Any CONCERNS about the Brainchip Tech ???


Look around. We’re doing better than most.

2022 has seen markets everywhere get a good ol’ fashioned spanking and yet we’re still in the green YTD. People need to realign their expectations for this year though because unbridled enthusiasm is no longer the default setting out there.

Personally I’m going into hibernation now that the bears are here for a bit. Just patiently waiting for “the spring.”
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Just wondering whether anyone else is feeling some jitters at this time about our technology, during this downturn in the Market Place currently.

Is the BRN s/p just being manipulated by the shorters, ( Big money evidently, in play here ) e.g. Algo's, Bots, And who knows what else is utilized to work our Brainchip trades each and every day.

Whatever is transpiring here, ain't, I repeat, ain't a level playing field IMHO, and little old me is getting a little worried about this manipulation, if that is what is occurring.

Would all and sundry on these threads, care to comment about this manipulation that's happening, and please describe what your thoughts on this subject matter, are. I just need to get my head around how this all works, and quickly.

Akida Ballista >>>>>>> I'm still on board, but I have the JITTERS, which is a little discomforting, to say the least - <<<<<<<

hotty... Grrrr ( Maybe I need some training/ more understanding ) about this downside tampering that appears to be quite effective..

Oh darling, could you pour me something from the top shelf, please, asap. I'm starting to sweat, profusely. ;)
Your thread title is questioning the technology, the post doesn’t actually raise any concerns with the technology just market manipulation.. I’d ask, do you believe Mercedes used Akida in Eqxx just for a laugh? Having gone to this effort would they use Akida in future production vehicles?? I’ll let you make up your own mind..
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My concern is that Louis the X CEO suggested we would be have x this and x that by now and really what have we got from what he said, maybe this is why I’ve not decided to put any more money in recently amd decided to back a dead horse in crypto. But I’m not selling my shares for love or money as I’ve always been a gambler. But then again I’ve just invested quite a few thousand in a crypto mining machine to mine coins as why have free electricity during the day and not take advantage of making money for nothing.

I have a rig with six GPU's will to let it go for cheap.


Just wondering whether anyone else is feeling some jitters at this time about our technology, during this downturn in the Market Place currently.

Is the BRN s/p just being manipulated by the shorters, ( Big money evidently, in play here ) e.g. Algo's, Bots, And who knows what else is utilized to work our Brainchip trades each and every day.

Whatever is transpiring here, ain't, I repeat, ain't a level playing field IMHO, and little old me is getting a little worried about this manipulation, if that is what is occurring.

Would all and sundry on these threads, care to comment about this manipulation that's happening, and please describe what your thoughts on this subject matter, are. I just need to get my head around how this all works, and quickly.

Akida Ballista >>>>>>> I'm still on board, but I have the JITTERS, which is a little discomforting, to say the least - <<<<<<<

hotty... Grrrr ( Maybe I need some training/ more understanding ) about this downside tampering that appears to be quite effective..

Oh darling, could you pour me something from the top shelf, please, asap. I'm starting to sweat, profusely. ;)

@hotty4040 firstly, you’re definately not the only one with concerns and or frustrations and you have every right to air them.

For what its worth my own reasons for initially investing were……only after thorough research - it’s next generation tech, with unlimited applications, across nearly ever commercial sector, patent protected with a few year lead, updates in the pipeline, a world class tech team, and it has the potential for massive sp growth of many multiples ( a potential unicorn stock). Oh and it’s Australian

But the continual sp manipulation annoys the shit out of me, as does the lack of market announcements by the company. But tboth do not over ride my belief in what I’ve invested in.

Others have said it and it’s true. It helps to have a clear plan, with specific planned entry and exit points with timeframes. For me if I don’t see significant revenue growth by July 2023 then I will most likely exit. Why? Because I think that’s enough time and Sean wouldn’t have delivered on the opportunities we all think are there (in my opinion.). By the way I also have my emergency exit strategy with stop loses set, so I don’t need to sweat

just my opinion only, but hope that helps
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Hi mate, not sure how long you've been a holder. I've had a core holding since it's inception been through all the emotions the ups and the downs the trials the tribulations.
Imo, We are just turning the corner onto the main highway to becoming a financially successful company.
If the price was higher let's say around $1.20- $1.50 would you be feeling this way.
Mercedes jumping on embracing our tech was the greatest validation for me. Those guys are no fools they have a reputation to keep.
Also the market crapping itself lately has done us no favours unless one wanted to top up holdings. And the inclusion to the ASX 200 which sounds great but from my experience always has punished the stocks temporarily.
IMO again, their are entities out there that have enough funds at disposal to manipulate a stock that has all the ducks lined up to be a very successful company. Hang in there buddy the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is in sight.

