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Was it Henry Ford who said "Any colo(u)r as long as it's white"?
Funny fact.

Did you know that in the US a group from a Mexican drug cartel realising that driving around in convoys of Black Hummers was drawing attention to themselves they decided to do something about it to throw the Federalies off their tracks.

Their solution drive around in convoys of white Hummers. LOL


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Deleted member 118

Funny fact.

Did you know that in the US a group from a Mexican drug cartel realising that driving around in convoys of Black Hummers was drawing attention to themselves they decided to do something about it to throw the Federalies off their tracks.

Their solution drive around in convoys of white Hummers. LOL



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Deleted member 118

I just love the edit feature we have here. Makes life so much easier. FF
My edit buton is well used. Imagine how bad my enghlish wood be otherweis.
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Just to reinforce how single minded and driven are the Brainchip team I will relate something that occurred yesterday.

During one of my standard searches I brought up a research paper out of China from earlier this month. It was 99% in one of the Chinese languages but a few words were in English “CNN to SNN converter” which of course Brainchip holds a patent over.

We are having NBN problems due to rain getting into the box in the street and I could not get Google translate to work.

Being out of China I emailed it to Tony Dawe on the off chance at around lunchtime.

At 11.23pm Tony replied enclosing an email to him from Peter van der Made with an English translation of the paper and a brief analysis of the paper which confirmed they had no idea about Brainchip’s secret sauce and were relying on a well known inefficient mostly abandoned method. Peter van der Made’s email was timed at 9.33pm last night.

What an extraordinary company made so by these amazing people.

My opinion only DYOR

Yes isnt that great, I,ve had a similar experience with Tony Dawe,I sent off a question,not expecting a prompt reply, as it wasnt an urgent matter,but within a half an hour Tony replied,its so good that he takes the time for us shareholders :)
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Yes isnt that great, I,ve had a similar experience with Tony Dawe,I sent off a question,not expecting a prompt reply, as it wasnt an urgent matter,but within a half an hour Tony replied,its so good that he takes the time for us shareholders :)
I've had the same experience with Tony, I've sent him emails on several occaisions, and generally had a reply that fast too. Often as a phone call, which was great, so you get the opportunity to ask other things too. I think Tony prefers to use the phone, I think he's been often quoted on HC a little out of context and then people get a bit excited. If it's a phone call you can't copy paste.
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You might like this true story @Rocket577

I was approached by a group of five armed robbers to act. They were bail refused and out at Long Bay. At the first conference they assured me the COPs had nothing cause they were innocent.

The brief was served along with 348 hours of telephone intercepts of the clients speaking with each other over months.

I immediately went out to Long Bay and said to the boys “I have been served with the brief and it includes 348 hours of telephone intercepts are you sure you want to pay me to listen to it. Perhaps you might consider changing your pleas?”

The boss “Mate, we never spoke on the phone we’re been around the block. Even when we did we spoke in code. Right boys.” Lots of nodding and back slapping confirmation.

Well back I went and sure enough they had a code. It was brilliant in its simplicity. What they did was substitute the word ‘bricks’ for the word ‘money’.

So when they held up the armoured car delivering the payroll to the major licensed club in Sydney before the robbery while waiting for it to arrive they were recorded speaking to each other saying things like “how many bricks do you think we will get” and “remember don’t go splashing your bricks around”… 😂🤣😂

The funniest recording however was from some weeks before because it turned out they had hatched their cunning plans at their local pub.

They felt comfortable doing so because it was a pub where others of their profession hung out.

Unfortunately there is no honour among thieves and one of the groups at the pub stole their plan and got in first.

This led to a series of very angry telephone exchanges from the boys outraged that their cunning plan had been stolen and their conversations provided sufficient information for the police listening to identify and arrest the other group.

Needless to say the boys thought this was poetic justice which needed to be discussed on the phone and of course it reinforced to them how clever they were not like these dopes. I laughed my head off reading the part where they congratulated themselves for being too smart to talk on the phone. 🤣🤣😂 FF

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Dont worry about 1000km, its now 1150km!!

And the best bit of the report...
The vegan interior integrates plenty of advanced technology, including what Mercedes calls a “neuromorphic” processor. This means that actions are processed in neural spikes, with energy only consumed during these spikes, helping to reduce consumption and improve efficiency.
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Good morning,

Just letting you know that I'm organising another coffee/tea meet up in downtown Perth in late May or late June.
So the guys whom attended last time, here's another opportunity to rub shoulders with the Perth based team, lady shareholders are also welcome to join in, it's only a small group of a dozen.

It's an informal meet up, mainly to thank the Perth team in person and chat about Brainchip and technology in general, only one rule, no asking questions that will obviously cause embarrassment to the staff, by not being able to answer for legal reasons.

Good news is, I spoke with Peter last night, and he is happy to come along again...pretty good eh !

I'm contacting Tony, Adam and a number of other staff whom may wish to join in for an hour or so, for a positive, uplifting feeling focused on our company !

Stay tuned, there's plenty going on behind the scenes, all the company's hard work will be blossoming in the coming months, in my opinion of course...🚀;)
I, being a lady shareholder...would love eo attend
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View attachment 4240
Seems to have been addressed in the comments by someone already
Standing Ovation Applause GIF by The Maury Show
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Great find JB49. AKIDA BALLISTA all the way there and back.

