I havnt had the opportunity to thankyou for your sleuthing talent, sharing alot of pertinent DRC documentation to us all .....as we attempt to put the jig saw pieces together to garner how the fuck AVZ got to where we are now..........

I dont know if this has been requested before or not, so apologies in advance, but are you able to get a copy of the DRC mining law regards to EXPLORATION TENEMENT RENEWAL.
Would like to observe the rules and regulations regards to that in a official capacity.
I know we have covered the topic before regards to CDL, how AVZ poked some holes in the south , but not the north, therefore providing the corruptors with a " loop hole " to steal the north , but i wonder whether that can be done legally under the DRC mining code ........
Normally in Australian mining code, or per aggreement with a JV, a minimum spend is required to be executed within a certain time frame, no stipulation whether it has to be done in a certain area or not, just as long as its done within the tenement boundary.
I betcha thats the same with DRC code too, but would love confirmation of that if possible.
Just cant believe for the love of god, how AVZ could be penalised to this extent, for not poking a few holes in the north of CDL.
With that in mind, cant believe Nigel mentioned that the north had high mica content on the RS without any assay proof ........
I wonder what would of happened to our mining decree if indeed AVZ did put a few drill holes in the north ?
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