Well Hoppy…as Fact continues to say…’Do your own research !
Back in the day, I was quite hostile to our Chair, Mr Hernandez ( a person to this day I find difficult to respect) and CEO Mr DiNardo. Lou at least had the metal to meet with me and thrash out our differences. Not only did these discussions lead to a grudging respect, dare I say friendship between us, I believe it played a part in an improvement to the remuneration plan later in 2018.
Initially, the arrival of Antonio and Sean caused me considerable concern, with their numerous stumblings, and what I believed was a whole lot of BS when they started all the getup about ecosystems and the like. My frustration came to a head at last year’s AGM.
Towards the end of 2023, and the early part of this year, after researching how other tech companies created success and comparing this with what we were doing, it became increasingly clearer to me that what I thought was a whole lot of nonsense was in fact the only way to go for our battler.
I have a genuine belief that several factors existed up until the latter half of 2023, and that they are now disappearing…
(a) the technology establishment either did not or didn’t want to accept that a market for AI on the edge existed.
(b) they now recognise this market is rapidly emerging and they must get on board or become a Kodak.
(b) the technology establishment are seriously envious of our patent protected Akida IP, and were (some still are) doing their best to find anyway possible to avoid using it.
(c) there is now a growing realisation, dare I say begrudging acceptance that it’s the best, perhaps only way to go.
(d) what I thought was a whole lot of BS, our rapidly growing ‘ecosystem’ is proving to be a master stroke…not only from a technology development and sales/marketing/support stance, but also from a cost to market perspective.
Revenue is not being generated yet Hoppy, but I just feel it in my aging bones that it’s not far away.