Heard that before. Ill believe it when im at the pub in WA with Beisha and everyone else fighting to put our Centurion Amex cards across the bar to pay for the $26000 bar tab we'll rack up if we come out of this with money in our pockets.
Really looking forward to meeting everyone when this is all done.
Let's do a roadshow - start in QLD to watch Nells run over the bridge.
Next stop is Newcastle to pick up Dave.
Lob in Sydney, hire a bus so we can drive past MMGA offices in Artarmon and moon them on the way to The Rocks.
Bus continues down the Melbourne, short stay as there's not much to do down there.
Next, the Adelaide hills and pick up some nice Penfolds.
Then non-stop to Perth where we can buy Nigel a drink and work on that $26k session!
Or something like that................