‘You can ask my women what they have to say in this connection’.... ‘Dick pictures’....

you sound like a real catch .
I'm pretty sure, you were also the first to run out of the hedge screaming ‘nigel isn't in the DRC’ when Marius said he was in Kinshasa and NF was ready to return to Kinshasa’ ... Nigel has been in DRC for around 3 weeks now; he was back in Oz for a short stint prior to that...where was he before that? ..he was in DRC; did you know, believe it or not, Nigel spent around 7 months in DRC last year too; sometimes I do have to pull my eyeballs back down into their correct position, as they flip to focus on the inside of the top of my skull when reading regurgitated statements ‘management should be in DRC’ / ‘Management are doing nothing ‘ ..... When the opposite is;where the truth is.
I think the case has been, that Management have strictly followed a hard legal path and by doing the right thing,that eventually they’d weather the corruption storm and break out the other end....this tact may indeed prove true, but corruption content has proved to be high within a system which they’ve tried to guide their way through and so it's proving to be a very drawn out process indeed.....
We know that AVZ have had several meetings between late June to November ; the conclusion of these meetings should have resulted in a summary report of these meeting....( anyone that was in attendance, at the road shows in early Novemeber would certainly have noticed NFs confidence that the ML was about to pop) ..what sort of reporting was served up, to be signed off in mid to late November? Answer a plate of shite, a report that was bias towards AVZ, it's contents excluded proposals of infrastruture investments and so forth ; AVZ declined go sign that report, as it was a false representation of their intents...did MoP expect AVZ to sign it on review..she’d obviously would have liked AVZ to have swallowed that pill, after 6 months of burning time, MoP had compiled an unsignable report which was to be submitted to the head of state...AVZ didn't sign; but we were still in stuck in MoPs wear them down with time plan; we were still stuck in the damp trenches and pushing forward by keeping quite and letting the legal system work it all out ; corrupt individuals and even more so, when supported by other corrupt individuals in a system, do not follow the law all the way down the track ; they will deviate from it in order to try and reach their goal; so there's a lot of one step forward and two steps back and visa versa, in how AVZ have been tracking.
Ministers are appointed for a reason; they’re the equivalent of any managerial team within any company ; they control various departments , as the CEO can't be expected to run each and every department by him/herself ; ministers are trusted with doing their jobs without the requirement for presidential intervention...problem is that now MoP has a red light on her head, and a number of other ministers, including the PM have fallen under the spotlight ; Felix was never going to come running through the door swinging the sword in the first few months ; remember meetings which were to be arranged between FT, Marius / AVZ we're effectively scuttled before dates were even penciled in by the distractors
FT trusted his ministers, the ICF report started to dismantle the MoP ; the unsigned summary report and reasons why it never arrive....who knows , maybe even why it had , but only arrive half baked ( without AVZ signature) but advised to read , is likely to have opened up some further kinks in her armour.
The MoM’s withdrawal of the decrees on the 6th of Feb -’urgency, harmonious, healthy cooperation’ has basically pulled the hand break on the long legal zombie walk. As Marius has said MoM, was not associated with the irregular sale of the 15%, she knew of the sale of the 15% but couldn't take any action due to ‘coordination problems’.
We know that the case against comminere was agreed to be withdraw by both AVZ and Cominiere at least from lumbumbashi court a week or two after the Feb 6th decree ; so fair call, (considering that management have also been in DRC for the bulk of the time between the decree and and now) , is that parties have come to the table to work towards a conclusion, from where id assume another report will be ( has been?) generated, but in this case it's not being selectively compiled by MoP; these discussions will be accounting how we have gotten to this point in time ; how things haven't moved along so smoothly.
I don’t think FT is anti AVZ, I do think that it would have been difficult for him to start countering decisions made by his ministers, as it would clearly point to dysfunction / corruption within a government led by him. Marius is respected with the DRC, him speaking publically on TV twice last week would have tenderised some of those feelings of respect apparently many within the public have towards MoM.
AVZ following the correct part ( maybe not as effective in DRC ), and followed the mining code to a tee ; Marius Mihigo and Christain Lukusa ( highly respected by FT) leading the way, but with highlighting grit which makes things a hell of a lot easier for FT to act on.
AVZ were already in the DRC well before you lost your load on the footpath
@Schemozzle. What day was the Marius Mihigo broadcast shot? Where in Kinshasa and when was the NF and JC ‘men in black’ shot taken? Some say a large meeting was scheduled the week before, only for the Macron visit which pushed things out....i wonder if a follow up visit happened.
politico pulling articles and a number of old AFR Avz related tweets getting deleted is also interesting FWIW