Any CONCERNS about the Brainchip Tech ???

It’s natural to get jitters when the SP is diminishing. It sucks.

My gut feeling: I think Everyone, myself included is disappointed that this year has been somewhat of a fizzle so far. I would have expected many announcements this year, as hinted by the company last year, and thus far we just haven’t. Why? I’m not referring to dots or partnerships either, I’m talking about sales.

That being said, I think that many of these connections likely have merit, and I genuinely do think that there is plenty going on behind the scenes, perhaps via Renesis/Mega Chips, or perhaps the deals aren’t mature enough to announce yet.

Whatever the reason, the shorters are taking full advantage of it. Markets are down, and they are applying the pressure our young company the make a quick buck.

I think the company needs to announce some new customers soon to reinvigorate SH confidence and further validate the tech. If it is what we all think it is, then they should be lining up.

Our other savour is revenue. I don’t expect 10 fold increases in this quarterly, but I do expect a decent jump on the last quarter. The second half of the year must be different though. Sean made a public statement that the company will have sufficient revenue to cover overheads by the end of the year, and with none less than 100 staff. This needs to be realised. Period.

I remain optimistic, but if I said I wasn’t disappointed with the first half of 2022 it would be a lie.
Sean didn't say overheads would be covered by the end of the year, he said the increase in overheads, from employing the extra staff.
So status quo, re expenses.
And it wasn't a definitive statement, Sean is much smarter than that.

Other people criticised LDN and I've had a fair bit for him over the years too, but have now come to terms with that.
He did have a bit of a "used car salesman" pitch about him, but that's what the company needed at that time, we needed excitement, we needed funds.
The meat of what he's said, has been and is being realised though.

People need to look around at how other companies are faring, there is a lot of blood in the streets everywhere.

My only concerns, are that the current World economic environment, may be holding back some of the agreements and customer developments, that we are waiting on.

The World economy is extremely sick.

You can basically blame the US, for pursuing Coronavirus research to "prevent" a pandemic and Putin.

The "pandemic" saw never experienced levels, of Worldwide stimulus, to prevent recessions.
Much greater, than for the GFC, because the World economies, were still sick from that.

The World can't "afford" recessions now, any more than a family could afford a pay cut, with high overheads and debt levels.

Putin's greed, obstinate stupidity and absolute disregard, for the rest of the World, has well and truly stuffed things up (things that were already teetering).

Now the World has huge increases in the money supply (the US increased by 2/3s in 2 years).
And is trying to fight rising inflation, with interest rates that are still stimulative (anything under 4 to 5% is).
But they can't afford to have their economies slow down, much more so, than before the pandemic.

There in, lies the Worldwide dilemma.

That's my take on it..
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Hi Rise. Thanks for comments.

I certainly don't have any doubts about Pvdm's brilliance, that is so plain to see, and is evidenced in the tech we are marketing to the masses. This is not unknown, to all of us, investing in what could well be a marvelous journey.

There are a few unknown, unknown, unknown's that are at play currently. One of these is the income stream
that is not evidenced atm. And this is crucial, and I understand this will take time as the tech is progressed. We keep waiting and waiting for a sign, a signal, if you like, that, we are progressing, with a viable product, that is being taken up increasingly, by all of the known partnerships/agreements that we have in place, with just so many/varied entities.

These are the known known's which are so very satisfyingly evident in our progression towards a successful outcome.

Yes, it's the bottom line, big revenue, which is what we want to see, and I'm hopeful, that we will see this fairly soon ??

I've been invested here from the very beginning, trading a little from time to time, I've unloaded a bit a while back though, which I think has been prudent, and have slowly been increasing again. It's just the shenanigans' of the market, ( which I'm not ofay with ) that have been somewhat unnerving of late. I still have a lot of confidence in the tech and it's eventual success. A small hint ( read update/announcement from the Co, from time to time ) would help/assist us in believing that we are on track and would make us all feel more comfortable. Surely, there must be something positive that we can be let in on occasionally.

I know ( known - unknown ) intricacies of the market place are complex and fraught with danger if one is not careful/very careful in the way we proceed.

Anyway, thank you Rise, and all those who have responded, I'm not quite so jittery this morning, and what else can I say ( there is much really ) except........

Akida Ballista >>>>>> ONWARD - with fingers crossed - INTO THE FUTURE

Hi @hotty4040
If you do believe in the technology would you like to amend or ask @zeeb0t to amend the title of your thread to make clear you are not questioning the validity of the technology please.


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Hi @hotty4040
If you do believe in the technology would you like to amend or ask @zeeb0t to amend the title of your thread to make clear you are not questioning the validity of the technology please.