@uiux has been creating his own excitement on a thread Brainchip and Intellisense Inc so after you have had a sit down and a cup of tea make sure you read about the new granted SBIR for the US ARMY.

My opinion only DYOR

And the best bit of the report...
The vegan interior integrates plenty of advanced technology, including what Mercedes calls a “neuromorphic” processor. This means that actions are processed in neural spikes, with energy only consumed during these spikes, helping to reduce consumption and improve efficiency.
We could have a best bits war cause I think this is the best bit:

Schafer, told Auto Express.

“It’s the most efficient Mercedes-Benz in 150 years,” he said. “Internally we were joking that it’s our Mars landing achieving this kind of record in the EV world. We’ve set new benchmarks and milestones, and now we’ll implement everything that we have learnt and the components into series production in the next few years.”

But I suppose it would be a bit like arguing over which was the best million we made from investing in BRN shares. Every million is as good as the last. LOL

My opinion only DYOR

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And the best bit of the report...
The vegan interior integrates plenty of advanced technology, including what Mercedes calls a “neuromorphic” processor. This means that actions are processed in neural spikes, with energy only consumed during these spikes, helping to reduce consumption and improve efficiency.
I'm such a dick. I couldn't help but send the blokes another email.

Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 1.17.48 pm.png
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I'm such a dick. I couldn't help but send the blokes another email.

View attachment 4253
No, I think you are a legend. Academic integrity is beyond important in this modern world of Covid, anti vaxers, climate change deniers, flat earth believers and fake news social media and tyrants like Puto. It is incredibly important that science remains 100% credible. Those who supported the tobacco, alcohol etc industries have left a terrible legacy. So in my world you are a hero even when putting the boot in. FF.
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Someone needs to build a mobile app for this.


Founding Member.
I was just over at the other place reading comments on other shares I hold that have yet to transition here and nothing changes:

The genuine holders make sensible comments informed by their research and history with the company;

The genuine new to the markets listen or panic;

The fools make illogical statements through ignorance or fear;

The manipulators revel in the world wide market chaos and lie and cheat the fools from their money.

One line from a crusty long term genuine investor who was trying to calm a new to the market investor stood out:

‘Look those of us in the know have taken our position and will just wait and while we are waiting the maggots will come out and play their games. That’s just the way it works.’ 😂🤣😂

My opinion only DYOR

You hold other stocks? 😱

When shall we start calling you a Downramper? 😂😂

My opinion only DYOR

Akida Ballista 🔥
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I will make it easier for you again and steal the following extract from @uiux over on the Intellisense thread. I have even highlighted the relevant parts including the uses outside of NASA for those who say there is no money to be made from NASA engagements:

Estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) :
Begin: 3
End: 4

Technical Abstract (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words):
Intellisense Systems, Inc. proposes in Phase II to advance development of a Neuromorphic Enhanced Cognitive Radio (NECR) device to enable autonomous space operations on platforms constrained by size, weight, and power (SWaP). NECR is a low-size, -weight, and -power (-SWaP) cognitive radio built on the open-source framework, i.e., GNU Radio and RFNoC™, with new enhancements in environment learning and improvements in transmission quality and data processing. Due to the high efficiency of spiking neural networks and their low-latency, energy-efficient implementation on neuromorphic computing hardware, NECR can be integrated into SWaP-constrained platforms in spacecraft and robotics, to provide reliable communication in unknown and uncharacterized space environments such as the Moon and Mars. In Phase II, Intellisense will improve the NECR system for cognitive communication capabilities accelerated by neuromorphic hardware. We will refine the overall NECR system architecture to achieve cognitive communication capabilities accelerated by neuromorphic hardware, on which a special focus will be the mapping, optimization, and implementation of smart sensing algorithms on the neuromorphic hardware. The Phase II smart sensing algorithm library will include Kalman filter, Carrier Frequency Offset estimation, symbol rate estimation, energy detection- and matched filter-based spectrum sensing, signal-to-noise ratio estimation, and automatic modulation identification. These algorithms will be implemented on COTS neuromorphic computing hardware such as Akida processor from BrainChip, and then integrated with radio frequency modules and radiation-hardened packaging into a Phase II prototype. At the end of Phase II, the prototype will be delivered to NASA for testing and evaluation, along with a plan describing a path to meeting fault and tolerance requirements for mission deployment and API documents for integration with CubeSat, SmallSat, and rover for flight demonstration.

Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words):
NECR technology will have many NASA applications due to its low-SWaP and low-cost cognitive sensing capability. It can be used to enhance the robustness and reliability of space communication and networking, especially cognitive radio devices. NECR can be directly transitioned to the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program, CubeSat, SmallSat, and rover to address the needs of the Cognitive Communications project.

Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words):
NECR technology’s low-SWaP and low-cost cognitive sensing capability will have many non-NASA applications. The NECR technology can be integrated into commercial communication systems to enhance cognitive sensing and communication capability. Automakers can integrate the NECR technology into automobiles for cognitive sensing and communication.

My opinion only DYOR

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