AVZ Discussion 2022

Mining indaba 2023: Tshisekedi, the time to convince multinationals

The Indaba mining conference opened in Cape Town, South Africa.

President Félix Tshiekedi took part. And according to official sources. The Minister of Mines, the governors of Haut-Katanga, Lualaba and other stakeholders in the sector also made the trip of Mandela's country.

The Head of State will once again try to seduce investors by presenting the country's mining potential and business opportunities in the DRC.


Félix Tshisekedi participates in Cape Town in South Africa at the Indaba Mining Conference

After two years of suspension due to Covid-19, Indaba has resumed since last year. Last year, Prime Minister Sama Lukonde represented the country in the work.

For this edition, nearly 80,000 mining operators, bankers, entrepreneurs and delegates from national and international institutions participate in this conference-exhibition. Mining Indaba is one of the largest mining forums in the world and the first in Africa.

Considered a "geological scandal", the DRC is the largest mining country in the world. Some say that Mendeleev's painting was designed for the DRC, because it has almost all the minerals in the world. As a result, Congo attracts the attention of the whole world; that of investors as well as that of predators and its invaders.

In 2022, the mining sector contributed more than 60% to the state budget, with revenues of more than US$7 billion. The minerals used in high technology (criticals metals, e-metals or hi-metals) and others are found in the DRC and attract all the lusts of the world.

While some can rejoice in the revenues generated by mines in the DRC, others believe that in terms of potential, the country does not earn enough. Several reasons explain the lowness of the state's revenues: less research, lack of expertise, very little investment, institutional instability, armed insecurity that has become almost chronic and legal, smuggling, fraud and corruption. In short, the country does not draw dividends because of disorganization.

What has the DRC been gaining in Indaba for 20 years?​

The country has participated in this forum for nearly twenty years. But what are the benefits of his participation? A simple protocol presence? What do the delegates of the DRC bring back to the country? How many investors came to Congo through this event? It is not just a question of making the trip, presenting the list of minerals in the DRC and giving the speeches. Indaba is a forum for exchanges that must be capitalized and not a tourist fair with plethora of delegations with state agents in search of per diem (mission fees). If the DRC has remained in the ritual for years, the time has come to change methods and actors. Otherwise, it's stagnation.

The presence of Félix Tshisekedi at this forum must bring a plus. The president must lead the diplomacy of natural resources.

Multinationals fond of raw materials make and defuse governments; those of the Third World as well as those of developed and stable countries.


Over the last 6 years in the DRC, AVZ have carried out Soil Sampling, Field Mapping, Consulting, Drilling, Metallurgical Testing, Completing a FEED Study, Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including Groundwater Management, a 160 page Definitive Feasibility Study, a SEZ Agreement, Tendering for Mining Infrastructure, Legally Obtaining and Paying For an Increased Share of Dathcom, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin, Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s and a Funding and Offtake Agreement with CATH, Presenting at the Battery Minerals Conference, Legally Fulfilling all Requirements to Obtain the Mining License, Including Receiving the Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License and producing an 85 page Sustainability Report, Spending millions of dollars and Supporting the Local Community….

AVZ still not granted a Mining License for the Dathcom project at Manono

Cominiere caught fraudulently selling its shares in Dathcom to Chinese company Zigin Mining by the Inspector General of Finance

Zigin attempts blackmail in the DRC to try and gain shares in Dathcom

Chinese Embassy in the DRC insults the Inspector General of Finance for exposing Cominiere and Zigin

What does President Felix Tshisekedi do?
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Remember AVZ’s story when booking your seat at


Organised by THE VUKA GROUP

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I don’t think it’s a good idea.
In a german forum one guy asked if the management ever ask the government if they want zijin as a part of the project. And I think it’s a good question. Even it’s just because of the pressure from the Chinese government. We can’t expect that the drc can turn the Chinese the back from one day to the other, their influence is to big. If the government want zijin to start the project instead of waiting until the icc is done I would accept this decision. Giving them 15% is better then fighting through the courts. We would be the majority owner and told them how to work. The shareholders don’t benefit from this situation.

And one really important point…the population of manono don’t benefit from this situation too. Their government might be bullshit but it’s unfair that the poor people who need to feed their childrens are the most victims at the moment.
We are not talking about Australia or germany, in this case I would say fight the shit out of this motherfuckers. But not in a country like this. Our management have some responsibility for them too. We need to don’t forget the most damage are on the side of the people of manono.

We should have a other motivation then fighting like zijin and the government. Our motivation should be better, help the people of manono and the shareholders out of this situation. Possible fighting in the ICC for many years instead of running the mine is in my opinion not a good motivation. We never owned the 15%. Loosing everything for something we never owned is stupid.
They say you can’t fight City Hall so it would be very helpful to understand what the Govt and Felix’s position is on having Zijin involved in this project.
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One thing I'd love to know if there's any actual signed document AVZ has from CAMI / JFM stating we'd need to give up the north to get the PE and that we'd get the north back as an exploration licence, and most importantly, that this was FT's wishes. That would be a smoking gun, especially if that was a flat out lie as claimed.

