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Mining indaba 2023 : Tshisekedi, l'heure de convaincre les multinationales
La conférence minière Indaba s’est ouverte ce lundi à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud. Le président Félix Tshiekedi y prend part, selon des sources officielles. La ministre des Mines, les gouverneurs du Haut-Katanga, du Lualaba et d'autres intervenants du secteur ont aussi fait le déplacement du...
Mining indaba 2023: Tshisekedi, the time to convince multinationals
The Indaba mining conference opened in Cape Town, South Africa.
President Félix Tshiekedi took part. And according to official sources. The Minister of Mines, the governors of Haut-Katanga, Lualaba and other stakeholders in the sector also made the trip of Mandela's country.
The Head of State will once again try to seduce investors by presenting the country's mining potential and business opportunities in the DRC.
Félix Tshisekedi participates in Cape Town in South Africa at the Indaba Mining Conference
After two years of suspension due to Covid-19, Indaba has resumed since last year. Last year, Prime Minister Sama Lukonde represented the country in the work.
For this edition, nearly 80,000 mining operators, bankers, entrepreneurs and delegates from national and international institutions participate in this conference-exhibition. Mining Indaba is one of the largest mining forums in the world and the first in Africa.
Considered a "geological scandal", the DRC is the largest mining country in the world. Some say that Mendeleev's painting was designed for the DRC, because it has almost all the minerals in the world. As a result, Congo attracts the attention of the whole world; that of investors as well as that of predators and its invaders.
In 2022, the mining sector contributed more than 60% to the state budget, with revenues of more than US$7 billion. The minerals used in high technology (criticals metals, e-metals or hi-metals) and others are found in the DRC and attract all the lusts of the world.
While some can rejoice in the revenues generated by mines in the DRC, others believe that in terms of potential, the country does not earn enough. Several reasons explain the lowness of the state's revenues: less research, lack of expertise, very little investment, institutional instability, armed insecurity that has become almost chronic and legal, smuggling, fraud and corruption. In short, the country does not draw dividends because of disorganization.
What has the DRC been gaining in Indaba for 20 years?
The country has participated in this forum for nearly twenty years. But what are the benefits of his participation? A simple protocol presence? What do the delegates of the DRC bring back to the country? How many investors came to Congo through this event? It is not just a question of making the trip, presenting the list of minerals in the DRC and giving the speeches. Indaba is a forum for exchanges that must be capitalized and not a tourist fair with plethora of delegations with state agents in search of per diem (mission fees). If the DRC has remained in the ritual for years, the time has come to change methods and actors. Otherwise, it's stagnation.The presence of Félix Tshisekedi at this forum must bring a plus. The president must lead the diplomacy of natural resources.
Multinationals fond of raw materials make and defuse governments; those of the Third World as well as those of developed and stable countries.
Over the last 6 years in the DRC, AVZ have carried out Soil Sampling, Field Mapping, Consulting, Drilling, Metallurgical Testing, Completing a FEED Study, Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including Groundwater Management, a 160 page Definitive Feasibility Study, a SEZ Agreement, Tendering for Mining Infrastructure, Legally Obtaining and Paying For an Increased Share of Dathcom, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin, Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s and a Funding and Offtake Agreement with CATH, Presenting at the Battery Minerals Conference, Legally Fulfilling all Requirements to Obtain the Mining License, Including Receiving the Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License and producing an 85 page Sustainability Report, Spending millions of dollars and Supporting the Local Community….
AVZ still not granted a Mining License for the Dathcom project at Manono
Cominiere caught fraudulently selling its shares in Dathcom to Chinese company Zigin Mining by the Inspector General of Finance
Zigin attempts blackmail in the DRC to try and gain shares in Dathcom
Chinese Embassy in the DRC insults the Inspector General of Finance for exposing Cominiere and Zigin
What does President Felix Tshisekedi do?
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