Félix Tshisekedi's 4 years in power: so many broken promises!
On January 24, 2019, a certain Thursday, outgoing President Joseph Kabila handed over power to Félix Tshisekedi after the December 2018 elections.
Félix Tshisekedi thus became the 5th president of the DRC. During his inauguration, the new Congolese president gave a keynote speech in which he made several commitments.
On the political, security, economic, social levels... Four years later, what promises have been kept? Which were not?
At some 11 months from the end of Fatshi's five-year term, can we hope that those not yet held will be?
Improving the social conditions of the Congolese remains the poor relation of Félix Tshisekedi's priorities.
Upon taking office, Felix Tshisekedi made a series of commitments that he considered priorities.
These include the release of all political prisoners, the restoration of State authority, the fight against corruption, impunity, the consolidation of the rule of law, the fight against bad governance .
In March 2019, 700 political prisoners were pardoned by Félix Tshisekedi, including Franck Diongo, Firmin Yangambi. Fatshi had instructed "the Minister of Justice to identify all political prisoners, prisoners of conscience or assimilated throughout the national territory with a view to their forthcoming release".
As for the restoration of State authority, it continues to falter, particularly in the provinces where armed groups are rampant (North Kivu, Ituri).
For this reason, moreover, they have been placed under a state of siege since May 6, 2021.
Despite this exceptional measure, things are stagnating, because the security situation is far from stabilizing approximately two years later.
Announced with pomp, the fight against corruption is tough.
Despite numerous initiatives taken by President Félix Tshiskedi, in particular the reactivation of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) led by the all-powerful Jules Alingete and the creation of several anti-corruption structures attached to the Presidency of the Republic, there is more and more talk about this phenomenon.
However, the will to fight this gangrene is very evident on the part of the Congolese leaders who, from time to time, are unfortunately not exempt.
The same is true of impunity, the fight for which has not yet produced the expected results, because more and more rumors are buzzing about indelicacy in the management of public affairs, but which remain unpunished.
Bad governance is the twin sister of the evil of corruption.
Like corruption, efforts are being made to combat bad governance, without success.
What suspicions of mismanagement on the part of certain leaders of institutions and other public enterprises!
The new president had promised to fight tribalism.
Many informed observers also accuse the power of maintaining this anti-value, in particular through its appointments, which primarily benefit nationals of its linguistic area.
If there is a discourse that is heard regularly in the mouths of the Congolese, it is undoubtedly the rule of law mentioned regularly by some and others who believe that the country is on the way to becoming a rule of law.
However, several obstacles prevent it from materializing.
While the 5th President had promised that the Government would initiate "a campaign to sensitize all State agents on their responsibilities vis-à-vis our populations", such a campaign never took place.
On the socio-economic level, Felix Tshisekedi had made the commitment that his country could achieve "food self-sufficiency and feed two billion people, thus reducing the world food deficit twice".
He believed in the 80 million hectares of accessible arable land and its 40 million hectares of irrigable land in his country, endowed with an innovative agricultural program.
Four years later, this is still wishful thinking!
He better start feeding his own people first before he thinks about all of humanity.
A real challenge!
Although this is still a project, the manufacture of electric batteries in the DRC is increasingly attracting the Government via its Ministry of Portfolio.
Therefore, the global production of electric cars, which he said would in the near future exceed that of cars with polluting engines, is still a project.
Food for thought