Sweden, home of TLGs graphite mine(s)


The SC is at least working. There are judgements for the following dates, the last one has just been put online:

*five minutes ago:

"The use of means of transport does not require the use of the engine​

Published on 2024-07-04 by the Supreme Court
Objective: No. B 3070-23
Two people who took a boat moored to a jetty and used it to drift along the Ume River have been convicted of misappropriation of means of transport.
While entering and leaving the mooring, two people illegally took a motorboat moored at a jetty in the Ume River. The boat then drifted along the river for one and a half kilometres without the engine running.
In its decision, the Supreme Court has now ruled that although the use of a means of transport requires the offender to use the means of transport to move around, it is not necessary for the motor to be used. The defendants were therefore found guilty of the offence."

Iustitia is blind to prioritisation. The reason why our case ended up with the special unit.)
A nice reminder why lawyers really are another species.

"Let's try and reduce your punishment for stealing a boat because you didn't actually turn on the motor, might be a loophole here".

Seriously, they stole the boat, I'm glad the Supreme Court at least made the right call, it's just a shame they have to spend time pointing out this simple fact to dumbass lawyers trying to get crooks less time in jail over getting our appeal rejected and letting Talga get on with building Europe's only real source of natural graphite anode so they can reduce their reliance on China and produce EV batteries with less CO2...

Good stuff Mr. lawyer, thank you for your fantastic contribution to society.
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A nice reminder why lawyers really are another species.

"Let's try and reduce your punishment for stealing a boat because you didn't actually turn on the motor, might be a loophole here".

Seriously, they stole the boat, I'm glad the Supreme Court at least made the right call, it's just a shame they have to spend time pointing out this simple fact to dumbass lawyers trying to get crooks less time in jail over getting our appeal rejected and letting Talga get on with building Europe's only real source of natural graphite anode so they can reduce their reliance on China and produce EV batteries with less CO2...

Good stuff Mr. lawyer, thank you for your fantastic contribution to society.
Yes. We've been thoroughly Jarndyced.
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Yes. We've been thoroughly Jarndyced.


What the Dickens?
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Talga is part of a group that is actively working on solutions:

"Northern Sweden needs skills, companies in staffing, recruitment and transition have the solution! Proposals have been raised and discussed at this morning's breakfast seminar during Almedalen Week moderated by the eminent Anna Dyhre.

We are thus releasing a new report - Northern Sweden needs skills - how to solve the problem - https://lnkd.in/divpiWUr

Eva Domanders, Kompetensföretagen
Christoffer Nilsson, Kompetensföretagen
Emma Själin, Talga Group (person on the right; public affairs manager at Talga; she is really remarkably active and present on many stages. Hats off to her!)
Linda Frohm, Chairman of the Moderate Party in Norrbotten
Jesper Hedin, Industrial Employers
Jan Riise, Member of Parliament, Green Party
Catrine Jack, Randstad
Malin Persson, Adecco
Mikael Jansson, ManpowerGroup Sweden
Åsa Edman Källströmer, TNG


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This is a startup owned by none other than PEL. He comments on it in Nordnytt.

Vad rapporterade han där?
Det verkar vara en lokal nyhets-tv-station. Tyvärr kan jag inte hitta något om ämnet på deras sida.
Avslöjade han mer information än vad vi redan vet här?






Google Maps has been updated this year. It's just a shame that it already looked like this last year. I haven't been able to find out anything new for months.


Talga's plot and the concrete plant on the left

The neighbours to the south. I think it was about a railway supplier. Started later and already much further on, or looks as if.

I'd better spare any more words...
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"Billions are to be invested in Luleå - but the money is not ready for the Port of the Future
Updated August 27, 2024Published August 27, 2024
The dredging of the fairway into Luleå is the largest dredging project in modern times. At the same time, the municipal Port of Luleå is working on the next step - a full ten billion kroner is to be invested in the "Port of the Future" project.

The port of the future will ensure that companies can ship what they produce in the new industries. LKAB (ReMAP), SSAB, Feritberia, and Talga have announced needs, but also H2 Green Steel and Uniper believe they need to use the port.

But the municipality does not want to be a guarantor for another multibillion-dollar project. Therefore, Luleå Hamn works to get others to take the financial risk while the municipality is allowed to continue to decide.
Must resolve financing quickly
CEO Anders Dahl looks out through the drizzling rain down in the harbour. Machines are already running, but above all money is needed.

- The market is waiting and everyone wants to go for it and then we will try to be the enabler, he says.

The original plan was that the first parts of Framtidens hamn would be ready already in 2025.

- There are very tight schedules in general. Malmporten has been planned for over ten years and here we will try to build a project of almost the same size in less than three years, says Anders Dahl.

Steelworks 80 as a shadow
Even though it has come a long way, there is still a respect for history. In the 1970s, Stålverk generated 80 big dreams, but the giant investment was stopped.

- It is clear that it rests, not a curse, but some type of shadow over this area, says Anders Dahl.

He thinks that this project differs from Stålverk 80 as there are more legs to stand on.

- Then it was a steel mill. Now there are a great many different types of goods that need to be added."
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"Interview with Nazanin Emami about Swedish Graphene Forum 2024​

Publicerat: 4 september, 2024

1. Why should one attend Swedish Graphene Forum 2024 in Luleå?
– Swedish Graphene Forum is Sweden’s largest annual meeting for graphene and other 2D related materials. Considering advanced materials are key components to green industrial transition, Swedish Graphene Forum is an excellent platform and an open arena to meet industry, research institute and academia to discuss the recent advancement within “Advanced Materials” and groundbreaking innovations and results which are of great importance for progress in Swedish industry, says Nazanin Emami.