It may not serve the intended purpose though, would it?

The title of the thread is ''concerns about BRN tech'' but then because there aren't really any concerns about the tech, the post itself goes on about bots, algos etc.

I guess when tide goes down we are starting to see who's running naked.
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It may not serve the intended purpose though, would it?

The title of the thread is ''concerns about BRN tech'' but then because there aren't really any concerns about the tech, the post itself goes on about bots, algos etc.

I guess when tide goes down we are starting to see who's running naked.
I give up I have no idea what you are saying with this post so I will move on.

Enjoy whatever it is that is going on here.


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I give up I have no idea what you are saying with this post so I will move on.

Enjoy whatever it is that is going on here.


He's saying it's like Shareman's "Competitive Landscape" thread, which ended any fears against, any real competition, because he couldn't find any that were worthy..

Not saying Hotty, intended on a negative effect, but the fact that no one is raising any issues, with the tech, could be comforting for some..
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Founding Member
Just wondering whether anyone else is feeling some jitters at this time about our technology, during this downturn in the Market Place currently.

Is the BRN s/p just being manipulated by the shorters, ( Big money evidently, in play here ) e.g. Algo's, Bots, And who knows what else is utilized to work our Brainchip trades each and every day.

Whatever is transpiring here, ain't, I repeat, ain't a level playing field IMHO, and little old me is getting a little worried about this manipulation, if that is what is occurring.

Would all and sundry on these threads, care to comment about this manipulation that's happening, and please describe what your thoughts on this subject matter, are. I just need to get my head around how this all works, and quickly.

Akida Ballista >>>>>>> I'm still on board, but I have the JITTERS, which is a little discomforting, to say the least - <<<<<<<

hotty... Grrrr ( Maybe I need some training/ more understanding ) about this downside tampering that appears to be quite effective..

Oh darling, could you pour me something from the top shelf, please, asap. I'm starting to sweat, profusely. ;)
Anyone getting cold feet or feeling dissapointed, needs to remember last year. The SP was held down and pushed back for the vast majority of the year........THEN MERCEDES BOOM.

Then have a look at all of the names we have confirmed above the iceberg, then ..............relax.

From the research I have personally done (not to mention what has been shared) I believe the next 18 months (and beyond of course) will be EXPLOSIVE for BRN and will surprise most, I am without doubt.

DO NOT BE TOO EAGER TO WRITE THE YEAR OFF!!! Anyone exiting this stock unnecessarily at this point is sure to be kicking themselves in the near future, don't be that guy.

All imo DYOR
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Stop worrying everyone. What’s the worst that can happen. No revenue eventuates and your shares become worthless.
This has happened before when we had the brain studio...


Anyone getting cold feet or feeling dissapointed, needs to remember last year. The SP was held down and pushed back for the vast majority of the year........THEN MERCEDES BOOM. Then have a look at all of the names we have confirmed above the iceberg, then ..............relax. From the research I have done personally I believe the next 18 months (and beyond of course) will be EXPLOSIVE for BRN and will surprise most, I am without doubt.

DO NOT BE TOO EAGER TO WRITE THE YEAR OFF!!! Anyone exiting this stock unnecessarily at this point is sure to be kicking themselves in the near future, don't be that guy.

All imo DYOR

I don't understand people's expectations on timing ... bringing a new product to market takes years for OEM's, products hitting the market today will have been started 3 to 5 years ago ... well before BrainChip was ready to commercialise. And you don't invest several years in product development for no financial return. so you go ahead & launch the product and market it heavily to generate quick sales ... all before your innovative/disruptive product hits the market and effectively kills it.

I would argue that there are massive efforts to expedite and bring forward new products with disruptive Brainchip AI so as to deliver a competitive advantage to first movers in their respective markets. Look for products aimed at 2024 launch being brought forward to 2023 for inclusion of the AKIDA Edge.

I suggest a focus on the science and the AI ecosystem rather than the daily gyrations of the SP will serve us all well.
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No pain, no gain.
I'm really questioning some of these posters motives.
1. Markets are really shaky correcting hence all things will correct that's a cycle.
2. We know revenue is still set for late 2022 it's mid 2022 so it's pointless to say no revenue and regurgitate these concerns where where the concerns at 1.70?

3. The company is accelerating hiring and moving forward. This is a sign of growth to come.

I do feel that this tread is a penetrated attack on the readers possibly some loose hands in my opinion. It's really obvious that hot crapper has lost some traffic.

Also a company like Mega Chips try to find out who there clients are you won't these are trade secrets. Its like Sean daid start looking for revenue in the second half this is still a bit off.

