Hi all,
I'm starting a new computing company, primarily focussing on selling IP to a large ecosystem.
I have a new product that no one else can replicate to our scale and energy requirements, has edge learning, as well 30+ patents that block other companies from doing it my way. I also already have the silicon to back it up, + future generations started and completed and a roadmap for more to come. I've also secured funding for the foreseeable future to cover any operating costs (not for you though, more on that later).
My goal though is not to get the product out to the market ubiquitously and maintain my estimated 3-5 year lead, but to MAXIMISE SHAREHOLDER VALUE! This means fluff ASX announcements, breaking NDA's (why would my clients mind?), making uneducated guesses about future revenue but at the same time not saying anything that might give anyone any hope that we are on track.
Impossible right? Not for us, you all are full of insight and experience in making this exact business model work!
This is where you come in!
As experts in the field of IP sales, you can all join me in maximising shareholder value alone.
The best part, is that you get to do it for minimum wage!
That's right - sell some IP? No bonus!
Create new engineering designs and PoC? No Bonus!
Create partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders? No bonus!
Publish and receive approval for crucial patents? No bonus!
Find ways to sell our engineering samples and PoCs, whilst getting our product into prospect hands? No bonus!
Increase market awareness and all but create a new market for our product? You guessed it - No bonus!
Finally we all hate the idea of Share holders experiencing dilution. It may be small, and even smaller to a specific holder, but it's the devils work.
This of course means there ZERO reason to award RSUs/Performance Rights to you.
We don't need you to align your values with the company by giving you some skin in the game.
Next time you have a large tax bill, just remember the shareholders and your problems will magically disappear.
So who's signing up?
I'm starting a new computing company, primarily focussing on selling IP to a large ecosystem.
I have a new product that no one else can replicate to our scale and energy requirements, has edge learning, as well 30+ patents that block other companies from doing it my way. I also already have the silicon to back it up, + future generations started and completed and a roadmap for more to come. I've also secured funding for the foreseeable future to cover any operating costs (not for you though, more on that later).
My goal though is not to get the product out to the market ubiquitously and maintain my estimated 3-5 year lead, but to MAXIMISE SHAREHOLDER VALUE! This means fluff ASX announcements, breaking NDA's (why would my clients mind?), making uneducated guesses about future revenue but at the same time not saying anything that might give anyone any hope that we are on track.
Impossible right? Not for us, you all are full of insight and experience in making this exact business model work!
This is where you come in!
As experts in the field of IP sales, you can all join me in maximising shareholder value alone.
The best part, is that you get to do it for minimum wage!
That's right - sell some IP? No bonus!
Create new engineering designs and PoC? No Bonus!
Create partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders? No bonus!
Publish and receive approval for crucial patents? No bonus!
Find ways to sell our engineering samples and PoCs, whilst getting our product into prospect hands? No bonus!
Increase market awareness and all but create a new market for our product? You guessed it - No bonus!
Finally we all hate the idea of Share holders experiencing dilution. It may be small, and even smaller to a specific holder, but it's the devils work.
This of course means there ZERO reason to award RSUs/Performance Rights to you.
We don't need you to align your values with the company by giving you some skin in the game.
Next time you have a large tax bill, just remember the shareholders and your problems will magically disappear.
So who's signing up?