Any of you guys read through the Cantor report and ML Ann a number of times ?? It does take a couple of reads. I've posted the post below on HC , but its been washed away under the torrent of troll posts which have swamped the threads
I've read it a number of times and less concerned about it ; the option for the 15% was Dathomir were exercised; Dathomir were prepaid $500k in sept 2020 with part of the $40m from the CR in July 2021 used to pay the balance thus reducing Dathomir to 0% share in Dathcom,
lots of progress has happened since then, which good progress been made by AVZ in increasing the value of the project and its pretty clear Simon Cong / Dathomir wants more $$$ and 'claiming' there's issues with the share certificate ever though they have already been paid and accepted
That's the problem with these shifty's , they don't realize what they had until they want more in their bank account . The share certificates were awarded and certified by the DRC courts .
Now Dathomir (Simon Cong , Kabila's buddy)
'claims' issues with the share certs, Dathomir claim was made by reference to some tribunal decision ; this Tribunal decision has zero effect under DRC law on the 75% equity interest interest AVZ holds i.e. that 75% is AVZs ; also that tribunal decision under DRC also has no effect on the sale and purchase agreements of how that 15% was acquired, its pretty clear at least to me that the issue here is that Dathomir now think they should have received more $$ as they MC of AVZ has bulged and now wants more money on top of what they have already been paid; so that 15% that was bought from Dathomir for $20m isn't going away , they just want more money for it .
Comments in that Cantor report and on the Ann , states that the Tribunal decision is without foundation or merit . Also this tribunal decision can be over turned over.
Summary IMO, Dathomir are out of luck with getting any further cash for the 15% they sold . That 15% is AVZs , end of; but highly likely that Dathomir AKA Simon Cong, sees an angle on some additional funds and that additional 15% through Cominiere ...well:... the tribunal decision, which was highly likely brought to "claim , claim " status, would potentially provide those in Cominiere (anyone know Cong the influential DRC Business man in there
) with an avenue to skip the first right agreement without notice and flog it for a higher sum to a welcoming buyer.... woud Mr Cong benefit from this? Maybe, maybe not who knows , but would some extra cash Dathomir / Simon Congs way , make this Tribunal decision easier to overturn , thus resulting in a sudden non issue with the share certs / first rights and this Cominiere "claim" also dissipating
This will be an area of focus now for the AVZ legal team ; will the AVZ legal team be able to spot any loops holes they missed out in the first place , after they basically spent a year and a day binding this thing together in the first place and which Dathomir gladly accepted and ran with $20m
anyway thats what i posted above, whats your thoughts