Felix is in the UAE . How many international trips has this guy taken in the past 9 months? I've lost count . Not bad for one of the poorest countries in the world . Oh that's right he's trying to drum up business . Apparently getting the biggest Li deposit on the planet up and running is not part of it . Self preservation more important . AVZ is trying to expose corrupt players . However it's not a good look if Felix has to admit his cabinet is infested with crooks . Especially 10 months out from the election . He gets the evidence and then says prove it . Zijin get exposed but still go ahead with the ICC . It's f--king Alice in Wonderland sh1t . I reckon we will know Felix's intentions within the first half of this year .Economic forum finished a few days ago. Just like everyone of the whispers that people keep hearing, the rumours have once again proven to be unfounded. No change of governing ministers in sights, especially no removal of any of the roadblocks in our way.
The people in the DRC who are directly affected by this impasse should be vocal about all of this. Yet we hear no demonstrations or protests in regards to this. AVZ also silent makes it even more stupid. Only a few journalists speaking on Twitter (the vast majority of the population would have no idea what they even type) have spread any word of our plight.
At what point does AVZ spend a mere fraction of their high legal fees on a public relations push in country? It’s a joke we have stayed quiet for all this time witchh no progress to be seen or found.
The President only cares about his re-election. So make him care about us by pinning this mining lisence to thousands of votes in the community of Manono and the surrounding communities who would benefit from AVZ.
It’s all a big joke. Overpaid part time management that can’t even tell us what the plan is to break this impasse. Or who is directly responsible for it all.
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