2. What is your main interest in this year’s event?
– This year we celebrate SIO Grafen’s 10 year anniversary. During last 10 years more than 200 projects have been financed trough SIO Grafen and this year we will listen to a handpick of these highly successful projects. Some examples from 2D materials based demonstrators will be presented during the meeting, also a visit to Talga is organised.

3. You live in Luleå – what should we see outside the conference room?
– The nature up here in Norrbotten is just magnificent. Then off course Old Town and Old Town church is interesting to visit as it is part of 100s of years of Swedish history, and there is much more to explore. And keep your eye on the sky during the night hours, if you are lucky maybe you get to experience the northen light.

Join Nazanin and attend Swedish Graphene Forum in Luleå 9-10 October, register today

Facts Nazanin Emami:
A professor at Luleå University of Technology who has worked with graphene for 14 years. Main research interests: Processing of sustainable functional polymer composites for tribological applications, that deals with mechanisms and regularities of friction and wear of polymers and polymer-based composites, and biotribology that deals with friction, wear and lubrication in biological environments, in the implants, such as hip and knee. Nazanin is also vice chairman of the SIO Grafen board.

Facts Luleå University of Technology:
The university is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. They have a total turnover of SEK 2 billion per year, 1,500 employees, and 17,900 students. Attendees of Swedish Graphene Forum 2024 have the opportunity of a study visit to the university on October 9th."
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"Liz Asplund answered three questions for sponsors of the 2024 Snow Festival. Read more:

Why does Talga AB support the Kiruna Snow Festival?

- I think there are many Kiruna residents who have fond memories of the Snow Festival and perhaps especially from the time it was at its peak in the 1990s. We hope for a real renaissance. The Snow Festival can be as big as before!

What was the highlight of the festival for you?

- Apart from the sculptures, we want to emphasise the many different activities. There was a wide range and something for everyone.

Best festival memory of all time?

- The race. It was really fast-paced and memorable. In general, I would say that all the fun encounters with people over the years have been memorable. Maybe that's what's best about the festival - people going out on the town and meeting each other. We are already looking forward to next year."
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"Luleå municipality must produce a planning program for Luleå industrial park
On Svartön and Hertsöfältet, the area known as Luleå Industripark, new large-scale industry has been planned for a few years now, while existing operations in the area are ongoing. A number of parallel processes are ongoing all the time and the need for coordination with the help of joint planning is becoming increasingly important. Luleå municipality must therefore, in collaboration with the area's industry players and the municipal companies, draw up a proposal for a joint planning program for Luleå industrial park.

The new planning program is proposed to address how the overall issues affecting the entire area should be developed. The aim of a planning program is to ensure overall structures and flows of both goods and people, such as the development of railways, road networks, pipelines, the natural environment, heavy traffic and more.

With the help of a planning program that shows how the whole works, the municipality can be transparent with relevant actors, authorities and citizens about the development of the area. A common vision that specifies overall starting points and goals for the whole simplifies future planning processes and is estimated to provide major time savings.


Current planning for the Luleå Industripark area

Frida Lindberg is planning manager at Luleå Municipality and she explains why a planning program must now be drawn up for Luleå Industripark:

- We have been planning Luleå Industrial Park for some time now and we now see a need to look at the area as a whole, through a planning program. The area is huge and how the flows of the various industry players can be coordinated is crucial to success. Luleå harbor is of national interest and its potential for high capacity and long-term development is connected to the whole of the area. In addition, with a planning program we can analyze and assess how the development at Luleå Industripark affects the rest of our city and our common transport systems.

The planning program for Luleå Industripark shall cover the following areas:

Railway - By identifying and creating conditions for a reliable railway system with sufficient capacity, the national interest of Luleå Harbor is served and the connection between sea and land is strengthened.

Road network - The road network is a complement to the railway while at the same time enabling sustainable passenger journeys using public transport. In order to enable transport to and from the Industrial Park for both labor and the transport of goods by road and rail, joint planning and development of the road network in the area is required.

Heavy traffic - Luleå industrial park's accessibility for freight traffic can be significantly improved with the development of a Norrled. The Norrleden contributes to increased accessibility to the national interest Luleå port and moves heavy traffic and dangerous goods from being transported through the Luleå conurbation. A prerequisite for the Norrleden to be used to its full potential is that there is an east-west connection that allows transport from Svartön via Gräsörsbron and Gräsörvägen. Norrleden also has the potential to provide transport to and from Hertsöfältet's future operations.

Lines - The technical supply has a fundamental importance for Luleå industrial park's potential and opportunity for development. Line routes for technical water and power lines need to be pointed out in a planning program to ensure access for all actors.

Natural environment - Despite the fact that Svartön is already largely an industrial area today, there are natural environments and species to take into account. These environments contribute to the overall green structure and important ecosystem services. These green areas and ecosystem services must be taken into account during the overall design of facilities and locations within Luleå industrial park.

Dialogue - During the project "Digital planning programme", dialogues have been carried out in two rounds with Luleå Hamn, SSAB, LKAB, Uniper, Talga and Power2Earth. Dialogue with internal and external parties, citizens and authorities will be carried out during the planning process in accordance with the plan and the Building Act.


Read more about Luleå industrial parkLink to other website, opens in new window.

Read more about Luleå municipality's work with community planning"
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