I want to apologies and clarify and dont want to offend anyone, I am religious myself and I am all for prayers, but if we have hired a lawyer, I want him to do his court duties, if I wanted prayers , we would hire a priest/pundit/imam/rabbi for a lot less to bless the opening and closing sessions of the court hearings.
For my next mortgage payment, imagine if I forward our lawyer's tweet to bank as a form of payment.
I want to give Mr Christian benefit of of the doubt and assume he attended the Church service yesterday at 10am and not the court hearing hence the tweet, I can live with that, Amen.
I think I am getting too emotional with this first thing in the morning, where is the delete button, or do I have to
rain delete-dance for it.
View attachment 27353
p.s. Thank you
@obe wan for giving us the actual court proceeding's details.