In the meantime a short video that may help you😉

Thanks for posting @Rise from the ashes that Rumsfeld quote never gets old, has to be up there with THE best political quotes of all time
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
No concern from me. The only thing i'm a little bothered by is me reccomending a cpl people to buy and then BAM! BAM! Uppercut🌟 share price drops on them. Although I have offered them a no lose situation as I'll cover their share purchases if the arse drops out of this stock. But it still bothers me a tad.
Hi Rfta ... I have done the exact same thing with recommending BRN to some friends recently and also said I would cover them! I have reassured them that their investments are more than safe as I am SO confident of our HUGE future ahead.
Nothing has changed with why we are all invested with this groundbreaking tech,( well is has actually it's getting better day by day with new companies coming on board) Just a little more patience will be needed before we see HUGE announcements!!
I agree with FF about the implications of being included in the ASX200 and I also knew that this would happen to the SP once we entered the arena with the BIG boys. Hopefully we can see some decent financials reported within the next four weeks and get a bit of a stronghold on the market.

I think it was a good idea for @hotty4040 to start this thread as I think it is all getting very frustrating for all of us at the moment with no price sensitive news reported to the ASX, so I think this thread allows us all to have a bit of a vent. GREAT times are just around the corner in my eyes ..... JUST ONE ANNOUNCEMENT! please :)

BRN changing the future of the Planet .. the next industrial revolution!

Happy New Financial Year to all

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Hi mate, not sure how long you've been a holder. I've had a core holding since it's inception been through all the emotions the ups and the downs the trials the tribulations.
Imo, We are just turning the corner onto the main highway to becoming a financially successful company.
If the price was higher let's say around $1.20- $1.50 would you be feeling this way.
Mercedes jumping on embracing our tech was the greatest validation for me. Those guys are no fools they have a reputation to keep.
Also the market crapping itself lately has done us no favours unless one wanted to top up holdings. And the inclusion to the ASX 200 which sounds great but from my experience always has punished the stocks temporarily.
IMO again, their are entities out there that have enough funds at disposal to manipulate a stock that has all the ducks lined up to be a very successful company. Hang in there buddy the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is in sight.

In the meantime a short video that may help you😉

I actually love this assessment of knowledge:

1. Known knowns
2. Known unknowns
3. Unknown unknowns

They are a very valuable analysis tools.

There is however a forth category not mentioned the ‘unknowable unknowns.’

For example what would have happened if Mr. Dinardo had not suffered burns to both hands and remained CEO of Brainchip.

The answer to this unknown is unknowable.

The unknowable nature of this unknown means we have a simple choice when faced with this forth category.

We can focus on it and turn it inward into regret and waste emotional energy on the impossible task of trying to fathom that which is unknowable or we can simply look forward and focus on the future.

I personally do not have any negativity towards Mr. Dinardo as it is plain to me with the benefit of hindsight that he always intended to speak truthfully.

The EAP customer/partner reveals and the present statements about the remaining still to be revealed EAPs makes this crystal clear.

The July 4C for the June quarter will not have any income of substance this has been stated by the company since at least the 2021 AGM presentation by the Acting CEO Peter van der Made.

The commencement of income has been clearly predicted as starting second half of 2022 which is 1 July, 2022 forward.

Though predicted the company has not put any quantum on the income and the CEO Sean Hehir stated earlier this year that the question of giving guidance as to how much income was expected was a matter the Board had agreed to revisit at the beginning of 2023.

The implication of this statement being that he and the Board hoped that there would be sufficient clarity around income that meaningful predictions could then be made.

The other side of this is there is so little clarity about the expected income in the second half of 2022 that guidance cannot be given. This reality is evidenced by the CEO’s statement that receipt of income would by ‘lumpy’.

4C’s are backward looking statements of income received in the previous quarter.

So lest there be no confusion I believe that the June quarter 2022 4C will as stated by the company reveal little if any income.

Further I believe that while income growth will commence next quarter it will not initially be a smooth line on a graph from which you can extrapolate a trend to predict future income.

I believe income will be lumpy until at least sometime first half 2023 when the Board may be able to see a pattern of sufficient clarity to commence giving guidance.