This trading pattern is exactly like the last time we pulled back only there are macro economic issues. They won't change the adoption of the IP but maybe the volume but eventually the cycle for big revenue will come.

The talk about studio see if there where any bigger names involved and compare it to Arm and the rest of the companies advertising BRN.

Any ways all my opinion. I have belief that the next cycle of sluthing for the 1000 eyes is comming up!
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Just had a chance to read through this new thread.

Personally I think it's a warranted discussion topic, maybe not so much on the validity of the tech but the roadmap moreso.

Think all appreciate there will be varying thoughts and opinions based on the individuals risk appetite, where they bought in, how much exposure and a raft of other personal considerations.

I get the read that most of the discussion is really around the SP and revenue as we know the tech has been validated to point by Merc and licence holders however not so much by end users or consumers yet.

Also get that revenue is the end goal as that obviously a given that flows on from sales.

The question for me is where are the sales coming from and also what is in the pipeline to convert.

Where are additional licence or contractual agreements coming from.

The SP will do what it does as people say however without ongoing additional tangible deals and licence agreements within the news flow / Ann's, the SP will do one thing and that is drift and slide.

Yes, one big Ann and away the SP goes however, it will be from a much lower base starting point rather than somewhere higher up if regular deals / licences being crystallised.

I know in my working life if I don't achieve consistent results then questions get asked and for mine, the Co and it's Dirs should be treated no differently, with respect obviously but no differently.

That is what I deem creating SH wealth....continuous growth not sporadic occasional jumps and falls.

I would hazard a guess that some early holders, not necessarily saying here before I get crucified haha, would be banking profits and rightly should as can buy back in as SP slides and as such would not be as concerned.

Ok, it's been said the tech is there, the science is there, the mkt is there, that's all a known.

I get the licencing model, time to mkt etc and that yes end users will need chips etc with our IP onboard and that we won't know it's happening till we see revenue figures.

However, partnerships are one thing and really are a PR and R&D exercise imo until such time as a Prophesee or Nviso or Merc or whoever say ok here's a contract or confirmed market Ann for your product in our product that consumers can buy.

That is true validation and revenue and under the ASX listing rules revenue $, fee structure etc does not need be advised as is industry / competitor sensitive.

So it's great to have all these potentials out there however we can't expect or rest on, that anyone who wants to use Akida will just go through say an Arm or Renesas product. There must be multiple paths to mkt in selling.

And on Renesas whether we like it or not, the recent wording, statements etc all appear to have a bias to other contracts or products being utilised or pushed onto more or less flagship or premium products whilst Akida is licensed for what we need it for.

Just doesn't instill huge amounts of confidence at times as we really appear to be at the mercy, for want of a better word, of our licencees as to how they push and market our product within their ecosystems.

Anyway, my 5c thought rant over haha
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Just had a chance to read through this new thread.

Personally I think it's a warranted discussion topic, maybe not so much on the validity of the tech but the roadmap moreso.

Think all appreciate there will be varying thoughts and opinions based on the individuals risk appetite, where they bought in, how much exposure and a raft of other personal considerations.

I get the read that most of the discussion is really around the SP and revenue as we know the tech has been validated to point by Merc and licence holders however not so much by end users or consumers yet.

Also get that revenue is the end goal as that obviously a given that flows on from sales.

The question for me is where are the sales coming from and also what is in the pipeline to convert.

Where are additional licence or contractual agreements coming from.

The SP will do what it does as people say however without ongoing additional tangible deals and licence agreements within the news flow / Ann's, the SP will do one thing and that is drift and slide.

Yes, one big Ann and away the SP goes however, it will be from a much lower base starting point rather than somewhere higher up if regular deals / licences being crystallised.

I know in my working life if I don't achieve consistent results then questions get asked and for mine, the Co and it's Dirs should be treated no differently, with respect obviously but no differently.

That is what I deem creating SH wealth....continuous growth not sporadic occasional jumps and falls.

I would hazard a guess that some early holders, not necessarily saying here before I get crucified haha, would be banking profits and rightly should as can buy back in as SP slides and as such would not be as concerned.

Ok, it's been said the tech is there, the science is there, the mkt is there, that's all a known.

I get the licencing model, time to mkt etc and that yes end users will need chips etc with our IP onboard and that we won't know it's happening till we see revenue figures.

However, partnerships are one thing and really are a PR and R&D exercise imo until such time as a Prophesee or Nviso or Merc or whoever say ok here's a contract or confirmed market Ann for your product in our product that consumers can buy.

That is true validation and revenue and under the ASX listing rules revenue $, fee structure etc does not need be advised as is industry / competitor sensitive.

