Interesting story in the AFR about another class action:I don't think the Omni Bridgway class action currently has any form
Applications to sign up and participate don't close until 31 March 2023
It might not get off the ground
Although Tommy from the AFR lied (in print in the AFR) and said on 17th March that AVZ faces a class action from Omni Bridgeway
He must be Nostradamus......the closing date for applications to further the action haven't closed but apparently AVZ already faces a class action from Omni Bridgeway according to Tom Richardson
I wonder if Tom will predict the legal action against him and the AFR for publishing lies and falsehoods with regard to AVZ with close to two weeks to go before applications close to determine if the Omni Bridgeway class action will even go ahead???
How can Tom Richardson and the AFR state as fact something that hasn't happened and may not ever happen?????
And even if a class action eventuates haven't Tommy and the AFR already made accusations and promoted potential falsehoods as facts "in print" weeks in advance of any possible reality???
I think Tommy and the AFR need to check in with their lawyers
Better get a lawyer son......better get a real good one.....
Mr Goodhead said he still hoped BHP would agree to start negotiating a settlement, and accepted that this might come in below the £36 billion claim.
But he said the firm had the funding to push on into the courtroom if necessary, as the case is backed by hedge funds and other investors who bankroll the suit in the expectation of taking a cut of the winnings.
Investors on board
“There has probably now been north of £70 million that has been invested into the case by hedge funds and litigation funds and others behind us,” Mr Goodhead said.“If this carries on for another two, three years, I expect that number is going to triple. It’s going to cost us £150 million, £200 million if this goes all the way to trial. Inevitably, those investors want a substantial return on that capital.”
In other words hedge funds are backing class action litigation to take a punt and the other winners are the lawyers, they win both ways.
It is obvious the claimants are just props in this theatre play.
It has absolutely nothing to do with justice, it is just another growth industry.
Looks like class action court cases is more lucrative than mining lithium.