Pom down under
Top 20
A timeline would be goodSo you agree that we don't have any actual visibility of "the schedule" if, in fact, one exists.........
A timeline would be goodSo you agree that we don't have any actual visibility of "the schedule" if, in fact, one exists.........
The nanose is pending and can be any day nowAny updates on this ?
March 25, 2021
Confirms theeffectiveness of a smartphone-connected device that can detect gastric cancerafter exhalation
The resultsobtained in the international project SNIFFPHONE *, in which an exhaled airanalysis device to be connected to a smartphone has been developed, confirm theusefulness of the technology in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. In March,these results were published in the internationally acclaimed magazineCANCER.
Why are you so interested in changing anyone else's vote?Common I dare you’s ring up IR and ask the question. Bet you all I can change your vote.
Question would be are they waiting for this to be approved prior to selling to market one would think so as no progress with commercialisation we know of to date.The nanose is pending and can be any day now
US20230152319A1 - Device and method for rapid detection of viruses - Google Patents
The invention proposes an approach utilizing novel and artificially intelligent hybrid sensor arrays with multiplexed detection capabilities for disease-specific biomarkers from the exhaled breath of a subject. The technology provides a rapid and highly accurate diagnosis in various COVID-19...patents.google.com
I don’t care how people vote it doesn’t bother me if you vote yes ,but when management are chasing proxy votes from superfunds to sway their vote it say a lot.They know they are in trouble, laughin my arse off over on HC with Fact Finder and Rays trying to pump the arse off to the non believers. My decision was made after the last AGM with the avoidance of shareholder questions by management. Sean has said a lot of things cash flow positive 2024 all remember that old chestnut,Yes now it’s 2025 for revenue his latest punch line, what about explosion of sales?? Well correct me if I’m wrong. Ones on here say I’m having a hissy fit,tantrum when I said I voted No, thats their right it’s a open forum. Just ask yourself why are Management chasing Proxy Votes,why are they not telling us the answers to the simple questions. Some on here are going to be shocked by the vote. Management know how many abusive emails T Dawe gets every day and every email will be a vote against them. Punch in the face, I’d rather punch myself in the face and go down fighting than in 1 year go wholly F I’ve lost everything. Fair is fair if the do Gooders on here can’t except my vote and why I voted that way why have a open forum if I can’t disagree
OK little exercise for you all ring up investor relations ask a simple question How many PCLE BOARDS and AKIDA EDGE AI Box’s have been produced in the first run and how many have sold. Easy question to ask nothing that will disclose anything behind NDA’S just had the quartley announced should have the figures at their fingertips. THERE IN WILL BE THE ANSWER YOU VOTE NO they won’t tell you they will fob you off.
Common I dare you’s ring up IR and ask the question. Bet you all I can change your vote.
Or why after Apparently no sales of AKIDA 1000 it was made aware,oh sorry that was only a reference chip.Only to find out that hey AKIDA 1000 is in fact being implemented into products as we speak.
Looking for new material to write more MF articles ?Morning fellow chippers,
Now that the latest 4C is out, let's move on and look to the future.
Any idea what the next 4C revenue will be? What would be our next target achievements? Would be a good KPI for the company and key people?
Or why after Apparently no sales of AKIDA 1000 it was made aware,oh sorry that was only a reference chip.Only to find out that hey AKIDA 1000 is in fact being implemented into products as we speak.
Yes writing it now as we speak.Looking for new material to write more MF articles ?
In all seriousness, I think Sean would be very hesitant to present anything that would be considered as a timeline to us. I think he knows we are very disappointed with the current progress and revenue. The last think he wants is promising something that is outside of his control. I wish all our partners would hurry up with their products!A timeline would be good
Honestly you whinge way too much. I suggest it maybe time to take a holiday from TSE. I don’t put you on ignore as you make me laugh. All the best for the future.Like I said don’t care how you vote,but when you see I’m right you might actually appreciate why shareholders are voting NO. But as usual all you get on here is stupid memes like Damo 4, why because they know I’m right.
Agreed. So those who claim we are "on schedule" are perhaps referring to their own??In all seriousness, I think Sean would be very hesitant to present anything that would be considered as a timeline to us. I think he knows we are very disappointed with the current progress and revenue. The last think he wants is promising something that is outside of his control. I wish all our partners would hurry up with their products!
Us losing our money is not something to laugh at.Honestly you whinge way too much. I suggest it maybe time to take a holiday from TSE. I don’t put you on ignore as you make me laugh. All the best for the future.
Us losing our money is not something to laugh at.
Arrogant pr**k
Don't forget Willy 123Like I said don’t care how you vote,but when you see I’m right you might actually appreciate why shareholders are voting NO. But as usual all you get on here is stupid memes like Damo 4, why because they know I’m right.
I too am still most upset with Sean H and Tony D coming to Australia last year after having privately organised selective meetings with certain individual Co shareholders. I wonder how many other Co Directors and Non Executive member were even aware of such an event taking place and the purpose/s of same. ............... This seems to me as if the Co doesn't imo recognise all of it's other ~35,000 Co's shareholders as being equals and not playing on a level field. IMO such private selective meetings IMO were totally unwarranted and inappropriate to say the least ....... I do not recall, that to date neither Sean H nor Tony D has givenCan you please explain why the share price was 15 cents in jan and now 29 cents?
What has changed?
Price change has Nothing to do with upcoming AGM?
How about someone coming to Australia and having selected meetings with social media influencers.