My opinion only DYOR

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Deleted member 118

All depends on the algorithm you running I was mining privacy coins with it. It's been a while since I've messed around with it. Mind the dust 😂

Built that from scratch was a very interesting build since I knew swfa.
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Lol also great for cracking passwords
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Deleted member 118

All depends on the algorithm you running I was mining privacy coins with it. It's been a while since I've messed around with it. Mind the dust 😂 View attachment 10461
Built that from scratch was a very interesting build since I knew swfa.

I’m currently looking at something like this

AU $4,404.90 | Avalon A1166 Pro 81T SHA256 ASIC miner BTC Canaan Miner A1166pro avalon 1166Pro 81TH

Or this, ignore the au price.

But I have noticed an abundance of rigs for sale in the uk, which might be good as I’m back there in August for a holiday, but I am looking at a set up which all I need to do is plug and go with SHA-256 algorithm. I’ve an abundance of free electricity hence why I’m going to invest in mining. With China not able to mine it legally anymore, I just can’t find anything for sale over there 2nd hand.

So how old is your rig? Can GPU be added to it as it is? And what’s the power usage?

Currently you need to buy electricity at under 0.05c per kw to even make any money and that’s without the rig.

Deleted member 118



Akida’s gambit
What I like to keep in my mind is, additional to our current tech being accepted in “everything” we also need to keep fully aware of the BIG picture before us.
What I’m referring to here is the inherent drive & immense passion of our founder PVDM & associates to continue to develop this tech well beyond our current comprehension.
We marvel at what our current tech can accomplish but we also need to beware of where our next major development will take us in the future.
I’m prepared to stay for the long haul as I have every confidence in our team !
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I’m invested in a revolutionary artificial intelligence company: not a share price.

The company fundamentals appears to be building extremely well. The products will be created and sold; the income will follow and the share price will go up.

I’ve found this year to be very exciting watching the development of the company!

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I’m invested in a revolutionary artificial intelligence company: not a share price.

The company fundamentals appears to be building extremely well. The products will be created and sold; the income will follow and the share price will go up.

I’ve found this year to be very exciting watching the development of the company!


People just need to take a step back and consider what are realistic timeframes for products to be designed, developed, tested, manufactured and then finally sold triggering royalties.

For example is it realistic to expect this from Renesas? It’s been 18 months since they purchased our IP, so I reckon we’d be getting awfully close. But what about MegaChips? Well it’s only been 9 months since they signed on, so in their case we’re probably still a while away. No problem, we just need to wait a bit.

There’s no stress if you just think about things logically and keep your expectations in line with reality.
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We may never know most of the products that akida might be utilised in well maybe at the start of its incorporation into products as those companies think they will have an edge over competitors. Ai in its various forms will be prolific across most electronics and with our deep investigate skills and knowing what our IP is capable of I'm sure it won't be hard to figure out what contains PVDM'S brilliance. To me it's all about the bottom line big revenue in the future 4 c's.

Hi Rise. Thanks for comments.

I certainly don't have any doubts about Pvdm's brilliance, that is so plain to see, and is evidenced in the tech we are marketing to the masses. This is not unknown, to all of us, investing in what could well be a marvelous journey.

There are a few unknown, unknown, unknown's that are at play currently. One of these is the income stream
that is not evidenced atm. And this is crucial, and I understand this will take time as the tech is progressed. We keep waiting and waiting for a sign, a signal, if you like, that, we are progressing, with a viable product, that is being taken up increasingly, by all of the known partnerships/agreements that we have in place, with just so many/varied entities.

These are the known known's which are so very satisfyingly evident in our progression towards a successful outcome.

Yes, it's the bottom line, big revenue, which is what we want to see, and I'm hopeful, that we will see this fairly soon ??

I've been invested here from the very beginning, trading a little from time to time, I've unloaded a bit a while back though, which I think has been prudent, and have slowly been increasing again. It's just the shenanigans' of the market, ( which I'm not ofay with ) that have been somewhat unnerving of late. I still have a lot of confidence in the tech and it's eventual success. A small hint ( read update/announcement from the Co, from time to time ) would help/assist us in believing that we are on track and would make us all feel more comfortable. Surely, there must be something positive that we can be let in on occasionally.

I know ( known - unknown ) intricacies of the market place are complex and fraught with danger if one is not careful/very careful in the way we proceed.

Anyway, thank you Rise, and all those who have responded, I'm not quite so jittery this morning, and what else can I say ( there is much really ) except........

Akida Ballista >>>>>> ONWARD - with fingers crossed - INTO THE FUTURE

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Stop worrying everyone. What’s the worst that can happen. No revenue eventuates and your shares become worthless.
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Deleted member 118

Stop worrying everyone. What’s the worst that can happen. No revenue eventuates and your shares become worthless.

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