Great to see some level headed comments here today, in amongst the panic and gloom. But
@obe wan, I think it's a little more serious than you think when we have Georges Kapiamba (ACAJ) sticking his nose in, which I suspect could be because Felix Tshisekedi told him to.
I said before, Georges Kapiamba (ACAJ) should be on everyone's watch list as he has backed Cominiere before, and it's strikingly obvious Tshisekedi is distancing himself from openly acknowledging any knowledge of what is going on (so much for the paddlepop lion
@Carlos Danger).
I consider both the following possibilities
1) Tshisekedi and Lukonde are influenced by Chinese entities
2) The fact that state owned Cominiere (of which the government owns 90%), has been found by the Inspector General of Finance to be corrupt and guilty of fraudulently selling 15% in Dathcom to Zigin and depriving the DRC people of around $120million, and on top of that, most of the $30million from Zigin mysteriously disappeared into corrupt hands
.... As a result of the illegalities of Cominiere, and with elections approaching, Tshisekedi and Kapiamba have hatched this with Cominiere and the Minister of Mines
I don't even know what else to add at this point.... I'm actually still only up to reading page 1167 because I took my better half's dog for a walk (because I love him!) and I'm still trying to work out whether I or
@TheCount needs to change our User Profile
At least I got a laugh out of this:
wombat74 said:
I'm with you Obe-wan for now . Glass half full . I've stirred up Moneybags enough for one day. He's probably pulling out what's left of his hair . Big sleeps Money .
TDITD Regular
Well if his hairs gone it’s onto chest hair next then ball hair, have some mercy you square shitting bastard
PS Wombles, Bags is a capital 'B', Like I said, it's the little things that count.... You know, like fucken detail!!
PPS I don't think I'm going to be able to reply anymore today, I'm several pages behind and have to start warming up on my ceiling to floor ball
PPPS No matter how bad things look, everyone here is better off than the thousands of women and children who are getting slaughtered, raped and murdered every day by M23 rebels fighting for minerals in the east of the DRC
PPPPS It's members here who reply to the troll above who keep him here. BEISH, if you and Carlos feel the need to, I'll just put you both on ignore.... just fucken ridiculous encouraging him, but whatever