Obviously Management would have preferred to had this all closed off by now and back trading , but apparently AVZ, though disappointed to have to go through the process , are happy enough to run it to ICC if that’s what it takes ; legally they feel comfortable; some will recall at the RS that NF said that he was happy to hear from some shareholders that they were happy to / prepared to wait it out and see it going to ICC.
Obviously it’s a pain in the ass as it’s become a very lengthy and drawn out affair ; Zijin I reckon would have hoped that they would have pressurised AVZ into getting them to the table long before now , by firing the ICC ‘rubber bullet’ over the bow ;it hasn't happened , last I heard , AVZ weren’t even communicating with Zijin ,as they considered it was an issue between Cominiere and Zijin , not between Zijin and AVZ even though Zijin tried to stoke something that way…. and on the other side AVZ against Cominiere for not keeping within the lines of the ROFR, We’ve seen this cases between Cominiere has been mutually withdrawn ; the Zijin V AVZ is abit of a head scratch but how and ever Zijin have called it . Hopefully the case being dropped is a hint that they are working through this
I doubt Zijin would fancy their chances at ICC tbh ; I reckon DRC would also prefer for this thing to now track away from the ICC main event , as an incrimination ball will start to roll gathering a host of individuals on its path, hence likely one of the reasons this revoking of decree and ‘to the table’ happened.
AVZ don’t consider the Zijin affaire relevant to decision of ML ; but MoP is embroiled in the Zijin sale , as well as trying to randomly cut chunks off AVZs involvement in Dathcom through her involvement with DG Cami ; AJN , so shit is going to rise to the surface in any case even for those not directly involved in the Zijin thing.
If this was in 90% of other jurisdictions then it would be a straight to ICC ; just haul them to court ; but I reckon by now Management probably know that within the DRC there’s likely layers of corrupt individuals which will try leverage and force that ICC bus off the road ; may even get so desperate to even attempt a kamikaze move and knock the licence all together ; it’s possibly in our best interest ( if that’s what management are currently feeling) , to negotiate to some sort of agreement ; personally I can’t see Zijin getting jack shite ; I can probably see us getting the 15% ; but paying a heavy price for it and a price which will likely included and value equivalent to what Zijin reckon they paid cominiere , which will be fist-passed back to Zijin ; a couple of condition thrown in I.e no legal action towards any party afterwards ; performance conditions relevant to the north also table.
Long winded answer to your question
so also in short yes , I think it’s better and Management likely know it’s better to have it all sorted this month and back trading , avoiding ICC so spotlight drops off from some corrupt government officals and from there FT can take whatever action he wishes ( or not ) out of the spotlight.
Something else we forget is this OMNI class action shit ; I think we’ve gone through enough for now ; this class action is best avoided at this stage …. Last date to register is 28th of March ; I reckon that was a desperate plan to disrupt further … will it happen .. well I’m not sure they’d get the numbers at this stage considering we are likely at the pointy end of things … who aroused this case ? It’s likely an opportunist revenue attempt by OMNI , I don’t think it will float but best avoided in any case .