.
These include, among others, Lambert Mende, Alain Atundu, Kin-Kiey Mulumba, Evariste Mabi Mulumba, Christophe Mboso.
Today, Kabila has not yet said his last word on the political scene, but hastened to bury him alive to quickly join the side of the advantages, that of Felix Tshisekedi.
The Kabilist undertakers, after 18 years of cohabitation with Raïs Joseph Kabila, did not even wait for the end of his successor's first term to jump out of the boat.
They pushed the FCC ship adrift in which Kabila and his wife Marie-Olive Lembe boarded, without the slightest remorse.
Among these undertakers are recruited Evariste Boshab, Adolphe Lumanu, She Okitundu, Charles Okoto, Adrien Bokele, Jean-Pierre Lihau, Willy Bakonga, Didi Manara, François Rubota, Bahati Lukwebo, etc.
A common trait unites them all: they are fearless, as the average Kinshasa man says "Courage ya bana boudin".
After their crossing, they bring the same recipe: "It is we who have made Mobutu stay in power for 32 years or it is our strategies that have made Kabila reign for 18 years in the DRC".
Fasthi Béton is called upon to be vigilant, because these undertakers have sadly accompanied all his predecessors to the political grave, but do not offer any alternative to longevity in power, as the ANC does so well in South Africa in power since 1994.
Moreover, they do not even go to visit the widow and the children of the one who fed them for a long time, that is to say three decades.
*Things that make you go Hmm
Food for thought
Fingers crossed