You have obviously not done your research.I have stayed away off this site due to its bias, but anyone here that seriously think there will be an announcement prior to Christmas on the iword of who is running this company Is delirious. Why would anyone sell shares in their company if they knew in the next 4 weeks that a deal would fall. Hehir has constantly strung shareholders along and continues to do it.You all had your chance to vote him out last AGM but no like lemmings you followed his words, Remember them IMMINENT…… what have we got FKN not a word since. Lemmings that what I called you bunch.IWork for one of the largest worldwide companies and today I had to resort to send a email to one of our General Managers as they were looking at integrating AI into our company. I forwarded him Brainchips website link In the hope of achieving something. It only takes 200 signatures from shareholders to instigate a extraordinary AGM. If Christmas hits and nothing announced.I suggest as a shareholder you must think TIME TO GO HEHIR. You missed your chance last AGM don’t make the same mistake. Don’t wait till there is no money left in the bank account get rid of them.
If you don't like how Sean is progressing, then there is nothing stopping you from selling mate.
Do us a favour and continue to stay away.
I believe Sean was right in saying that DEALS AND REVENUES ARE IMMINENT.
This will likely be from the start of 2025, which we are all very excited about.
Not advice & do your own research.