Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi has undertaken to clean up his yard.
Many advisers, who were rain and shine until recently, have been dismissed.
Has the head of state finally followed through on the year-old public outcry?
Has the President finally understood the message from the core of his base?
The one who did not hesitate to qualify in a very loud voice and in “easy tshiluba” certain advisers as “bivi” (thieves or … “hitters”).
In other words, did the President really clean the stables of Augeas at the "Karcher"?
Or is it a cosmetic change?
In which case, we would have undressed Pierre to dress Paul.
The answer will be soon.
Because it is by the yardstick of praxis that the new advisers to the President will be judged.
Public opinion hopes to deal, this time, with real advisers, that is to say women and men in the shadows. And not these bis and very bling ministers who engage the Congolese State concurrently with the Government.
Technocrats at the service of the only institution that sits at the Palais de la nation, namely the President of the Republic.
The Congolese would like to see a watertight boundary established between friendships, camaraderie, familiarity with Brussels and the management of state affairs.
This mixture of genres which, like a congenital evil, parasitizes the casting of the presidential stables.
This role confusion that confines the government to a bare minimum.
The controversy over construction sites that are not progressing in the Kasai area is a good illustration of this snub to good governance.
In this month of January, this Copernican change – desired – would sound like a good concrete resolution for “our national Fatshi“.
He who was not spoiled by those around him.
He who, a stone's throw from the end of his mandate, risks paying only cash for the carelessness of his relatives.
Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi can always meditate on this quote from John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
“Victory has a hundred fathers, defeat is an orphan”.
Food for thought