I suspect we don't though, JFM seems to canny a long-running fraudster to document his crime so clearly, perhaps this was just passed verbally through our local advisors or lobbyists as the price of doing business, in which case we were hoodwinked like a bunch of amateurs.

Hoping the former! That document would surely send waves.
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AVZ Minerals 85 page Sustainability Report

This report outlines AVZ Minerals commitments to the Government and people of the DRC including

1. Environmental and Social Governance (ESG)
2. Commitment to socio - economic benefits
3. Preserving environmental values
4. Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain
5. Ending poverty
6. Improving health and education
7. Reducing inequality
8. Contributing to economic growth
9. Minimising greenhouse gas emissions
10. Preserving biodiversity
11. Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant
12. Supplying energy to local communities
13. Making a positive contribution to the lives of people in the region
14. Including direct and indirect employment opportunities
15. Leaving a positive legacy for future generations
16. Maintaining a strong sense of loyalty

Question for Felix Tshisekedi.... After years of committment and millions of dollars spent on the project, why won't the DRC grant AVZ Minerals the Mining License for the Dathcom project in Manono


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We are no longer fighting for the 15%, but for much more. Nigel himself said that CATL can live with 9% and the missing 15% is not an obstacle to starting the project once the ML is there. I'm sure that we are currently fighting for the entire project because the situation has completely slipped away from us. And that unintentionally. AVZ simply relied on people who didn't manage to assert themselves. AVZ trusted them blindly, invested in them and were sure that everything would go the way AVZ imagined. I think that Eckhoff and Hjulich recognized early on that AVZ was being ripped off and therefore left the company because they knew what was to come.
Acknowledging Zijn's 15%, I agree with you, is the only way to move forward on this. Even if AVZ wrongly agree to the procedure and support criminal things. In my opinion, this is our only and last chance. Unfortunately, court cases are gambling these days. Judges often make decisions based on instinct. They also cost a lot of time and money and unfortunately we don't have much of either anymore.
You are in the same league as dickhead Tommy!
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You are in the same league as dickhead Tommy!
And he/she has to find a better Chinese to English translator 😆

"agree to the procedure and support criminal things"
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AVZ Minerals 85 page Sustainability Report

This report outlines AVZ Minerals commitments to the Government and people of the DRC including

1. Environmental and Social Governance (ESG)
2. Commitment to socio - economic benefits
3. Preserving environmental values
4. Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain
5. Ending poverty
6. Improving health and education
7. Reducing inequality
8. Contributing to economic growth
9. Minimising greenhouse gas emissions
10. Preserving biodiversity
11. Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant
12. Supplying energy to local communities
13. Making a positive contribution to the lives of people in the region
14. Including direct and indirect employment opportunities
15. Leaving a positive legacy for future generations
16. Maintaining a strong sense of loyalty

Question for Felix Tshisekedi.... After years of committment and millions of dollars spent on the project, why won't the DRC grant AVZ Minerals the Mining License for the Dathcom project in Manono
That's a handy list MB. Cheers.

By the way, @everyone You can now use this link to share the ICC final Countdown app on your socials. It has a preview and just so you know it is set to the 15th of April currently. I will update it when we get further confirmation of an exact date.

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We are no longer fighting for the 15%, but for much more. Nigel himself said that CATL can live with 9% and the missing 15% is not an obstacle to starting the project once the ML is there. I'm sure that we are currently fighting for the entire project because the situation has completely slipped away from us. And that unintentionally. AVZ simply relied on people who didn't manage to assert themselves. AVZ trusted them blindly, invested in them and were sure that everything would go the way AVZ imagined. I think that Eckhoff and Hjulich recognized early on that AVZ was being ripped off and therefore left the company because they knew what was to come.
Acknowledging Zijn's 15%, I agree with you, is the only way to move forward on this. Even if AVZ wrongly agree to the procedure and support criminal things. In my opinion, this is our only and last chance. Unfortunately, court cases are gambling these days. Judges often make decisions based on instinct. They also cost a lot of time and money and unfortunately we don't have much of either anymore.
Crawl back under your rock!!!!
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I am expecting positive outcomes from the ICC in April, that's if the MOM does not pull the rug before then, to save the scumbags from embarrassing defeat.

The only unexpected thing that matters is Felix taps into his conscience and realises the losses in earnings from Manono that could contribute to 70% of DRC people living in poverty while a few corrupt ministers are benefiting and awards the ML to Dathcom that will not rip the country off . All Imo
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Can you put all the latest links in a new thread for swift deployment?
Ok how do I make a new thread? I looked at it the other day but it wasn't obvious to me. :p

edit: Nevermind. Found it. Will do it after tea.
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I cant see how anything is unexpected . We are expecting something . What we did expect is now unexpected . So what is expected is something unexpected . In other words no one has a f--king clue what's going on .
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