So it's great to have all these potentials out there however we can't expect or rest on, that anyone who wants to use Akida will just go through say an Arm or Renesas product. There must be multiple paths to mkt in selling.

And on Renesas whether we like it or not, the recent wording, statements etc all appear to have a bias to other contracts or products being utilised or pushed onto more or less flagship or premium products whilst Akida is licensed for what we need it for.

Just doesn't instill huge amounts of confidence at times as we really appear to be at the mercy, for want of a better word, of our licencees as to how they push and market our product within their ecosystems.

Anyway, my 5c thought rant over haha
i hope you don’t mind me balancing your post with: all of the positive news that we have received lately make investing in BRN a smart choice. And the BrainChip team have been very clear on the importance of NDAs. And let’s follow the CEO’s advice and watch the financials. Let’s give Nviso, Renesas, MegaChips, and many others a little time. We are on a big winner!
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Just wondering whether anyone else is feeling some jitters at this time about our technology, during this downturn in the Market Place currently.

Is the BRN s/p just being manipulated by the shorters, ( Big money evidently, in play here ) e.g. Algo's, Bots, And who knows what else is utilized to work our Brainchip trades each and every day.

Whatever is transpiring here, ain't, I repeat, ain't a level playing field IMHO, and little old me is getting a little worried about this manipulation, if that is what is occurring.

Would all and sundry on these threads, care to comment about this manipulation that's happening, and please describe what your thoughts on this subject matter, are. I just need to get my head around how this all works, and quickly.

Akida Ballista >>>>>>> I'm still on board, but I have the JITTERS, which is a little discomforting, to say the least - <<<<<<<

hotty... Grrrr ( Maybe I need some training/ more understanding ) about this downside tampering that appears to be quite effective..

Oh darling, could you pour me something from the top shelf, please, asap. I'm starting to sweat, profusely. ;)

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i hope you don’t mind me balancing your post with: all of the positive news that we have received lately make investing in BRN a smart choice. And the BrainChip team have been very clear on the importance of NDAs. And let’s follow the CEO’s advice and watch the financials. Let’s give Nviso, Renesas, MegaChips, and many others a little time. We are on a big winner!
No problems at all and as I posted, is about discussion.

That's healthy imo so long as respectful unlike that other place.

I agree there has been news, though mostly partnerships moreso recently and stated my thoughts on those.

Aso understand and agree with the NDAs however as I said, true validation comes with someone going out there with Akida in their product for end users / consumers for all to see.

Revenue will flow from sales but need to make sure the pipeline is being topped up as runoffs happen / deals fall over etc and conversions to contracts and licences happening. Big rule in sales.

That's all.
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So... I'm trying to get this car together, to flog off and buy more BRN shares, while the price is going nowhere fast..

Just spraying up the space saver wheel, with aerosol cans, did a touch up one side (too much attention to detail) and then on my way to the shed, I thought it's funny, they always say to turn the can upside down, to clear the tube and prevent blocking..
But I never do, as it wastes quite a bit of paint and have rarely had a problem.
Get the other can of gloss, for the other side, within 5 secs it blocks, I unblock, it blocks again, I squirt paint directly out the tube, start to spray, it blocks again (probably should have shook the can more too..).

Finally, after 20min of stuffing around, it starts spraying properly (I check if it's the same can), while spraying, I'm thinking, is this my reward, for not breaking into fits of cursing and swearing?

What should have been a 5min job, has now been over half an hour..
I look at the wheel and think it's too shiny, but it will do and then notice, that the gloss paint, is having a bad reaction, with the factory paint underneath..

Might have sworn a bit then..

What's the moral of this story?
I don't know..
Isn't this the thread, for random and irrelevant stuff, that Rise started?
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No problems at all and as I posted, is about discussion.

That's healthy imo so long as respectful unlike that other place.

I agree there has been news, though mostly partnerships moreso recently and stated my thoughts on those.

Aso understand and agree with the NDAs however as I said, true validation comes with someone going out there with Akida in their product for end users / consumers for all to see.

Revenue will flow from sales but need to make sure the pipeline is being topped up as runoffs happen / deals fall over etc and conversions to contracts and licences happening. Big rule in sales.

That's all.
Agree and I believe that it’s all coming together in the next 6 months.
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My first thought on reading the name of this new thread was that I thought I was back on hotcrapper.
Just about every Tech stock share price in the world is in meltdown with the current world economic conditions, something I did mention here at the start of the this year, due to the correlation between increasing interest rates and technology stocks .
Unfortunately us BRN shareholders might have to suffer some more pain in the coming months but.......
For anyone to still have doubts about the technology BRN has developed is beyond my thinking🤔
Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
This reminds me of crypto projects where people expect everything now, people become short sighted and even forget that we have real world cases of our tech being used and validated across a spectrum of industries. Have a long list of partners, EAP's and future potential.

There is a serious war going, damaging inflation, inbound recession, major stocks are tanking, real estate markets are following and we have fiat which is debasing 10percent every year on money printing.

We need 1 to 2 percent of AI market share to be successful. With everything going it may take longer than anticipated but where else do you put your money...
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Just wondering whether anyone else is feeling some jitters at this time about our technology, during this downturn in the Market Place currently.

Is the BRN s/p just being manipulated by the shorters, ( Big money evidently, in play here ) e.g. Algo's, Bots, And who knows what else is utilized to work our Brainchip trades each and every day.

Whatever is transpiring here, ain't, I repeat, ain't a level playing field IMHO, and little old me is getting a little worried about this manipulation, if that is what is occurring.

Would all and sundry on these threads, care to comment about this manipulation that's happening, and please describe what your thoughts on this subject matter, are. I just need to get my head around how this all works, and quickly.

Akida Ballista >>>>>>> I'm still on board, but I have the JITTERS, which is a little discomforting, to say the least - <<<<<<<

hotty... Grrrr ( Maybe I need some training/ more understanding ) about this downside tampering that appears to be quite effective..

Oh darling, could you pour me something from the top shelf, please, asap. I'm starting to sweat, profusely. ;)
Hi Hotty. You've been in for some time haven't you?

I have just finished preparing our documents for the accountant (for SMSF) and will post them off today. Although we have been up around 150% this year overall we finished the year up about 48% (not including pension payments), which ain't too bad I reckon. The previous year we were up 285%, most of which was due to Brainchip. We do a minimal amount of trading, but our main strategy is to buy more Brainchip and HOLD. Brainchip has already assured a really comfortable retirement for us, and the 'pull-back' is not of a great concern since we are still very happy with a 48% increase. Even our friend Warren Buffet would be happy with that!

But Hotty, the really exciting thing is, that we are just at the START of the journey. We haven't even turned a profit yet, and still the road signs outside all the major users and future users of edge AI are all firmly pointed to Brainchip. I'm still as excited as ever and can't wait to see the developments over the next 6 to 12 months.

We have the technology. We have the patents. We have the roadmap. We have the customers. All we need is the patience as our technology is rolled out into the products of all the major players. GLTAH. DYOR.

Love, Deena
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Hi Rise. Thanks for comments.

I certainly don't have any doubts about Pvdm's brilliance, that is so plain to see, and is evidenced in the tech we are marketing to the masses. This is not unknown, to all of us, investing in what could well be a marvelous journey.

There are a few unknown, unknown, unknown's that are at play currently. One of these is the income stream
that is not evidenced atm. And this is crucial, and I understand this will take time as the tech is progressed. We keep waiting and waiting for a sign, a signal, if you like, that, we are progressing, with a viable product, that is being taken up increasingly, by all of the known partnerships/agreements that we have in place, with just so many/varied entities.

These are the known known's which are so very satisfyingly evident in our progression towards a successful outcome.

Yes, it's the bottom line, big revenue, which is what we want to see, and I'm hopeful, that we will see this fairly soon ??

I've been invested here from the very beginning, trading a little from time to time, I've unloaded a bit a while back though, which I think has been prudent, and have slowly been increasing again. It's just the shenanigans' of the market, ( which I'm not ofay with ) that have been somewhat unnerving of late. I still have a lot of confidence in the tech and it's eventual success. A small hint ( read update/announcement from the Co, from time to time ) would help/assist us in believing that we are on track and would make us all feel more comfortable. Surely, there must be something positive that we can be let in on occasionally.

I know ( known - unknown ) intricacies of the market place are complex and fraught with danger if one is not careful/very careful in the way we proceed.

Anyway, thank you Rise, and all those who have responded, I'm not quite so jittery this morning, and what else can I say ( there is much really ) except........

Akida Ballista >>>>>> ONWARD - with fingers crossed - INTO THE FUTURE

All companies that have little revenue flow are being punished by the market, we are unfortunately only just beginning out on our long journey to success.
Yes we are in the right spot at the right time,
It’s the market and the war that are in the wrong place at the right time for us.
We are only a few months old if you look at our commercial life just infants, we will grow up to be big and strong it’s only time.
Look how fast the last 2 years have gone since the beginning of covid
It’s been an up hill battle but we will win the fight, have faith in the science.


Remember to smile you own part of history
Stay happy because life is to short.
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